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Unit12 Lesson23Justlikeyou 1 Let slookatthemLet swatchthemLet sreadthemLet stalktothemLet sanswerthem 2 NewWordsandExpressions just正好 恰恰是strong强壮的like像 一样little小的gymnast体操运动员show出示 给 看maybe可能 或许drawing图画 素描bad坏的honey亲爱的 昵称 great好极的muscle肌肉 3 4 back 5 Jack Claire Claire Yes Daddy Jack Showmeyournewdrawings honey 双宾语动词 给某人展示某物 6 Claire Ok Thesedrawingsarenew They reallpeopleatthesportsacademy Jack Hmm They reverygood Claire 在be动词后 都 都是 7 Jack Whoisthistallmanwiththebigmuscles Claire Oh that sMr Ford He sateacher He sverystrong 反义词 tall shortStrong weak 8 Jack Andwhoaretheselittlemen Claire That sGary andthat sTom They restudents They rebothsmall butthey restrong too They regymnasts all 三者以上 都 both 两者 都 9 Jack Andwhoisthisboyhere Claire That sPaul He sastudentatthesportsacademy Jack He sahandsomeyoungman Claire Yes He sverynice 年龄比相貌更具体 所以handsome放在young前面 10 Jack Yourdrawingaregood Claire Claire Thankyou Daddy Maybetheyaren tbad Jack No honey They regreat Justlikeyou 很棒 back 11 back Showmeyour Whoisthistallmanwiththebigmuscle whoaretheselittlemen Maybetheyaren tbad They regreat Justlikeyou back back 12 GuidedConversation Areherdrawingsnew Yes theyare Aretheyallpeopleattheartcollege No theyaren t Aretheypeopleatthesportsacademy Yes theyare IsthetallmanMr Ford Yes heis 13 Isheateacher Yes heis AreGaryandTomteachers No theyaren t Aretheystudents Yes theyare Aretheybothstrong Yes theyare 14 Whoisthetallmanwiththebigmuscles It sMr Ford Whoarethelittlemen They reGaryandTom Who shandsomeyoungman It sPaul Whataregreat Claire sdrawingsaregreat 15 Aretheyallpeopleattheartcollege No theyaren t They reatthesportsacademy Isthetallmanwiththebigmusclesastudent No heisn t He sateacher AreGaryandTombothteacher No theyaren t They restudents IsPaulahandsomeoldman No heisn t He sahandsomeyoungman 16 Whoisthetallmanwiththebigmuscles It sMr Ford What sMr Ford sjob He sateacher Whoarethetwogymnasts GaryandTom Whoisthehandsomeyoungmaninonedrawing It sPaul 17 lesson24 18 Pronunciation Hi Imyeyefinelikerighttiewifewhitebrightlightnicechildfiveninenineteenninetyninety nine 19 Numbers 91ninety one92ninety two93ninety three94ninety four95ninety five96ninety six97ninety seven98ninety eight99ninety nine100ahundred 20 NewWordsandExpressions again又 再child孩子weak弱的schoolboy男学生workman工人schoolchild学生ugly丑陋的officeworker文职人员dark黑色的blonde金发的 21 反义词 tall 高的 short 矮的 strong 强壮的 weak 弱的 beautiful 美丽的 ugly 丑陋的 big 大的 little 小的 young 年轻的 old 老的 hungry 饿的 full 饱的 hot 热的 cold 凉爽的 22 workbook A Isthatwomanastudent B Yes sheis A Arethosewomenstudents too B No theyaren t They reofficeworkers A Isthatboyaschoolboy B Yes heis A Arethosegirlsschoolchildren too B No theyaren t They recollegestudents 23 Homework 反义词三遍抄写单词英文三遍中文一遍读课文20分钟家长签字 24
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