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人教版七年级英语下册第六单元学案2010-03-03 09:48:16|分类: 中学教案学案 |标签: |字号大中小订阅 Unit6 Its rainingSection A一、教师寄语:Dont let the bad weather influence your good feeling.二、学习目标1、知识目标 Words: rain,windy,cloudy,sunny,snow,weather,cook,study,bad,terrible,prettyDrills: -Hows the weather in Shanghai? -Its cloudy. -What are you doing? -Im watching TV 2、能力目标 学会谈论天气及描述你正在做的事3、情感目标 培养学生热爱大自然,关心天气这种与人们生活密切相关的现象的情感。三、教学重难点本课重点句型是:-Hows the weather in Shanghai? -Its cloudy. -What are you doing? -Im watching TV 重点词汇是rain,windy,cloudy,sunny,snow,weather难点是现在进行时的用法四、Learning coursesStep1. 预习导学及自测完成下列单词。下雨_ 下雪_ 有风的_ 阴天的_晴朗_cook(现在分词) _study(单数第三人称)_糟糕的_Step2.情境导入1.Do1a. Look at the pictures and match the words with the pictures in small groups.2.看图听1b的录音,把地名填入图中的方框里3.自我练习1c,根据上边的每张图进行问答: A: Hi! Hows the weather in Beijing?B: Its sunny.(1)Practice the example conversation.(2)Make your own conversation in pairs.Step3 自主探究1.Summary:(1) 询问天气情况:_ / _?(2) 询问某人正在干什么:_ ?2. Do2a .Listen and number (1-4) the pictures as you hear them.Listen again and match the names with the activities.Step4 合作交流Do3a. Match the words with the faces in the box.Do3b. Pairwork.Talk about the weather with your friends in groups.Step5 拓展创新假设你是1689988信息台的话务员,请为外出的客户提供城市天气信息。Step6达标测试:一、Write down the right forms of the following words. 按要求写单词。(7)1. sun (形容词) _2. take (-ing形式) _3. join (单数第三人称) _4.windy (名词形式) _5. music (音乐家) _6. boring (反义词) _二、用所给词的适当形式填空1、Hows the weather there?Its (rain).2、The is shining. Its .(sun) 3、There are a lot of in the sky. Its .(cloud)4、It often (rain) in summer in my hometown.5、The weather is (wind)and cold.6、-What he (do)? -He is playing computer (game).7、-What are you doing? -Im (watch)TV.8、-Hows it (go)? -Great!9、Thank you for (join) our program.10、Look! Theyre (lie) on the beach.三、Match the two halves of the dialogues. 会话配对。(5)( ) 1. Do you like cold weather? A. Its cold.( ) 2. Hows the weather in Moscow? B. Great!( ) 3. What are you doing? C. S-N-O-W.( ) 4. Hows it going? D. No, I dont.( ) 5. How do you spell snow? E. Im studying.四、Change the sentence patterns according to the requirements. 句型转换,一空一词。(10)1. Im playing computer games. (变否定句)I _ _ _ computer games.2. They are watching TV. (变一般疑问句)_ _ watching TV?3. Its cloudy. (对划线部分提问)_ is the weather?4. We are playing basketball. (对划线部分提问)_ are you _?五、Choose the right answers. 选择填空。(10)( )1._ Jeff like oranges? A. IsB. DoC. Does( )2. Aunt Sarah _ every day.A.play computer games B.plays computer games C.is playing computer games( ) 3.-Hows the weather in Harbin? -Its _. A. snow B. snowing C. snows( ) 4. Tom is _ lunch. A. haveB. haveingC. having( )5. _ do you want? A. How much milkB. How much milksC. How many milkStep7小结回扣:本堂课主要学习了询问天气状况的基本表达方式。Step8.典型例题解析 My brother is reading a book.(否定句) My brother _ _ reading a book.解析:否定句be+not,故is not. It is cloudy in Beijing today. (提问) _ _ the weather in Beijing today? -北京的天气怎么样? -在下雪呢。-_ is the _like in Beijing? -It _ _.解析:主要考查询问天气的两种方式,Whats the weather like?/How is the weather?Step9 中考链接1 .What s the weather like today?A.Its was very cloud. B.It is snow. C.Its rainy. B.It was very cold. 解析 问今天天气怎样,回答往往用Its sunny./cloudy/windy/snowy/foggy. 答案:C2. What does Tom doing? He is _.A study B studying C a student D to study解析 现在进行时的回答,应该用动词的现在进行时。答案 : DStep10. 课后反思 本节课学生积极性高,对学习天气比较感兴趣,单词掌握的也比较快,但是对于现在进行时的体会不够,还应继续情境中练习。Unit6 Its raining!Section B一、Teachers words:(教师寄语) Everything comes to him who waits. (功夫不负有心人.)二、学习目标:知识目标New words and phrases: vacation, lie, beach, group, cool, surprised, heat, relaxed, scarf, on vacation, take a photo, have a good time Expressions:-Hows the weather? -Its raining. -Whats she doing? -Shes cookingGrammar: 熟练掌握现在进行时的相关问句及答语,准确使用Hows来询问天气。能力目标Be able to describe the weather and what you are doing freely.情感目标培养学生热爱生活,关心他人的感情。三、重难点:现在进行时的相关问句及答语,使用Hows来询问天气四、Learning courses(学习过程)Step1. 预习导学及自测Do1a&1b.Match the words with the pictures and talk about the pictures in 1a.Using how is the weather in picture ?Listening room. (同学们,2a 2b中的对话你能听得清吗?请试一试吧!)Step2.情境导入Do2c, role play. -Hi,how is it
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