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上海新世纪版2020届九年级英语专题练习:形容词的比较级和最高级(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 2016年全湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:形容词的比较 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分) Would you mind staying in such a noisy room? No, but my son need a _ place to study in. A . smallerB . saferC . quieterD . cleaner2. (2分)(2017河南)Miho is student because she was born later than anyone else in her class. A . youngB . youngerC . the youngerD . the youngest3. (2分)Today is than yesterday. You dont need to take your coat. A . hotterB . hottestC . colderD . coldest4. (2分)Please read every sentence _. The more _ you are, the fewer mistakes youll make.A . carefully; carefullyB . careful; carefulC . carefully; carefulD . careful; carefully5. (2分)The Changjiang River is one of _ in the world. A . the longest riverB . the longest riversC . the longer riverD . longest river6. (2分)I never buy fashions.Neither do I. Fashions can easily get out of date.A . boringB . usefulC . unpopular7. (2分)一 Jackie is lucky to be alive after being in that accident.一 So he is. He should be more careful next time.A . happyB . fortunateC . impossible8. (2分)Ive got quite a few dictionaries. Among them, this English dictionary is _.A . much usefulB . more usefulC . the most usefulD . a little useful9. (2分)I am getting each month. I cant put on my jeans.Im afraid you have to take exercise every day.A . more heavyB . heavierC . the heavierD . the heaviest10. (2分)The students in this school are all but Jane is of all. A . poor; poorB . the poorest; poorC . the poorest; the poorestD . poor; the poorest11. (2分) Why do you like living in the countryside? Because theres _ noise and _ cars there. A . less; fewerB . fewer; lessC . less; less12. (2分)Laura is smarter than Kelly, but Kelly works harder than Laura. A . more, muchB . little, moreC . a little, much13. (2分)Dear students, please read the passage carefully. _ you are, _ mistakes youll make. A . The more carefully, the fewerB . The more careful, the lessC . The more careful, the fewerD . The more carefully, the less14. (2分)China is one of in the world. A . larger countryB . larger countriesC . the largest countriesD . largest country15. (2分)Sonia, how was your trip to Malaysia? Wonderful! And paragliding was one of the _ experiences during my visit there.A . enjoyableB . more enjoyableC . most enjoyable16. (2分)Who is teacher in your school?Mary isA . friendlierB . friendC . the friendliestD . friendly17. (2分)Lucy is going to Tianjin by train. Its _ than the bus. A . slowB . fastC . fasterD . slower18. (2分)I like to keep dogs at home. Dogs are ones of all the animals.A . interestingB . more interestingC . the most interesting19. (2分)Do you know Deng Lijun? Of course. Shes one of _ in China.A . a famous singerB . the more famous singerC . the most famous singerD . the most famous singers20. (2分)This box is too large. Can you show me a _ one? A . largerB . largeC . smallD . smaller21. (2分)This camera is too expensive. Id like a _ one. A . cheapB . cheaperC . cheapestD . more expensive22. (2分)Remember, class. you work, you will do.We know, Miss Wang.A . The hardest; the bestB . The harder; the betterC . Hard; wellD . Harder; better23. (2分)Which province is the _ one in winter?It should be Hainan Province, I think.A . coldestB . wetterC . warmestD . cooler24. (2分)Peter studies _ of all the students in his class. A . hardB . harderC . hardest25. (2分)Peter is the third _ boy in our classA . tallB . tallerC . tallestD . much taller26. (2分)English is _than math. A . much interestingB . the most interestingC . much more interestingD . little interesting27. (2分)Everything is getting.A . good and betterB . better and betterC . best and betterD . best and best28. (2分)Who will you ask to help with the work, Lucy or Lily? Lily. She is much .A . carefulB . more carefulC . most careful29. (2分)This kind of lamp is much _ than that kind of lamp. A . expensiveB . more expensiveC . most expensiveD . the most expen
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