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2020年浙江杭州中考英语真题试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)All of the jackets here are on sale. But the red one is Do you like it? A . cheapB . cheaperC . cheapestD . the cheapest2. (2分)He ate a lot at lunch because the food was _. A . hotB . terribleC . deliciousD . exciting3. (2分)Do you know the man _ is talking to Miss Wu? A . heB . whomC . who4. (2分)The school library is _ we can read many books and magazines.A . whatB . whereC . whenD . which5. (2分)Must I come before 6: 30 tomorrow?No. You_. There will be plenty of time.A . mustntB . cantC . couldntD . neednt6. (2分)- Could you help me put up the maps on the wall?A . No problemB . I hope soC . Thats all rightD . Thats a good idea7. (2分)Our Geography teacher told us that the Earth _ the sun. A . went aroundB . goes aroundC . is going aroundD . was going around8. (2分) Would you like hamburgers _ hot dogs? Hot dogs.A . andB . tooC . as well asD . or9. (2分)Please be quick, or we will have no time _ have lunch.A . toB . inC . onD . /10. (2分)She doesnt staying at home alone. A . wantB . would likeC . feel likeD . decide二、 完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共10分)11. (10分) Benjamin Franklin was a great scientist .He was the youngest of the1boys in his family . He was a clever boy, 2cleverer than his nine brothers . He studied in school for only three years . He 3to learn new things .He4worked on new ideas even when he was a child . There are a lot of stories about him and heres one of them.One day in winter Benjamin Franklin learned from one of his5that something black in colour holds heat 6than something white in colour Is that true ? he asked himself . He wanted to know the answer.It happened to be a 7day and there was snow on the ground. He put two large pieces of cloth over the snow . One piece was black in colour and the other was white . The sun shone (照耀)8the two pieces of cloth .Two hours later ,Franklin took off the cloth and found that the snow under the black cloth melted (融化) more 9than the snow under the white cloth.He was happy that he had learned 10from his friend.(1)A . eihgt B . nine C . ten D . eleven (2)A . less B . more C . little D . much (3)A . started B . will like C . wanted D . liked (4)A . seldom B . always C . hardly D . never (5)A . classmates B . brothers C . friends D . teachers (6)A . slower B . wore C . better D . longer (7)A . bad B . fine C . cloudy D . rainy (8)A . beside B . in C . on D . above (9)A . easily B . quietly C . slowly D . quickly (10)A . all things B . everything C . anything D . something 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12. (10分)根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Do you live in a city? Do you know how cities began? Long long ago, the world had only a few thousand people. These people moved from one place to another. They moved over the land, hunting animals for food.No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their life changed. They did not have to look for food any longer. They could stay in one place and grow it.People began to live near one another, so the first village was established (建立). Many people came to live in the villages, and these villages became even larger.When machines appeared, life in the villages changed again. People built factories. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities began.Today, its strange that some people are moving back to small villages. Can you tell me why?(1)People moved from place to place to hunt animals.(2)The story says,No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their life changed.In this sentence, the word theymeans people.(3)When machines appeared, life in the cities changed again.(4)All people like to live only in big cities.(5)People built factories after the cities grew big.13. (10分) A crow(乌鸦)is sitting in a big tree. She has a big piece of meat in her mouth.“My babies will have a nice breakfast,”she thinks. An old fox is looking for his breakfast. He sees the crow and the meat.“How can I get that piece of meat?”he thinks.“Good morning, Mrs. Crow.”says the fox,“How are you?”But the crow doesnt say a word. “You have very nice babies, Mrs. Crow.”says the fox,“How are they? May I see them ?”Still the crow doesnt say a word.“You are very beautiful, Mrs. Crow, and you have a beautiful
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