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班级姓名学号第一学期五年级英语期中考查Part One Listening (听力部分) 30%. Listen and choose (选出听到的内容) 6%( ) 1. A. /bed/ B. /bd/ C. /bId/ D. /ped/( ) 2. A. /kl:s/ B. / cl:s/ C./gl:s/ D. / k:s/( ) 3. A. wears B. wheres C. wants D. writes( ) 4. A. north B. south C. west D. east( ) 5. A. forty minutes B. fourteen minutes C. fourth minutes ( ) 6. A. different matches B. a basketball match C. a difficult match .Listen and choose (选出听到的句子)5%( ) 1. A. Are you happy with our new car? B. Are you happy with your new home? C. Are you happy with his new house?( ) 2. A. Why do wild geese move? B. Why do wild duck move? C. Why do fish move?( ) 3. A. Hello, Im Johnny from Room 205. B. Hello, Im Annie from Room 205. C. Hello, Im Tony from Room 505. ( ) 4. A. When is the Double Ninth Festival? B. When is the Spring Festival? C. When is Childrens Day?( ) 5. A. Which room do you like? B. Which bedroom do you like? C. Which house does he like?. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,听答句,选问句)5%( ) 1. A. Wait for the green light. B. Go on the pavement. C. Wait for the red light.( ) 2. A. Its on Monday morning. B. Its on the fifth of May. C. Its in May.( ) 3. A. What is Eddie doing? B. What does your aunt do? C. What can your grandpa do?( ) 4. A. To fly an aeroplane in the sky. B. To help people. C. To show your strong body.( ) 5. A. How often does he go to the park? B. Where does she work? C. How does she go to work?.Listen and answer (听小对话和问题,选出正确答案) 4%( ) 1. A. Have a party. B. Have lessons. C. Watch a volleyball match.( ) 2. A. Do some housework.B. In the evening. C. On Sunday morning.( ) 3. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. No, they cant.( ) 4. A. We play badminton. B. We do homework. C. We go to the cinema. Listen and judge (判断下列句子是否与听到的内相符, 用T或F表示)5%( ) 1. There is a football match between a Chinese team and a Japanese team.( ) 2. The match begins at 6 oclock in the evening.( ) 3. We go there by bus.( ) 4. Our teachers go to watch the football match with us.( ) 5. We are happy.Listen and write (听录音,填入所缺的单词,每线一词) 5%Tommy has a new home. _ are three bedrooms in it. Tommy likes the study best. _ its quiet and faces south. The sun _ through the window in the morning. He can sit on the sofa and read the books comfortably. Tommys new home is _ his school. So every morning, he goes to school on _. He likes his new home very much.Part Two Reading and writing (笔试部分) 70%.Copy the sentences (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号)5%why do you like jills bedroom because it faces south_. Look and write(根据图意,写出合适的单词完成句子,每线一词,首字母已给):6%北面(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)1. Im Annie f_ Room 303. I like dancing and singing.2. My aunt wants to go to Peoples Square by u_. Because its fast.3. In spring, f_begin to grow vegetables.4. My grandpa often p_ chess with me after dinner.5. Beijing is a big city. Its in the n_ of China.6. The children are at Peters b_ party. Read and judge (判断下列单词划线部分字母发音是否相同,用T或F表示) 5%1. many any ( ) 2. full rule ( ) 3. feet leaf ( )4. us ask ( ) 5. both soft ( ) .Read and choose (选出与划线部分意义相同的词或词组) 4%( ) 1. I like Sunday best. A. the first day of a week B. the last day of a week C. a sunny day( ) 2. That answer is correct. A. bad B. right C. all right( ) 3. We dont go to school at weekends. A. Saturday and Sunday B. from Monday to Friday C. two weeks( ) 4. Uncle Li walks to the Century Park. A. goes by car B. goes by taxi C. goes on foot. Fill in the blanks (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 8%1. Look! There are many wild _ (goose) in the sky.2. My bedroom _ (not face) south. Its very cold at night.3. Its ten oclock in the evening. But my father is still _ (work).4. I live on _ (twenty-one) floor. Its very high.5. Lets _ (make) a kite. Then we can_ (fly) the kite. 6. Both _ (lady) are our _ (teacher). Choice (选择正确的答案,将编号写在题前括号内) 10%( ) 1. Look. Its a picture _ our school. A. off B. to C. of( ) 2. - Is your home _ school? - Yes, it only takes me two minutes. A. far from B. near C. behind( ) 3. - _ do you go to school? - I walk to school.A. How B. Why
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