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上海版七年级下册Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 单元测试卷D卷一、 听句子,选择正确的应答语。每小题听一遍。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)据所听到的内容选择正确答语( ) A . Because she makes breakfast for me.B . Yes, she does.C . Because she doesnt like it.2. (2分)听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . Thats a great idea!B . Id like to play.C . Its bad.3. (2分)听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . Nice to meet you.B . Its funny.C . Thank you.4. (2分)听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . Not muchB . Youre welcomeC . Sounds great5. (2分)听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . Thats right.B . Any ideas?C . I dont believe it.二、 听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。每段对话和问题听两遍。 (共5题;共10分)6. (2分)What does the woman want? A . The socksB . The trousers:C . The shorts7. (2分)Where does the woman want to go? A . To the supermarket.B . To the bookstore.C . To the bank.8. (2分)What time does the bus leave on Friday? A . At six.B . At half past seven.C . At seven.9. (2分)What sport did Rick play yesterday? A . SoccerB . BadmintonC . Volleyball.10. (2分)What mistakes does the girl often make? A . Spelling mistakesB . Listening mistakes.C . Pronunciation mistakes.三、 听短文,回答下列问题。短文听两遍。 (共1题;共20分)11. (20分)听一段独白,请根据所听到的内容回答问题。 (1)What time does Tom have to go to bed on school nights? (2)How will Toms parents feel if he leaves things everywhere? (3)What does Tom put on the wall? (4)Whats the passage mainly about? 四、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)12. (2分)- What is TV now?- A weather report.A . inB . atC . on13. (2分)Listen, the music_ sweet.Its Yesterday Once More, my favorite.A . sounds B . smells C . feels14. (2分)It rained _ yesterday. I had to stay at home. A . heavilyB . quietlyC . hardlyD . quickly15. (2分)一How can I get to the nearest bank?一Take the No11 bus and at the third stopA . turn offB . get offC . get upD . turn up16. (2分)Mike, its getting cold. _ take a jacket with you?All right, Mum.A . Why notB . What aboutC . Would you likeD . Youd better17. (2分)Please tell him to leave the window _.A . openB . openedC . is openD . opening18. (2分)I cant hear the teacher _ with so much noise outside. A . clearlyB . slowlyC . warmlyD . bravely19. (2分)If you wish , you _ come in and have a cup of coffee.A . mayB . mustC . wouldD . should20. (2分)The Central Park doesnt allow people in the lake. A . swimB . to swimC . swimmingD . to swimming21. (2分)Therell be a film tonight. _! Lets go to the cinema together.A . Take it easyB . What a shameC . With pleasureD . Wonderful五、 完形填空 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)完形填空。Advertisements are everywhere. We see ads on buses, trucks, taxis, and subways. We hear ads on the radio, in stores, and even on our telephones. There are ads every second on TV. People usually see and listen to 1advertisements every day!What is the 2of advertising? Companies want to give us information about their products. More importantly, they want to sell us their products. Advertisements really 3. So, companies spend billions of dollars on advertising.Businesses have used different advertising methods.4slogans is one of them. The slogan “Impossible Is Nothing” has made one big company very popular around the world.Another advertising method is to use famous people. People want to buy a product that a famous person uses. For example, a shoe-making company has already sold millions of shoes by getting famous sports players 5its products.These days, businesses use new advertising methods through the Internet and mobile phones. So in the future, we will see thousands of more ads daily. There is no escape from the world of advertising.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(1)A . thousand B . thousand of C . thousands of (2)A . meaning B . sign C . purpose (3)A . work B . use C . useful (4)A . Create B . Creating C . Design (5)A . wear B . to wear C . wearing 六、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共11分)23. (6分)Like reading?Want an interesting book to read?Here are our books. Just pick the one that you like best.The Best of the Song Books: By Harlan CobenList Price: $28.00 Price: $21.00 You save: $7.00 (25%)Customer (顾客) Review: Bookmarks by Phillips: Magazine by Patricia CornwellList Price: $24.00 Price: $18.00You save:$6.00 (25%)Customer Review: The Mystery of Breathing: A novel by Peril KlausList Price: $15.00 Price: $12.00 You save:$3.00 (20%)Customer Review: Ten Little Fingers: Books for babies by Annie KebleList Price: $25.00 Price: $15.00 You save: $10.00 (4
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