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北师大版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中试卷(I)卷一、 单项选择 (共23题;共46分)1. (2分)Could you please tell me_in todays newspaper?Sorry, _.A . something special; special nothingB . anything special; nothing specialC . nothing special; something specialD . something special; nothing special2. (2分)The book is _ for us to read and its also fun. A . easy enoughB . enough difficultC . difficult enoughD . enough easy3. (2分)一You come to work so early is it from your home to school?一Its about one kilometer A . How longB . How farC . How muchD . How many4. (2分)_ people used the computer thirty years ago, but now its very popular.A . A fewB . FewC . A littleD . Little5. (2分)Lily forgot _me it. She told me it yesterday.A . tellingB . tellC . to tellD . told6. (2分)Here are new clothes, give, please.A . me itB . them himC . them to himD . it me7. (2分)We should never give up _ others. Sometimes helping others means helping ourselves.A . to helpB . helpingC . helpedD . help8. (2分)Driving in the mountains can be very dangerous. You cant be _careful.A . soB . veryC . muchD . too9. (2分)The you work at your lessons, the progress you will make. A . hard; muchB . hardest; mostC . harder; more10. (2分)Gina.This is book. A . Im, myB . Im, anC . Shes, hisD . Hes, her11. (2分)Anna is taller than_in her class. A . any girlB . any girlsC . any other girlsD . any other girl12. (2分)The giant pandas are getting _ because their living areas are becoming farmlands.A . less and lessB . larger and largerC . smaller and smallerD . fewer and fewer13. (2分)_ good weather! Shall we go for a walk? A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a14. (2分)Cellphones in our lives. Almost everyone has one.A . play a partB . play an important partC . have a partD . is important15. (2分)Tom drove by and gave me a on the way home.A . flightB . runC . walkD . lift16. (2分)The harder we work, the _ result we will get. A . fasterB . fewerC . betterD . smaller17. (2分) Which sport do you think is _, basketball, volleyball or tennis? Tennis, of course. I enjoy playing it a lot.A . more relaxingB . the most relaxingC . more boringD . the most boring18. (2分)I think its necessary to learn how to work in groups.I quite agree. Sometimes its even than grades.A . less importantB . more importantC . the least importantD . the most important19. (2分)_ do you watch TV? _Three times a week.A . How longB . How oftenC . How many timesD . How much20. (2分)(2016大庆)Tony, look at the books! What a mess! _!Okay! Okay!A . Put them awayB . Put it onC . Put away themD . Put them on21. (2分)The boy was able to himself when he was very young. A . dressB . wearC . put onD . take off22. (2分)Jumping is difficult as well as _.A . runB . runsC . runningD . will run23. (2分)The well is _ with a _. A . cover; coverB . covered; coverC . covers; coveredD . covers; covers二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分) Every school has its own rules. In some schools in America, students 1 chew gum(口香糖).Some schools in Britain dont let their2 have strange hairstyles. However, one 3is very popular around the world: students4 to wear uniforms on schooldays, but many students dont like to wear the school uniforms. They think the uniforms are the ugliest 5 in the world, but schools dont let their students wear6own clothes at school. Some students draw cartoons or some famous singers on their 7. They think it is very8 that everyone wears the same clothes. What do you think9it? Do you10your school uniform?(1)A . cant B . have to C . can D . dont have to (2)A . classmates B . students C . boys D . girls (3)A . school B . class C . rule D . uniform (4)A . has B . must C . should D . have (5)A . clothes B . shirts C . skirts D . cloth (6)A . their B . they C . them D . themselves (7)A . school bags B . books C . uniforms D . desks (8)A . bored B . boring C . interesting D . interested (9)A . of B . over C . by D . for (10)A . like B . make C . wash D . put on 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)25. (10分)阅读理解
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