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译林版小学英语六年级下册Unit 5 A party 同步练习(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选择题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Last weekend he a farm,but this weekend he s going to a museum A . visited;visitB . visits;visitC . visited;visits2. (2分)Miss Li _to Beijing for a meeting next Monday. A . wentB . goesC . will go3. (2分) _ he going to visit his uncle next week?Yes, he will.A . DoesB . IsC . Will4. (2分) Will you go to Taipei next month?Yes, _.A . I willB . I amC . I wont5. (2分)She couldnt _ into the cinema. ( )A . getB . getsC . getting6. (2分)Where are we _? A . goB . goesC . going7. (2分)Will you go to Beijing by bus?No, I _.A . willB . wontC . would8. (2分)There _ a football match the day after tomorrow. A . wontB . areC . will be9. (2分)It _be snowy in Beijing . A . go toB . is goingC . will10. (2分)找出与其他发音不同的一项( ) A . bookB . foodC . zoo11. (2分)找出画线部分的发音与其他两个不相同的单词 A . otherB . oftenC . hot12. (2分)选出下列画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词 A . nearB . pearC . yearD . dear13. (2分)选出画线部分读音与所给音素相同的选项:/A . dearB . pearC . wear14. (2分)My father wants to be an _. A . teacherB . cleanerC . actorD . writer15. (2分)What are we going to do first?_ we going to run _ jump first?A . Do, orB . Are, andC . Are, or二、 按要求完成下列句子。 (共5题;共10分)16. (2分)They are going to have a birthday party this weekend. (改为同义句)They _ _a birthday party this weekend.17. (5分)Im going to read books this evening. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_you_read books this evening?No, _ _.18. (1分)He brings a big bag to school today. (将today变为yesterday,改写句子)_19. (1分)He buys a book for his brother. (加上tomorrow,改写句子)_20. (1分)你将会在那里待多久?_三、 填空题 (共1题;共8分)21. (8分)找出相匹配的答句。(_)(1)Lets buy some presents first.(_)(2)Where are my shoes?(_)(3)There are some books for you.(_)(4)Can you open it for me?(_)(5)Thank you.(_)(6)Merry Christmas!(_)(7)What do you usually do?(_)(8)Does your father like eating turkeys?A. Thats all right.B. Thank you.C. OK, lets go.D.I usually go swimming.E. Theyre under the bed.F. Yes, he does.G. Sure.H. Merry Christmas!四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)22. (10分)阅读理解(A)Sydney is a big city but not the capital in AustraliaIts in the east of AustraliaThere are many museums and parks in SydneySydney Opera House is very famous all over the worldPeople can watch excellent shows thereThere are also many wonderful beaches therePeople can swim in the seaTourists can see koala bears,kangaroos and other interesting animals at the zoo in SydneyKoala bears and Kangaroos are the animals in AustraliaThe seafood there tastes great, tooIt takes 7 hours to get there from Hongkong Airport根据短文内容,判断一下内容是否正确。(1)Sydney is the capital city in Australia (2)We can go to Sydney Opera House to watch shows (3)There are only kangaroos and koala bears in Australia (4)We can fly to Sydney from Hongkong (5)Tourists can eat seafood in Sydney 23. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文意思选择问题的正确答案Canada is the worlds second biggest country. Only Russia is bigger than Canada.Winter is the longest season in Canada. In some places, it lasts from the middle of Novernber to the middle of March. Snow covers(覆盖)much of Canada from Novernber to April . People can ski in many places .Spring begins in the middle of March and ends in the middle of May. Summer is longer than spring. It lasts for about four months in the south, from midMay to midSeptember. It is a warm season. Autumn lasts from September to November in October. The leaves begin to turn red. They are very, very beautiful.(1)Which is the biggest country in the world? A . CanadaB . ChinaC . Russia(2)Which is the longest season in Canada? A . SpringB . SummerC . Winter(3)How long does winter lase in Canada? A . Two monthsB . Three monthsC . Four months(4)Which is the warmest season in Canada ? A . SpringB . SummerC . Autumn(5)What colour do the leaves change to in October? A . RedB . BrownC . Green24. (10分)阅读短文,选择正确的答案Last week was a holiday. On Monday it was sunny. I played basketball with my friends. On Tuesday I went swimming. On Wednesday I visited my uncle. He is an English man. On Thursday I went to the park with my sister. On Friday I helped my mother. On the weekend,I played computer games.(1)It was _ on Monday. A . sunnyB . rainyC . windy(2)On _ I went swimming. A . ThursdayB . TuesdayC . Friday(3)My uncle is _. A .
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