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初中英语冀教版七年级下册Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road 单元达标测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)LastmonthItraveledacrosstheSaharaDesertby_camelwithsomelocals. What_amazingexperience!A . the;anB . a;/C . /;theD . /;an2. (2分)Whens she at home?Shes at home _ May 8th.A . toB . inC . on3. (2分) _ sing!All right.A . LetB . LetsC . We let4. (2分)Dont read_the sun. Its bad_your eyes.A . in;forB . under;forC . with;toD . in;on5. (2分)Whats that _ English?Its a desk.A . fromB . toC . inD . with6. (2分)My stomach feels terrible, I think I ate _ at lunch time. A . bad somethingB . delicious somethingC . something goodD . something bad7. (2分)Can I have snacks? Sorry,we dont have . A . any; anyB . some; anyC . some; someD . any; some8. (2分) Laura, weve decided on a trip this afternoon. Will you join us? Im afraid not. I have a composition .A . to go; to writeB . to go; writingC . going; to writeD . going; writing9. (2分) I will go to the countryside to see my grandmother this afternoon, so I cant go swimming with you. _.A . Its my pleasure.B . You are welcome.C . Thats a pity.D . Sure, I am.10. (2分)If we want to be a _ visitor in a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help _. A . politely, politeB . polite, politelyC . politely, politelyD . polite, polite11. (2分)Cigarettes kill _ 100,000 Englishmen every year. That is to say, more than 100,000 Englishmen die every year because of smoking. A . underB . overC . about12. (2分)Thanks for me with my work. A . helpB . askC . helpingD . asking13. (2分)Im glad to hear you to a new house next week. A . moveB . movedC . have movedD . will move14. (2分)I can do my homework by _. A . myB . meC . mineD . myself15. (2分)Dont bring food to the party. If you do, the teacher will _. A . take them awayB . take it offC . take it awayD . take away it16. (2分)Are you and your parents going to visit friends in Shandong?Yes, and while we _ with them, were going to spend a few days in Qingdao.A . stayedB . have stayedC . were stayingD . are staying17. (2分)She is sorry that she is unaware of that thing. A . doesnt realizeB . doesnt seeC . doesnt hear18. (2分)In the film Murder in a Country House, a doctor is found_ in the house, so the film is _horror and mysteries.A . dying, fill ofB . dead; full ofC . dead; full withD . die; filled with19. (2分) Do you know TFBoys?Of course. About_ students love them very much in our school.A . hundredsB . two hundreds ofC . two hundredsD . two hundred20. (2分)_ is your favorite movie star?Li Jinming(李金铭).A . WhoB . WhatC . WhereD . Why二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) My name is Simon. I1in Toronto, Canada, and I want to have a pen pal in2. I think China is a great and 3country. Im 14 years old and my 4is in November. I can speak English and a little French. I have a brother, Paul, and a 5, Sarah. 6 have pen pals in England and Australia. I like going to the movies 7my friends and 8sports. My favorite subject in school is P.E. Its 9. But I dont like math. Its too 10.(1)A . study B . work C . live D . talk (2)A . Australia B . England C . China D . Canada (3)A . interesting B . bad C . small D . broing (4)A . birthday B . favorite day C . favorite month D . date (5)A . mother B . brother C . sister D . father (6)A . You B . They C . We D . Brother (7)A . for B . to C . with D . by (8)A . play B . playing C . to play D . plays (9)A . fun B . a fun C . happy D . happy (10)A . exciting B . interesting C . difficult D . different 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)22. (10分)阅读理解People use money to buy food, books and hundreds of other things they need. When they work, they usually get paid in money.Most of the money used today is made of metal or paper. But in the time long ago, people used to use all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shells.In China, cloth and knives were used as money. Elephant tusks(牙), monkey tail and salt were used in some parts of the world. Rice was
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