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-中学英语教师话语对学生学习效果的影响研究摘要 一直以来,教师话语成为教育界的重点研究工作。所谓教师话语,顾名思义就是指教师在教学过程中面对学生使用的话语。在英语教学活动中,教师话语不仅是实现教学目标的沟通方式,也是学生培养学生外语语言思维能力的重要途径,它对英语语言教学效果具有十分重要的影响。在英语教学过程中,教师话语组织水平直接影响到教学目标的实现。鉴于教师话语对教学效果具有十分重要的影响,国内外不少学者都对其开展了深入研究,并取得了许多突出的研究成果。 在国外研究影响下,国内学者对教师话语也开展了大量研究工作,但是从现有研究文献来看,大多数研究主要集中在大学英语教学方面,很少有学者就中学英语教学教师话语开展研究,这方面的研究存在较大空白。而且现有研究主要停留在表面上,研究缺乏深入和系统性,特别是教师话语对中学英语教学效果的影响方面的研究更是少之又少。 根据我国英语教学大纲,中学生要开始接受系统的英语教育。对于普通中学生来说,学校英语课是他们开展英语学习的主阵地。在这里,整个教学过程都需要教师用语言来组织和控制,也是学生进行英语语言输入的重要渠道,直接影响到英语教学目标的实现。但是在实际教学过程中,不少英语教师在课堂上的话语没有经过科学系统的组织,显得比较随意和盲目,更不要谈运用教师话语提升教学效果了。因此,研究教师话语可以加深教师对教师话语促进英语教学水平提高中作用的认识,帮助他们有意识地利用教学语言强化教学效果,为学生提供更加有效的外语语言输入,具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。 为了实现研究目的,本文采用了比较试验和问卷调查作为研究工具,通过采用实证研究方法,全面分析教师话语对中学生英语教学效果的影响。本文选取江西省南昌市第二中学初三年级两个平行班作为实证研究对象,通过开展一个学期的观察实验提取研究数据。在进行实验前后,对两个班学生进行了英语测验。同时对两个班的学生进行问卷调查。通过采取上述两种研究方法,本文证明了中学教师话语与英语教学效果之间有显著性影响。 本文通过上述研究总结出了一些教学经验:(1)教师要充分利用有限的课堂教学时间,为学生创造更多的语言输出条件;(2)教师要有意识组织教学语言,不断提高课堂上话语质量;(3)合理设置提问内容,提高参考性提问比重;(4)采用正确的教学反馈方法,正视学生的错误;(5)根据教学需要灵活转变课堂角色;(6)营造轻松活泼的教学氛围,提高学生学习积极性。关键词:中学英语;教师话语;学习效果;研究A Study of Middle School English Teacher Talk on Students English Learning EffectsAbstract In the past time, there have been many studies on teacher talk. Teacher Talk is the language which teachers use to organize and manage the EFL classroomsand implement their teaching plans. In foreign language teaching, teacher talk is notonly a means for teachers to organize the classroom, but also the major source of comprehensible target language input in the process of second language acquisition.Teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only for the organization of the classroombut also for the processes of acquisition. The amount and quality of teacher talk in classroom has a great effect on classroom teaching and is even a decisive factor of thesuccess or failure of it. Teacher talk plays such an important role in foreign languageteaching, so a great number of scholars have made a lot of researches on it. Inspired by results of the foreign research, some scholars in China have carriedout a number of studies on teacher talk in recent years, but most of them have beendone in universities and colleges, only few are involved in teacher talk in middleschool. Most of these researches are only about general description, and few haveundertaken in systematic investigation. Especially, there are few researches that empirically explore the influence of teacher talk on middle school students Englishlearning achievements. In China, students began to formally accept the systematic English education inmiddle school. But for most students, English class is their main place for Englishlearning. Teacher talk is throughout the teaching process. It is the main source ofstudents comprehensible language input, and even determines the effect of Englishteaching. However, many teachers are arbitrary in the effective use of teacher talk. Soa study of middle school English teacher talk can help more teachers recognize thatteacher talk is very important in middle school English teaching, and it is also helpfulto reduce the arbitrary use and strengthen the regulation of teacher talk, which will bebeneficial to students second language acquisition and improvement of the quality ofsecondary school English teaching with important practical significance. Therefore, this thesis attempts to explore the influence of teacher talk on 6 students English learning effects in middle school with tests and questionnaire asresearch tools. Two classes are selected from Grade Two of the number two NanCchang Middle School in JiangXi province as subjects of this experiment. Both pretext and posttest are carried out in these two classes. Meanwhile, more than 300 students in Grade two of the middle school responded to the questionnaires. The results show that: using appropriate teacher talk has a positive impact on the students English learning achievements in middle school. These results provide some implications for EFL teaching in Chinese middleschool: 1) controlling teacher talk time reasonably in EFL classroom to providestudents with more opportunities for language output; 2) reflecting on their teachingunceasingly to improve the quality of English Teacher Talk; 3) asking question appropriately and increasing the referential questions properly; 4) correcting errors oftheir students with appropriate response strategies; 5) changing the role of teachers inclassroom teaching; 6) creating a positive classroom atmosphere to reduce studentsemotional anxiety.Key words:Teacher talking; Middle school English; Learning effects;Rerearch目录一、绪论6(一)研究背景6(二)研究目的与意义7(三)研究方法与技术路线7二、国内外研究综述8(一)国外研究文献综述9(二) 国内研究文献综述10(三)研究评述11三、相关概念11(一)可理解性输入假设理论11(二)可理解性输出假设理论12(三)教师课堂话语13(四)教师课堂话语分类131.组织教学语言特点142.信息传播语言的特点14四、实验方法与设计15(一)研
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