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初二英语学案 Module 7 Unit2课型: 时间: 序号: 授课教师: 主备人:高丽萍一、预习导学:1、知识目标:词汇: nervous hair dark fair glasses recognise quite dance especially proud stupid angry a bit stranger excited bicycle句型:I cant wait to meet you . Thanks for telling me about what you like doing. Im very proud of him! I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.2、能力目标:能够读懂对人物外貌和性格的简单描述,能够用英语简单介绍一个人。3、情感目标:通过阅读他人的自我描述更好的理解别人,从而更懂得关心别人。二、精讲释疑:1、Thanks for your last message ,it was great to hear from you.谢谢你写的上一封信,收到你的来信真是太好了。Hear from ,收到.的来信,相当于 getreceive a letter from._.最近,你收到托尼的来信了吗?hear of hear about 听说过.2、I enjoy sports as well,espcilly tennis.我也喜欢运动,特别是网球。As well 也,表示也的还有also, too 和either辨析:also, either 与 tooas wellalso置于行为动词之前,助动词,系动词之后either常用于否定句末尾tooas well常用于口语中,多置于句末He _wants to go.他也想去。He doesnt want to go either,他也不想去。I can swim tooas well. 我也会游泳。3、My brother is captain of the school tennis team. Im very proud of him.Proud, adj 自豪的 骄傲的,常用于短语,be proud of sbsth._,他们为他们的女儿感到骄傲。拓展:be proud to do sth, 为做某事感到骄傲,自豪。Im proud _ _you friend .我为是你的朋友感到自豪。Pride 为名词,take pride in ,为.感到自豪。_.我们以我们伟大的祖国而感到骄傲。三、引导点拨:Well, at first I often feel a bit sad when I leave my mum and dad for a few days and Im quit shy when Im with strangers.当我离开爸爸妈妈几天,我会在开始时有点伤心,而且和陌生人在一起时非常腼腆。a bit 意为,有点儿,稍微,该短语在句子中作程度状语,用来修饰adj或adv, a bit 还可以修饰比较级。Today is a bit cold. 今天有点儿冷。I feel a bit better today.我今天觉得好点了。四、反馈矫正,练习巩固1、-What do you think of the cake? -I like it very much. It tastes_. A、good B、terrible C、well 2、_he comes back. Ill tell him. A、Where B、How C、When D、What3、I hope _me with my English.A、to help B、for help C、to help me with D、that you help 4、Thanks a lot _my English.A、to help B、for help C、to help me with D、for helping me with5、-What do you think of his speech? -Wonderful he sounded really_at first.A、aloud B、worried C、nervous D、quiet6、The mother looked _(angry)at her naughty daughter.7、I enjoy sports very much ,_(especial)table tennis.8、We are excited _going on a trip. 我们为去旅行而感到兴奋。9、我们以你为荣。We _ _ _you.
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