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人教版2020届初中学业水平模拟考试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解(共20小题,计50分) (共4题;共50分)1. (12.5分)阅读理解 Emily St. Denny is fifteen years old. She was born in Beijing, China, where her mother worked as a French teacher and her father taught English. When she was five years old, Emily and her family moved to Belgrade, Serbia. When she was seven years old, they moved to Nairobi, Kenya, where her little sister was born. Two years later, her family moved to Hong Kong, where she attended a French international school. After five years, the family moved to France.Emilys mother was born in France. Emilys father is American. Emily says her little sister is very French, like her mother. However, after living in so many places, Emily does not really know who she is. She says she feels more American than anything else, as English is her first language, but she has never lived there! Emily is a Third Culture Kid.This term (shortened to TCK)was made up in the 1960s by doctors Ruth and John Useem. They used it to talk about the experience of mainly immigrant(移民)children growing up between two cultures: their culture of origin(or that of their parents),and the place they are presently living.Today, TCK also refers to children who have travelled a lot and who are culturally blended. These are children who are familiar with many cultures, but not as familiar with their parents.(1)In what way might Emily be different from her classmates in France? A . She can speak good French.B . She is open to different cultures.C . She is likely to enjoy French food.D . She has visited many places of France.(2)What does the word blended mean in the last paragraph? A . 排斥B . 优先C . 推广D . 融合(3)What is the best title for this passage?. A . Children abroadB . Third Culture KidC . International kidD . Immigrant Culture2. (12.5分)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Garrison had been treasuring his last piece. All he had left now was a sheet of the beautiful brown paper Pa had brought back from his last sailing trip.Youve been quiet, Pa said, Could I see your picture?Garrison handed over his sketch. Pa studied it, then looked at his son. Youre ten now, eh? Garrison nodded, hoping Pa wouldnt say that he was too old to be fooling around with pencils and paper.When I was ten, I wanted to work on my fathers ship, Pa said, When Thomas was ten, he asked me to let him plant the corn.Garrisons throat (嗓子) tightened. I know Im not like either of you. Pa looked at the drawing again.No, you are like both of us. You work hard, like Thomas. And youre like me, too. I have wandering feet, but you have a wandering mind. We need to see things differently.Garrison frowned. Id rather love the land, like Thomas, or the seaPa patted his hand. Thomas cares about our family very much-thats why hes worked so hard to bring us food. And my love for the sea makes good money. But theres more in life than food and money. Theres happiness, for one. Does it make you happy to draw?Garrison nodded.And it makes me happy to look at your drawings. Not many folks can catch happiness on a piece of paper. Some might say drawings a waste of time, but they dont understand how things are. Why, asking you to stop drawing like asking Thomas to stop farming, or me to stop going to sea. It would be like asking us to stop breathing, wouldnt it?Garrison considered this, then replied, No, sir. Not quite like breathing. If I couldnt draw any more, it would be like someone took away my voice. He hung his head. In his mind he could hear Thomas laughing, Its not like you ever speak up, anyway.But Pa patted his shoulder and said, That would be a pure shame. Your voice is important, Garrison, whether its out loud or on paper. And speaking of paper Pa smiled. Take a look in my bag.Garrison reached into the bag and found a sketchbook. For a moment he was speechless happiness seemed to fill his body and stick in his throat. Then he managed to find his voice. Oh, Pa-thank you.(1)Why did Garrisons throat tighten? A . Because he felt thirsty.B . Because he felt very scared.C . Because he knew he was not like Pa or Thomas.D . Because he thought Pa would stop him drawing.(2)When Garrison frowned, he most probably felt _. A . unhappyB . worriedC . afraidD . ashamed(3)What can we infer from the passage about Garrison? A . He lived in a big wealthy family.B . He was his fathers favourite son.C . He would go on with his drawing.D . He would learn to work on the farm.3. (12.5分)阅读理解 Why do we play games? Because they are fun, and a lot more besides. Following the rules, planning your next move, acting as a team member-these are all “game” ideas that you will get throughout your life.Think about some of the games you played as a youn
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