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北师大版2020年新目标英语中考知能综合检测十二:八年级下册 Units 5、6(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)It was really helpful him to take the cat to the animal centre a rainy night. A . of; inB . of; onC . for; on2. (2分)_ is your home from the school?Only ten minutes ride on a bike.A . How longB . How oftenC . How farD . Where3. (2分) Lets go fishing if it _this weekend. But nobody knows if it _.A . is fine; will rainB . will be fine; rainsC . will be fine; will rainD . is fine; rains4. (2分)-Were you sick(恶心的)after six hours journey on the bus?-Of course. I _ as soon as it stopped.A . got upB . got offC . got onD . got to5. (2分)I come from Shanghai. Oh, we are neighbours. My home town is in Jiangsu Province.A . learn fromB . hear fromC . am from6. (2分)Two days ago, _ people came to our town to watch the car race.A . hundredsB . HundredC . hundreds of 7. (2分)Li Ming is my good friend. He is China. A . ofB . inC . forD . to8. (2分)Dont go into the study. Mum is writing _ there. A . important nothingB . nothing importantC . important somethingD . something important9. (2分)_, can you tell me that girls name? _, I dont know.A . Sorry; Excuse meB . Sorry; SorryC . Excuse me; SorryD . Excuse me; Excuse me10. (2分)There _ a football match on the playground in 3 days. A . will haveB . isC . will beD . is going to have11. (2分)(2015兰州) How do you like this house? _ Its everything Ive been looking for.A . Terrible! B . Perfect! C . Awful! D . Delicious!12. (2分) he _ Japan before?Yes, he there two years agoA . Did,visitedB . Has,has visitedC . Has,visitedD . Did,has visited13. (2分)The doctor told me not to eat too much,but I find it difficultThe doctor is right_ you eat, _ you will beA . The less;the healthierB . The less;the more healthierC . The more;the healthierD . The more;the more healthier14. (2分)Linda is ill again.Yeah. She used to _ in Hawaii and she doesnt get used to _ here.A . live; liveB . living; livingC . live; livingD . living; live15. (2分)The environmental problems are still serious today though the government have taken actions. Thats true. Pollution from factories _ our efforts to make our world cleaner.A . compares withB . cancels outC . sets off二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。One day town mouse Mike went to visit his cousin Tom in the countryside. Mike lived a rich life and he loved his cousin a lot. Tom was 1but he loved his town cousin, too. So he made his cousin Mike very welcome.For dinner that night Tom took out 2he had: water and potatoes. Mike said, Cousin, how can you eat food 3this, but of course you cant expect anything better in the countryside! Come with me and I 11 show you how to 4in the big beautiful town.The two mice set off (出发) for the town and 5the Town Mouse s home late at night. Lets have something to eat and drink after 6long trip, said the Town Mouse. They went into a big dining room. There the two mice had fruit, meat and cakes and drank milk and juice.Then they 7a loud noise (响声). Whats that? asked Tom. It is only the dogs of the house, answered Mike. Only? said Tom. I dont like that 8at my dinner.At that time two large dogs came in the dining room. The two mice ran away 9and hid (隐藏) under a chair.Goodbye, Cousin, said Tom.What? Are you 10so soon? said the other.Yes, Tom answered. I think its better to enjoy my potatoes at home than meat here.(1)A . poor B . old C . young D . rich (2)A . something B . everything C . anything D . nothing (3)A . with B . about C . like D . for (4)A . work B . drive C . live D . act (5)A . Cleaned B . bought C . kept D . reached (6)A . my B . your C . our D . their (7)A . felt B . heard C . made D . found (8)A . dish B . game C . music D . menu (9)A . happily B . quickly C . comfortably D . seriously (10)A . leaving B . eating C . starting D . sleeping 三、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。AThere are many different kinds of TV shows. Which do you like best? A bite of China is a documentary(纪录片)that started on CCTT on May 14th, 2012. It tells the stories behind delicious food from different pla
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