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制作 李 欣 主讲 李 欣 Unit 3 Respiratory Nursing Part II Reading Part III Translation Review 复习提问 Dictation Lead in 新课导入 1 知识目标 了解与慢性阻塞性肺病及其治疗疗 相关的词汇和句型表达 2 能力目标 提高学生语篇阅读及翻译能力 3 情感 态度与价值观目标 培养良好的医疗 服务文化品质 心理调节能力和健康的体魄 以 及人际沟通与团队合作的能力 AIMS 职业综职业综 合能力培养目标标 Read the words P55 New words study New lesson 新课讲解 Little teacher 小教师师 New lesson Reading Comprehension Multiple choices P59 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 B 6 B New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading P59 1 According to the first paragraph the feature of COPD is Para 1 New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading P59 2 In alveoli will lose elasticity the property of elasticity is associated with the word Para 3 New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading P59 3 In the process of COPD development the alveoli finally show change in their Para 3 The alveoli turn floppy and out of shape New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading P59 4 The larger sac is produced by Para 6 with more and more walls between alveoli destroyed New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading P59 5 Patients with COPD rarely have optimal prognosis means Para 8 Although medical treatment for COPD does relief some symptoms such as cough and sputum most signs and symptoms tend to follow a gradual worsening New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading P59 6 Which of the following is NOT applied through inhalation Para 9 Treatment for COPD has various options including bronchodilators inhaled glucocorticosteroids pulmonary rehabilitation oxygen treatment and surgery New lesson Text Study Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD is chronic irreversible and progressive disease of the lower respiratory tract in the lungs 慢性阻塞性肺病 COPD 是一种慢性的 不可逆的进进 行性下呼吸道疾病 New lesson Text Study Long term exposure to such irritants as chemicals pollution and dust also contributes to the development and exacerbation of COPD 长时间长时间 暴露于化学品 污污染或粉尘尘等刺激物也是引 发发或加重COPD 的诱诱因 New lesson Text Study Normally the passageways from the nose to the sacs are clear allowing air and oxygen breathed in through the bronchioles and into the alveoli where oxygen finally gets absorbed into the bloodstream 正常情况下 鼻腔到肺泡的气体通道保持通畅畅 可使 空气和氧气直接进进入细细支气管以及肺泡 最终终氧气 经经肺泡吸收入血 New lesson Text Study If the irritants exist for long and continuously get into the human body through inhalation the bronchioles and alveoli will lose elasticity and walls between alveoli will be destroyed 如果刺激物长长期存在 并持续续随吸气进进入人体 细细支 气管和肺泡就会失去弹弹性 肺泡壁也会受到破坏 New lesson Text Study The little sacs in the stage of chronic bronchitis break up and are combined into small number of larger sacs resulting in a decrease of surface area for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange 慢性支气管炎中形成的小容量肺泡破裂 融合成少量 大容量肺泡 致使肺内进进行氧气和二氧化碳气体交 换换的表面积积减少 New lesson Text Study Besides the long term lack of oxygen in the blood will also cause symptoms in other systems and organs such as irritability headaches sleeplessness and fatigue confusion anxiety dizziness and pallor or cyanosis 此外 长长期的低血氧状态还态还 可引起其他系统统和气管 的症状 例如易怒 头头痛 失眠 疲乏 意识识混乱 焦虑虑 头晕头晕 眼花 苍苍白或发绀发绀 等 Summary 课堂小结 New words and phrases Reading and translation skills Exercises 巩固练习 Translation Homework 作业布置 Recite the words Practice the reading and translation skills Assign task to the little teacher
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