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外研版2020届九年级下学期英语开学考试试卷A卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Mum wants to make a cake. She needs _ some eggs.A . buyB . buysC . to buyD . buying2. (2分)Franks handbag lost .We all helped him to _it.A . look forB . look afterC . look atD . look like3. (2分)The traffic is too busy. We have to drive slowly.I think more new roads in our city.A . should be builtB . should builtC . have builtD . build4. (2分)The_store has a sale. The _there are very cheap. A . clothes; clothB . clothes; clothingC . clothing; clothingD . clothing; clothes5. (2分)Can I take a photo you? A . ofB . atC . from6. (2分)These wires _cables under the street. A . are connected toB . are made up ofC . consist ofD . make from7. (2分)I dont like junk food. I _ eat it. A . neverB . oftenC . everD . always8. (2分) Im a little hungry Daddy. See the cupcakes on the plate, but you can only take_, dinner is ready soon.A . itB . oneC . thisD . that9. (2分) it is to go to the seaside! A . What a funB . How funC . What funD . How funny10. (2分)Mum, may I have some cakes? Sorry, theres _left . Ill go and buy some for you tonight.A . nothingB . no oneC . noD . none11. (2分)I saw him to the shop with his cousin just now . A . goesB . goC . to goD . went12. (2分)We wonder if our foreign teacher to our graduating party next weekend. If she ,we ll be very happy. A . will come; will comeB . come; will comeC . will come; comesD . come; comes13. (2分)The harder you study, _ grades youll get. A . goodB . betterC . bestD . the better14. (2分)- _ do you live from your school?- About 10 minutes walk.A . How manyB . How longC . How farD . How much15. (2分)My sister English since she was 9 years old. She can talk to foreigners freely. A . learnsB . learntC . has learntD . have learnt二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)16. (10分)完形填空 Several train passengers have made people across the country angry in recent weeks. A video posted online showed Zhou took a window seat on a train from Yongzhou, Hunan to Shenzhen, Guangdong, on Wednesday. She was supposed to sit by the aisle (走道).Zhou 1to move when the window seat passenger later got on the train and found her 2already taken. Zhou remained in the window seat 3she left the train at Guangzhou station. Videos of Zhou screaming at the officer quickly went hot on Weibo. On Thursday, Zhou was fined 200 yuan and banned (禁止)from taking trains in China for 180 4.Zhou was the second person in a month to be punished for her 5. On Aug.21, a video posted online showed a man named Sun He sitting in the 6seat on a train from Jinan to Beijing. When a train attendant asked him to move, he said he could not 7and needed a wheelchair (轮椅).The China Railway Jinan Group later banned Sun from train travel for 180 days and he was also fined 200 yuan.A similar incident involving(涉及)a foreigner also 8on Sept.23. A foreign woman took 9persons seat on a train and would not leave. When passengers began taking videos of her with their phones, she shouted and threw water at them. The woman was then taken away. Later, she said sorry to the passengers she had attacked.They show that we need to behave in a more 10way. If people dont follow laws and rules, they should be punished appropriately, the Paper noted.(1)A . accepted B . refused C . promised (2)A . seat B . bag C . money (3)A . after B . until C . when (4)A . days B . months C . weeks (5)A . ability B . behavior C . habit (6)A . right B . comfortable C . wrong (7)A . stand B . sit C . speak (8)A . took place B . took away C . took off (9)A . the other B . another C . others (10)A . patient B . careful C . proper 17. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Sara lived in a village with her mother. When Sara grew up, she was tired of boring 1life. She wanted to go out. One morning, she secretly left while her mother was still 2.Unluckily, the world outside was not as 3as she had expected. Ten years later, Sara 4home. It was midnight when she came back home. She saw weak light 5the window. She knocked at the door softly but no one 6. Then she tried opening the door and the door was easily opened. She Was 7How strange it is! Mum never8to lock the door in the past. At this time, Sara saw her mother sleeping 9the cold floor. Sara couldnt help crying Mum!. Hearing the sound, her mother opened eyes and sa
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