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人教版(PEP)十三所新生入学英语检测题A卷小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Whats that?Its .A . a fatB . fatC . a cat2. (2分)Were going to play football 4 oclock.A . atB . inC . on3. (2分)May I have a pie, please? A . Here you are. B . Goodbye.4. (2分)The sky is very . The water is very . The air is very . A . clean; white; freshB . clean; flesh; blueC . blue;clean;flesh5. (2分)Whats that _ English? A . atB . toC . inD . on6. (2分) I am going to Japan for my holiday. _.A . Have a good timeB . NoC . Yes7. (2分)Can you sing _dance for us? A . butB . andC . 8. (2分)There _ four chairs. A . is B . are9. (2分)Are there_ books in the bedroom?A . anyB . anC . a10. (2分)I like beef but fish is OK. A . /B . doC . dont11. (2分)A . hamburgerB . doughnutC . egg12. (2分)Are you at school now?_A . Yes,I am.B . Yes,I was.C . Yes,it was.13. (2分)The girl wants_ a film star. A . to beB . beC . to14. (2分)你想介绍你的爸爸给大家认识,应该说: A . This is my grandpa. B . This is my father.15. (2分)_ is the tall girl?Shes _ sister.A . Whos, myB . Who, myC . Who, she16. (2分)This is Amy. _ very cute. A . SheB . ShesC . Hes17. (2分)Where is the bed?Its _.A . in the bedroomB . in the kitchenC . in the bathroom18. (2分)Eat more vegetables, please. A . Theyre hot.B . Theyre healthy.C . Its sweet.19. (2分)Dinosaurs lived on the Earth . A . in the futureB . ten years agoC . long long ago20. (2分)I have a _.Maybe you should see a dentist.A . toothacheB . coldC . fever二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案There is a big supermarket 1my home. It opens 27:30 in the morning to 9:30 in the evening. The shop assistants there are very 3. It sells a lot of 4, such as fruit and vegetables. We can 5buy many other things in it.My mother 6a new bicycle. So she goes to the supermarket. She buys a new bicycle. Its cheap and nice. My mother 7it very much. Sometimes I buy some pencils, some rubbers or some pens in the supermarket on my way 8. Sometimes I 9my parents buy some bread and milk in it. The supermarket is near my home. Its convenient (便捷的) 10us. So we all like the supermarket.(1)A . at B . next C . near (2)A . from B . at C . to (3)A . tall B . nice C . smile (4)A . things B . something C . everything (5)A . too B . also C . either (6)A . needs B . likes C . does (7)A . has B . wants C . likes (8)A . to home B . home C . for home (9)A . help B . want C . do (10)A . for B . at C . of 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共9分)22. (4分)根据表格完成句子。Wu Yifan31657Sarah0121318Mike71749Amy1111020(1)How many kites do you have, Wu Yifan?I have _.(2)How many books do you have, Sarah?I have _.(3)How many balls do you have, Mike?I have _.(4)How many toy cars do you have, Amy? I have _.23. (5分)阅读短文,画出Mike去公园的路线图并在方框中标出公园和医院的位置。Today is Sunday. The weather is sunny and warm. Mike wants to go to Green Park. Its not far from his house, but he doesnt know the way to the park. So he asks his mother. His mother tells him the way. Mikes mother tells him, Go straight and turn left at the second crossing. Turn right at the hospital. The park is on your left. Mike thanks his mother and then goes out.四、 句型转换:按要求改写句子 (共5题;共17分)24. (5分)You should wear warm clothes. (对划线部分提问) 25. (2分)I am going to read a book. (变为同义句)I _ _a book.26. (3分)I am happy. (改为否定句,但意思不变)I _ _ _.27. (2分)Its ten oclock. (对划线部分提问)_is it?28. (5分)We cant throw rubbish on the ground.(变成肯定句) 五、 用所给词的适当形式或时态填空 (共10题;共18分)29. (1分)We_(come) back last Sunday. 30. (1分)He_to get up early in the morning. (have) 31. (1分)What is my sister doing?_32. (5分)选出不同类的单词。 _A. run B. skip C. rope _A. song B. sing C. picture _A. fly B. kite C. play _A. ball B. write C. book_A. read B. plane C. ship33. (1分)Class_(开始)at 8:30 a. m. in our school.34. (1分)过去式短语 _35. (1分)Last summer they had a trip to Beijing. They _ there.36. (1分)There are some rulers on the desk. The yellow one is _ (I). 37. (1分)The school trip is on June_(第三天) 38. (5分) 按要求写单词 (1)cant (完全形式)_(2)his(主格)_(3)seei
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