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沪教版2020年新目标英语中考复习:语法综合检测(二)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共35题;共70分)1. (2分)Nanjing is _ beautiful city. It is _ capital of _ Jiangsu. A . a, the, /B . a, the, theC . the, the, theD . a, a, a2. (2分)The soldiers are reluctant (不情愿的) to obey orders.They may be punished if they dont.A . believeB . makeC . follow3. (2分)Mr. Green didnt post the letter _. He asked his son to do it for him.A . itselfB . myselfC . herselfD . himself4. (2分) Whats thirty and sixty? Its _A . nineteenB . nintyC . ninetyD . nineties5. (2分)There are two on the table. A . box of chocolatesB . boxes of chocolateC . boxes chocolateD . box of chocolate6. (2分)(2015.山东聊城)Mo Yans books are very popular, You can find they are on sale _ _ many languages.A . inB . toC . withD . at7. (2分)-Do you know that China is one of countries in the world?-Yes, I do. Its much than the US.A . oldest; olderB . the oldest; olderC . the oldest; elderD . the older; elder8. (2分)His home town has changed in over a century. A . in the past few yearsB . in over ten yearsC . in over 100 years9. (2分)Who will you ask to help with the work, Lucy or Lily? Lily. She is much .A . carefulB . more carefulC . most careful10. (2分)Could I have the television on? _.A . Yes, you canB . Yes, you couldC . No, you couldntD . No, you can11. (2分)They _ at the bottom of the bottle yesterday.A . see strange somethingB . seeing strange anythingC . saw something strangeD . to see anything strange12. (2分)His flight to New York will _ from Shanghai International Airport in two hours.A . take offB . take upC . take awayD . turn off13. (2分)Do you know any other foreign language Japanese? Yes. Im also good at English. It is widely used business and in other areas around the world.A . besides; asB . beside; forC . besides; forD . except; for14. (2分) Ms Qian, this problem is _ difficult for me! Dont complain _, Henry. You should use your head.A . too much, much tooB . much too, too muchC . too much, too muchD . much too, much too15. (2分)-Hello! Whos calling,please?- _ .A . Im LucyB . This is Lucy speakingC . Lucy is calling.D . Lucy is here.16. (2分)Peter likes reading a newspaper _ he is having breakfastA . thoughB . becauseC . whileD . until17. (2分)(2015.福建莆田)-Whose book is this?-It _ Amys. Well, her name is on the cover of the book.A . must beB . cant beC . mustnt be18. (2分)Do they have any plans? Yes. They plan _ Tiananmen Square.A . visitingB . to visitingC . to visitD . visited19. (2分) _ you _ your homework yet, Tom? Yes, Mom. Ive already done it.A . Do; finishB . Have; finishedC . Did; finishD . Are; finishing20. (2分)- The man has few friends, does he?- _. He is rude.A . Yes, he doesB . No. he doesC . Yes, he doesntD . No. he doesnt21. (2分)Where is Emma?There.A . she isB . she doesC . he isD . he does22. (2分)I like traveling because I can always find _ interesting during the rip.A . nothingB . anythingC . somethingD . everything23. (2分)I dont like stories _ have unhappy endings.A . whoB . thatC . whereD . those24. (2分)Ann likes milk _ her mother also likes it.A . butB . soC . andD . or25. (2分)(2015.山东济宁)Wow! _ beautiful the music is!Yes. Thats my favor.A . WhatB . What aC . What anD . How26. (2分)Miss Gao has _ free time than Mr Green.I think so. She is busy every day.A . muchB . lessC . moreD . fewer27. (2分)_ the blackboard, and you can _ some numbers on it. A . Look at; seeB . Look at; look atC . See; look atD . See; see28. (2分)Parents encourage their children to take part in volunteer work. It will have a good influence on them A . shouldB . mustntC . mightD . cant29. (2分)Tom is old enough, so he has the ability to dress himself. A . canB . willC . should30. (2分)The artist all of her money to charities the victims of Yaan.A . gave off, to helpB . gave up, helpingC . gave away, to helpD . gave, helping31. (2分)Do you have _books ? A . elseB . veryC . anyD . some32. (2分
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