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主谓一致习题 1 1 It snecessarythateverystudent exercisesduringthebreak A mustdoB willdoC doD does2 Manyamanthere fromShanghai A comeB comesC havecomeD arecoming B C 2 3 Manyscientists studiedanimalsandplantsinthelasttwoyears A hasB haveC hadD are4 A goodmanychildren watchingTV A likesB islikingC likeD enjoys B C 3 5 Tom steacherandfriend Mr Smith A areB isC areD being6 Nothingbutstampsandenvelopes forsale A areB isC areleftD remain B B 4 7 Alibrarywiththousandsbooks tothenationasagift A isofferedB hasofferedC areofferedD haveoffered8 NobodybutJane thesecret A knowB knowsC haveknownD were A B 5 9 Allbutone herejustnow A isB wasC hasbeenD were10 Peter perhapsJohn playingwiththelittledog A isB areC wereD seems D A 6 11 NooneexceptJackandTom theanswer A knowB knowsC isknowingD areknown12 Heaswellashisparents kindtome A isB wasC areD were B A 7 13 Johnasmuchashisbrother responsiblefortheloss A areB wereC wasD havebeen14 Mary alongwithherclassmates discussingtheproblem A wereB havebeenC areD is C D 8 15 Hisfurnitureincludingatableandsixchairs beingsold A isBareC wereD have16 Theteachertogetherwithanumberofstudents intheclassroom A areB aretalkingC stayD is A D 9 17 TheArabianNights wellknowntoEnglishlovers A isBwereC areD isbeing18 TheOlympicGames heldinmoderntimeseveryfouryears A areB isC wasD hasbeen A A 10 19 Onthewall twolargeportraits A hangsB hangC hangedDhanging20 Theshoes mine Thispairofshoes mybrother s A are isB is isC are areD is are B A 11 21 Thenumberoftheteachersinourcollege greatlyincreasedthisterm Anumberofteachersinthisschool fromthecountryside A is isB is areC are areD are is22 Thepublic puzzledatthenews A isB wasC beD were B D 12 23 Fifteenmiles likealongwalktome A seemB areC wereD seems24 Twohours thelimitofthisexamination A isB areC hasbeenD be D A 13 25 Tendollars enough A areB beC isD were26 ofthemoney usedup A Three five areB Three fifths havebeenC Three fifths hasbeenD Third fifths is C C 14 27 Thesheetsforyourbed washing A needsB areneedingC wantD arewanting28 Thepoor alwaysunhappy A isnotB wasnotC arenotC cannot C C 15 29 Thebeautiful higherthanthegood A isB wasC areD were30 I who yourfriend willtrymybesttohelpyou A isB wasC areD am A D 16 31 I notyou inthewrong NotIbuthe beeninvited A were haveB were hasC was hasD was have32 Itisyouwho wrong You ausefulword A is isB is areC are areD are is C D 17 33 Whenandwheretobuildthenewfactory yet A isnotdecidedB arenotdecidedC hadnotdecidedD havenotdecided34 HowandwhyJackcometoChina notknown A isB areC hasD have A A 18 35 Eachsoldierandsailor agun A aregivenB wasgivenC weregivenD havebeengiven36 Everyboyandeverygirl thateachdayandeachhourbring duty A know theirB knows theirC knows itsD know its B B 19 37 Theyeach beentoBeijing A hasB haveC havingD havenot38 Noteacherandnostudent allowedtogoin A areB isC beingD be B B 20 39 Tomisoneoftheboyswho thepianoverywell A playsB playC isplayingD wasplaying40 Davidistheonlyoneofthosepeoplewho troublemakinguptheirminds A hasB haveC areD have B A 21 41 There apairofglassesonthedesk A isB hasC areD have42 There alotofmilkinthebottle A areB isC wereD has A B 22 43 There somebooks apenandaruleronthedesk A areB isC haveD has44 Zhang sfamily ratherbigwithtwelvepeopleinall A isBareC beingD was A A 23 45 Herfamily dancingandsingingwhentheteacherentered A isB areC wasD were46 Three fourthsoftheearth ssurface coveredwithwater A isB areC wasD were D A 24 47 Three fifthsofthehomework today A hasfinishedB hasbeenfinishedC havefinishedD havebeenfinished48 About85percentofthestudents good andpartofthem interestedinbiology A is areBare areC are isD is is B B 25 49 Gasaswellaswater A ismatterB arematterC ismattersD arematters50 Alotofpeople includingmyteacher whatyoujustsaidatthemeeting A don tagreeonB don tagreewithC don tagreetoD doesn tagreeto A C 26 51 Morethanoneperson intheaccidentyesterday A werekilledB killedC haskilledD waskilled52 Morefriendsthanone tohisparty A hasbeeninvitedB havebeeninvitedC hasinvitedD haveinvited D B 27 53 Everymeans tried buthecan tfindoutthetruth A havebeenB hasbeenC areD was54 Notonlytheteacherbutalsothestudents Englishnovels A isfondofforB arefondforC arefondofD isfondof B C 28 55 Notonlyyoubutalsohe tothemeeting A havebeenB isgoingC aregoingD weregoing56 Thewriterandpoet togiveusalecture A aregoingB isgoingC areD have B B 29 57 Thesingerandthedancer tothemeeting A iscomingB comesC hascomeD havecome58 Onehundredmilliondollars alotofmoney A areB wereC isn tD is D D 30 59 Eitheryouoryourfather amistake A isB areC haveD hasmade60 EitheryouorI goingtodothework A amB isC areD willbe A A 31 61 Applesofthiskind A tastesgoodB tasteswellC tastegoodD tastewell62 Theresultsoftheexamination thatyouhaveallmadegreat A show progressBshows progressC show progressesD shows progresses C A 32 63 Here somesweets takesome A isB areC wasD were64 Basketballandfootball hisfavoritesports A areB isC tobeD was B A 33 65 What thepopulationofAmerica A areB isC wereD was66 Apopulationofninemillions there A livesB liveC lived
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