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Conversation 1M: Hey, whats a cat doing in college? Were not supposed to have cats here.W: No! What a lovely pussycat(猫咪)! I adore cats.M: I cant stand them. I find them really boring.W: But shes gorgeous! Arent you, my darling. I wonder where shes come from. Maybe shes wandered in from outside. M: Actually, I remember, I saw her the other day. Maybe she belongs to someone in college. She hasnt got a name tag on her? 名字标签W: Were not allowed to keep pets in collocate. M: Maybe someones breaking the rules.W: Could be. So-is it just cats you hate or all animals?M: No, I dont hate animals. Were got three dogs at home.W: Three!M: Yeah, Labradors. 拉布拉多犬W: Oh, theyre very lovable, Labradors. So you like animals then-apart from cats.M: Yes, I love them. That reminds me, theres a programme on tonight about snakes. I really enjoy watching Nature programmes.W: So do I, but snakes-theyre scary. How can you like them?M: I just do. Hey, what are we going to do about this horrible cat?W: Shes not horrible. I think she wants to come into my room. Do you want to come in? Such a sweetie! (daddy, mummy, piggy etc.)M: Ill say goodbye. See you later. Youd better not keep her, Kate!Conversation 2(1) Theyre so mad about(2) dislike(3) I quite like(4) terrified of (5) frighted of (6) Im really scared of
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