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Unit 6 How do you feel ?课程标准相关要求1. 知识目标(1) 能够掌握本单元出现的angry,afraid,sad,happy,ill等单词和词组,并能熟练朗读与运用。(2) 通过对话学习能够掌握询问和表达情绪感受的主要句型:Whats wrong? I feel Your father is They are afraid of等,并能针对不同情境提出适当的建议,将所学知识在真实的语境中熟练应用。(3) 学会唱一首英文歌曲“If you are happy, clap your hands.” 了解一句谚语“No pleasure without pain.”2.能力目标通过本单元的学习和各种各样的活动,让学生在生活中能够运用本单元词汇和主要句型来询问和回答关于情绪感受的话题,并能针对不同的情绪感受状况劝导他人。3.情感态度目标 通过本单元学习,培养学生乐于助人、关爱他人的品质,提高学生学英语的兴趣。2. 教材和学情分析本单元是义务教育PEP(灵通版)小学英语教科书六年级上册的第六单元,围绕How do you feel? 即如何询问和表达自己和他人的情绪感受以及应该如何缓解自己和他人的不良情绪感受而展开教学活动。在教材创设的询问和表达情绪感受的真实情境中引出三组情境对话和一个趣味故事。六年级学生有一定的英语基础,开口模仿能力强,积极活动,主动参与,乐于表达自我情感。因此,本单元主题便于与孩子展开积极互动,提高学生学习兴趣。在本单元学习中,重点通过听说读写等活动使学生掌握本单元主要交际语言。并能通过学习,让学生学会在生活中关心他人,勇于表达自我,进一步提高学生综合运用语言的能力。第一课时教学内容 Part A Lets learn & Write and say教学目标1. 学习表示感受的词汇,能听说读写以下单词,如:worried,sad, angry,happy, ill, afraid 等。2.能够听懂、会说、读懂Lets learn 的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。3.能够听懂、会说、读懂、书写Write and say的内容,用They are happy. She/He is worried/sad/afraid等描述他人的情感。4. 在真实情境中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,表达自己的感受,保持并提高学生对英语的兴趣。教学步骤:Step 1 .导入新课 通过简短的自我介绍,借助歌曲导入新课,学习单词happy.Step 2. 呈现新课1. Draw a sad face on the blackboard. T: Is it a happy face? Ss: No, its a sad face. T: Look, this is my art test. (PPT呈现) I failed my art test. Im sad. If this is your art paper, how do you fee? .T: Look at the picture. How does the girl/Zoom feel?.2. Learn the words“angry, worried, afraid”.Step 3. 呈现课文与操练1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:“How doe Sarah/ the cat feel? How do they feel?” Ss answer the questions and describe the pictures.2. Read the text.3. Check some students to read.Step 4. 巩固与拓展1. Write and say. 2. Work in groups. Talk about the pictures. 3.Watch the video and answer the question:“How does Nick feel?”Step 5 Homework1. Write down the new words you have learned.2. How do you feel today?How does your father/mother feel? Write down the answers. 第二课时 Step 1. Warming up 1. Daily talk.教师随机提问学生:How are you ? Hows the weather today? How do you feel?2. Sing a song : If you are happy, clap your hands.3. Look and say. 教师为学生展示人物或动物的表情图片,学习关于情绪感受的单词。 Step 2. Presentation1. Lets Try让学生观察图片,思考:Who are they? What are they talking about? 在学生以小组为单位讨论结果并公布答案后,教师评价并导入“lets try”环节:so clever you are! Its cold outside. Sam is talking with Sarah. Please listen and circle. 2. Lets Talk(1) Read the dialogue and answer the questions:What are they talking about?Do you like this cartoon?(2) 听录音,模仿朗读。(3) 教师领读,学生跟读,并对重点词组进行讲解学习和巩固。(4) 分角色朗读。Step 3 Consolidation(1) Play a game “how do these pictures make you feel?”教师出示孩子们喜爱的动画角色图片,让学生用英文单词快速、大声地说出他们的感受,看谁说得又快又准!(2)Chant 演唱自编的chant How do you feel? How do you feel ? I feel angry. I feel ill. You should You should Take a deep breath. Count to ten . Go to see a doctor.Step 4. Homework 1,Recite the dialogue. 2.Make a new dialogue according to this lesson and act it out.第三课时 Step 1. Warming up 1. Brain storm Ask the students to read the words quickly to review the words and phrases 2. Daily talk(1)教师随机提问学生:How do you feel? I feel happy/angry/sad Whats wrong? I am happy/sad/angry(2)Ask the students to practice “whats wrong” in pairs(3)Show in class Step 2. Presentation1. Lets Try(1)T:How does Sam feel?S: He is happy.T:Why?S: I dont know. MaybeT: Whats wrong?S: He is unhappy.T: Why?S: I dont know. MaybeT: Lets listen and learn. We can find the reasons together.(2) Check the answer3. Lets Talk(1) Read the dialogue and answer the questions:How does Sam feel?What should he do?(2) 听录音,模仿朗读。(3) 教师领读,学生跟读,并对重点词组进行讲解学习和巩固。(4) 分角色朗读。Step 3 Consolidation(1) Look at the pictures and tell your partner. how do these pictures make you feel?(2)Discuss :if your friends need some help, please give your suggestions.Eg: s: Im ill T: dont be sad. You should drink some water and take a rest.Step 4. Homework 1,Recite the dialogue. 2.Make a new dialogue according to this lesson and act it out.第四课时Step 1 .warming up1. 通过询问复习之前学过的单词。2. Role-play: give your suggestions.S1: Whats wrong?S2: Im angry.S3: Dont be angry. You should take a deep breath.Step 2. 呈现新课1.Lets learn the phrases. (1)T: Whats wrong?S1: I think I am ill.T: Oh, you should see a doctor.(2)T: How do you feel?S2: I feel coldT: Oh, you should wear warm clothes.S2: I know. Thank you.(3) T: How do you feel?S3:I am angry with my brother.T: Oh, you should take a deep breath and count to ten.S3: Thank you.(4) T: Whats wrong?S4:I am so fat.T: Dont worry. you should do more exercise.Step 3. 呈现课文与操练1. Look at the pictures and give him the proper suggestions2. Read the text.3. Check some students to read.4. Make a new dialogue according to them.St
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