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美联英语 提供: 美联英语: 看好莱坞精彩大片学商务英语Hollywood Heroic Woman-好莱坞女主角蜘蛛侠,加勒比海盗,怪物史莱克以及其它好莱坞大片都登上了本月全球票房排行榜的前几名。惊悚片沉默猎杀在法国也票房攀升。仅前四周的票房收入就达到一千七百万美元。影片的背景设在法国,故事的开始是主人公亚里克斯医生的收件箱里收到一封神秘邮件。邮件是他妻子发过来的,但令人不安的是,他的妻子早在八年前就已经被残酷杀害。她在邮件里说,别告诉任何人,他们正在监视你。在妻子死亡的新证据出现后,亚里克斯很快发现自己被通缉了。为了躲避警察和一群隐秘杀手,他更绝望地发现自己深爱的妻子实际上还活着。影片的导演是吉约姆卡内,他更出名的是饰演了海滩中的一个角色。克里斯汀斯科特托马斯在剧中饰演亚里克斯的最好朋友,其角色与她之前在英国病人,四个婚礼和一个葬礼以及高斯福德庄园影片中给人们留下的上流社会,冷淡,非常英国的女性形象反差很大。所以 BBC记者弗朗辛斯多克在采访克里斯汀斯科特托马斯时问她,这部影片之所以吸引她加入,是不是因为可以由机会尝试新角色。REPORTER: Well, “Spider Man”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Shrek” and all the other Hollywood blockbusters climb to the top of the global box-office this month. A thriller, “Tell No One”, is bucking the trend in France. It took 17 million USD in the first four weeks alone. The film is set in Paris, and begins with an email that lands in the inbox of a doctor called Alex. Its from his wife, who rather disturbingly, was brutally murdered 8 years ago. Tell no one, she says to him in her note, they are watching. As new evidence about his wifes death emerges, Alex soon finds himself on the run. Trying to escape the police and a shadowy group of killers, he is also desperate to find out if his beloved wife is actually still alive. The film is directed by Guillaume Canet, better known as an actor in films like “The Beach”. It stars Kristen Scott Thomas as the best friend of Alex, in quite a different role to the one she is usually associated with: upper-class, aloof and very English, in films like “English Patient”, “Four weddings and A Funeral” and “Gosford Park”. So, when the BBCs Francing Stock spoke to Kristen Scott Thomas she asked if it was the chance to do something different that was the attraction of this film.记者:蜘蛛侠,加勒比海盗,怪物史莱克以及其它好莱坞大片都登上了本月全球票房排行榜的前几名。惊悚片沉默猎杀在法国也票房攀升。仅前四周的票房收入就达到一千七百万美元。影片的背景设在法国,故事的开始是主人公亚里克斯医生的收件箱里收到一封神秘邮件。邮件是他妻子发过来的,但令人不安的是,他的妻子早在八年前就已经被残酷杀害。她在邮件里说,别告诉任何人,他们正在监视你。在妻子死亡的新证据出现后,亚里克斯很快发现自己被通缉了。为了躲避警察和一群隐秘杀手,他更绝望地发现自己深爱的妻子实际上还活着。影片的导演是吉约姆卡内,他更出名的是饰演了海滩中的一个角色。克里斯汀斯科特托马斯在剧中饰演亚里克斯的最好朋友,其角色与她之前在英国病人,四个婚礼和一个葬礼以及高斯福德庄园影片中给人们留下的上流社会,冷淡,非常英国的女性形象反差很大。所以 BBC记者弗朗辛斯多克在采访克里斯汀斯科特托马斯时问她,这部影片之所以吸引她加入,是不是因为可以由机会尝试新角色。SITESERVER_PAGEKRISTEN SCOTT THOMAS: This is one of the reasons. I like working in France so much. There are less narrow-minded as far as casting me is concerned. People will allow me to do different things from things that I am allowed to do in England. I like playing small parts like that. Because you have very few scenes and you have to really nail it in those scenes. You do not have a very good expense of dialogue and you dont have a huge canvas that you can fill with detail. You just have to really get it right in five scenes. “Four Weddings and a Funeral” was one of the films that I did ages and ages ago which was perhaps one of those things that people come up to me and say “Oh, that was great!”, because there were 5 scenes but they were so well written, and you know we managed to get it right. So you get that character in 5 scenes, and hopefully its the same in this one.克里斯汀斯科特托马斯:这是其中一个原因。我喜欢在法国工作。就我饰演的角色而言,没有那么多限制。他们允许我做一些不同于我在英格兰所作的事情。我喜欢饰演那种小角色。因为这种角色镜头很少,你只要牢牢把握好这几个镜头就可以了。但是你没有很多可以展现人物形象的台词,也没有一个大的空间可以让你在细节上发挥。你只能在五个镜头里把人物形象展现出来。四个婚礼和一个葬礼是我在很多年前拍的一部电影,也许是其中一部可以让人们走到我面前对我说:“噢,你演的真的很棒!”因为在那部影片里,虽然我只出现了五个镜头,但它们在剧本中安排的很好,我们也成功将它表现出来了。所以你从五个镜头就能了解到那个角色的人物性格,希望这部影片也能达到这个效果。REPORTER: I noticed that the director said that one of the things that appealed to him about having you on the film was precisely because you were not playing one of those aloof aristocratic women that he often seen you do. And I mean is it generally true that the parts that come to you in France ignore all that. They dont go for the aloof aristocratic line at all.记者:我注意到,影片的导演曾经说过,吸引他挑选你担任他影片中的女演员的其中一个原因是,你那时正在出演一个与他经常看到的冷漠贵族女性形象非常不同的角色。我是指,事实上你在法国饰演的这个角色会完全摆脱这个形象。它根本不需要走冷漠贵族女性的路线。KIRSTEN SCOTT THOMAS: Absolutely true. I dontIm never asked to do things like that. Im always askbut what was great playing this particular part was also the fact it she was closer to me in the way she moves, the way she dresses. It was more relaxed physically making that film.克里斯汀斯科特托马斯:的确如此。从来没有人让我走那种路线。扮演这个特殊角色的一个非常棒的地方是她的行为方式和穿着习惯其实和我自己非常相似。从身体上说,拍这部电影对我来说其实更轻松些。SITESERVER_PAGEREPORTER: You are going to be on screen in an English language film, not so far away in “The Other Boleyn Girl”.记者:不久之后,你另一部英语电影另一个波琳家的女孩将要上映,是吗?KIRSTEN SCOTT THOMAS: Oh, yes!克里斯汀斯科特托马斯:噢,是的。REPORTER: Well! That is a return to aristocratic again.记者:在这边影片里,你又将回到贵族女性形象。KRISTEN SCOTT THOMAS: Yes! I think you are right!克里斯汀斯科特托马斯:是的!我想你是对的。REPORTER: That is a balance of your activities now, sort of maybe half your work in France and half international.记者:这么说你的作品现在已经达到平衡了,一半是法国的,另一半是国际的。KRISTEN SCOTT THOMAS: Yes, ideally. I would love to make more films in England, but there doesnt seem to be any.克里斯汀斯科特托马斯:是的,理论上可以这么说。我想出演更多英国作品,但看起来似乎没什么机会。REPORTER: Well, there are quite a few of course, but probably not on
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