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上海版2020届九年级英语第一次模拟考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Do you know that China is one of _ countries in the world? Yes, I do. Its much _ than the U.SA . oldest; olderB . the oldest; olderC . the oldest; elderD . the older; elder2. (2分)- What do you think of the dress?- Wonderful. I dont think I can find a _ one.A . goodB . badC . betterD . worst3. (2分)In recent years more and more Indians like traveling in Asia during May Day. .A . So do we ChineseB . So we Chinese doC . Neither do we ChineseD . Neither we Chinese will4. (2分)Excuse me, Maria. Can I use your bike?Sure. Here you are. But you must return it _ time.A . inB . atC . onD . to5. (2分)Why are you in such a hurry?I studied very hard for my math exam last night, so I slept late.A . stayed up lateB . didnt go to bedC . got up lateD . went to bed late6. (2分) Mark, why are you still here? They are all ready to start. Im sorry, but I _ when to start.A . wasnt toldB . am not toldC . didnt tellD . dont tell7. (2分)(2017贺州)一Excuse me, do you know every day?It closes at 9:00 p.m.A . when does the library closeB . when will the library closeC . when the library closesD . when the library closed8. (2分)Our English club will put on a famous play during the school art week.Really? I cant wait to watch it.A . work onB . act outC . make up9. (2分)_great weather it is today!A . HowB . How aC . WhatD . What a10. (2分)I dont know if _ tomorrow. If it _, I will stay at home and watch TV. A . rains, rainsB . rains, will rainC . will rain, will rainD . will rain, rains11. (2分)An engine is a machine _ can make a car move.A . /B . thatC . whatD . who12. (2分)_ does it take her to get to school?It takes her about _ minutes.A . How far, twenty-fiveB . How long, twenty-fiveC . How far, twenty fiveD . How long, twenty five13. (2分)I dont think the robot will be as _ as humans.A . the cleverestB . cleverC . the clevererD . cleverer14. (2分)The teacher did what she could _ that child.A . to helpB . helpC . helpedD . helps15. (2分)(2016贺州)Could I borrow your dictionary, please? .Here you are.A . No, thank youB . Sorry, you cantC . Yes, Id love toD . Of cousre二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空Hello! Look here! Theres 1apple tree behind Dicks house. Dick is near the tree. There are some apples 2the tree. Dick is looking 3the apples. They are big and red. Dick is hungry. He wants to 4an apple. Dick isnt tall. He is short. He cant reach(够到) the apples. He puts a 5under the tree. Can he reach the apples on the box now?6, he cant. He is too7. Here comes Paul. He is Dicks brother. “Hello, Dick,8do you want to do?”“Please help9, Paul. I cant 10the apples.”“Here you are, Dick. One is for you, and one is for me!”“Thank you, Paul.”(1)A . a B . the C . some D . an (2)A . in B . on C . over D . under (3)A . for B . after C . at D . up (4)A . see B . buy C . get D . sell (5)A . ball B . box C . boy D . bag (6)A . Yes B . OK C . No D . Not (7)A . long B . short C . big D . heavy (8)A . what B . when C . where D . why (9)A . I B . me C . my D . you (10)A . reach B . see C . find D . Lost 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)17. (8分)阅读理解 FoundThing: A watchColor: BlackName: CindyTelephone number:359-5934LostIm Linda.I lost a yellow ring.Please call Bill or me. My phone number is 485-3982.Bills telephone number is 683-5912.FoundIs this your jacket?Its a red jacket. And an ID card is in it.My name is Mike. My telephone number is 239-5178.(1)Cindy found a(n) . A . watchB . ringC . jacketD . ID card(2) lost a ring. A . CindyB . LindaC . BillD . Mike(3)What color is the jacket? A . black.B . white.C . yellow.D . red.(4)Which of the following is TRUE(正确的)? A . Bill lost an ID card.B . Mike found a jacket with an ID card.C . The watch is yellow.D . Cindys telephone number is 683-5912.18. (8分)阅读理解I work as a volunteer for a group that helps the poor in Haiti. I decided to take my son Brain there for a week, hoping to educate(教育) him.Before getting out, I told Brain this trip would be tiring
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