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人教版九年级英语2020届中考一模考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Have you seen_ film Kung Fu Panda3? Isnt it_ exciting one? No, its not my cup of tea.A . the; anB . a; theC . a; anD . the; the2. (2分)My mother often _ in the morning, so I am never late for school. A . woke up meB . wakes me upC . wakes up meD . woke me up3. (2分) David, have you written to Sigmund Friend to ask for help? Yes, but Im sorry I havent got any _ my problems.A . replies toB . answers toC . repliesD . answers4. (2分)World Reading Day is _ April 23. Its _special day that was founded in 1995 by the UN.A . on; a B . In; a C . on; an D . in; /5. (2分)The population of Xian is _ than that of Shanghai. A . smallerB . largerC . more6. (2分)What will you_ about the topic “How to learn English well” at the meeting tomorrow?A . speakB . sayC . tellD . talk7. (2分)Is that boy Tom?It _ be Tom. He has gone to his hometown to visit his grandparents.A . canB . cantC . mustD . mustnt8. (2分)My favourite subject is English. But I dont like Math. I like English _ and I dont like Math _.A . too; eitherB . either; eitherC . too; tooD . either; too9. (2分)Do you know if to Kates birthday party? Hes sure to go because he knows her very well. A . he goesB . he will goC . does he goD . will he go10. (2分)We _ to Paris next week. Will you go with us?A . flyingB . are flyingC . flewD . flies11. (2分)This kind of bananas _ nice. I want to taste one.A . soundB . smellC . looksD . tastes12. (2分) I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered. Oh, _ at that time.A . Im cookingB . I cookedC . I cookD . I was cooking13. (2分) How long have you _ Guangdong? For about eight years.A . come toB . arrived inC . reachedD . been in14. (2分)When I see too much water _ in our school every day, I feel very angry.A . is wastedB . wastesC . was wastedD . waste15. (2分)Can you tell me _ your online shopping will arrive? In three days, I think.A . how longB . how soon C . how farD . how much二、 完形填空 (共4题;共45分)16. (15分)先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 Many men are happier when they do some housework, according to a new study. Some 1started a study at the University(大学) of Cambridge. And the result let them feel 2. Thats because they thought the 3shouldnt be like that.4the study, we thought that a family would get more problems when men did more housework. a student when from University of Cambridge said. But the 5we found was not as what we thought before. The study researched (调查) people in seven 6countries. Students analyzed (分析) how much time those people spent on 7such as cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping and money keeping. They then analyzed 8those people met on work and life.At 9, the students got the result. They found that 10men and women are equal(平等的)when it comes to doing housework at home. And women are 11confident (自信的) than they were in the past. Men still try to help with housework 12they may not feel happy at first. When women see it, they will say something 13to them. This makes men very happy and some of them really 14doing housework, the study said. Women are not 15about asking their partners (伴侣)to do it. And they feel happier to do it together with their partners.(1)A . students B . teachers C . parents D . writers (2)A . serious B . similar C . interested D . surprised (3)A . answer B . result C . question D . program (4)A . after B . When C . Before D . As (5)A . activity B . diary C . point D . fact (6)A . loud B . different C . full D . necessary (7)A . housework B . homework C . exercise D . Internet (8)A . information B . competitions C . problems D . ideas (9)A . end B . last C . first D . least (10)A . no B . either C . both D . each (11)A . less B . more C . most D . best (12)A . if B . though C . but D . because (13)A . boring B . bad C . good D . exciting (14)A . forget B . remember C . finish D . enjoy (15)A . shy B . outgoing C . lazy D . friendly 17. (10分) Are you a crazy chocolate fan? Have you heard about Hersheys Kisses? Do you love the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? If your answer was, yes, to any of the questions, then my experience will make you jealous (妒忌的). I just went to the famous Hershey Chocolate Factory!The other day we drove from Washington DC to the small town of Hershey, Pennsylvania. When we arrived at the factory, we realized that this
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