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鸡西市第四中学2011-2012年度下学期初二英语导学案Unit 5 When was he born? Section A (1a-2c)编制人:蔡文静 复核人: 使用日期:2012 4 24 编号:19Learning Goals :1学习并记住4个单词和12个重点短语。2 要掌握一般过去的特殊疑问句。2会用本课所学四会单词、短语。3阅读并理解对话,能用所学词汇、句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。Learning Emphasis :The usages of be born and how longLearning Difficulties : Use the words and the sentences to talk about the famous athleteLearning Methods :自主学习 展示提升 Thinking Navigation :同学们,本节课中我们学习一般过去时的特殊疑问句,你应该在上一个单元的基础上进一步学会它的特殊疑问句的构成并且会做出相应的回答。它的构成如下:疑问词(组)+did+主语+动词原形+其他。在应答时,一般是问什么答什么。但答语是肯定句,结构如下:主语+动词的过去式+其他。在本节课中还应该学会用你所学的词汇和句型进行情景会话。Learning Activities : . Morning report Ability to cultivate . Warming-up .Self-study 1.大声朗读单词并背出本节课的单词学法指导:在读单词时,请按照书上的音标发音,如不会请做标记,等到组内交流时解决。born_ record_ hiccup_ sneeze_2.重点短语点拨 学法指导:利用你手中的资料学习并记住短语,并能用过去时造句。1).beborn 出生 _ 2). 在1978年 _3).在2009年10月_ 4). 在1998年5月1日的早_ 5).拟一份清单 _ 6). 国际体育明星_7).篮球运动员 _ 8). 一位出色的中国乒乓球运动_ 9).为期69年5个月_ 10). 开始做某事_11). 停止做某事 _ 12). 多久 _ 3. 句型学习学法指导:根据对话,学习过去时的特殊疑问句。 .二人一组谈论探究: .我学会了关心他人:示例:A:When were you born? A: How long does it take you to school?B:I was born in . B: It takes me 20 minutes.(Or:) I was born on . A: How long did you run yesterday morning?A:Where were you born? B: I ran for 5minutes.B:I was born in .梳理自学中遇到的问题学法指导:在自学的过程中,大家都会遇到不懂的地方,请把你不会的问题写在下面。Demonstration 1. 组内讨论解决疑难语言点 2.语言点start doing sth. Stop doing /to do sth3. Listen twice or three times and complete 1b ,2a, 2b. 4. 解决“梳理出来的问题”5. Practice 1c, 2c in pairs.Examination A基础训练 单选( )1. _ you born? In a town near Tianjin.A. When were B .Where were C. Where did D When was ( )2. When did you _ French? Last month. And I can speak a little French now. A. stop learning B. start learning C. major D. speak( )3.Who arrived in Pairs at 11:00? They _. A. arrived B. were C. did D. speak( )4. She _ to get it back three days ago. A. has come B. came C. comes D. are( )5. Please stop_. Lets take class. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked( )6. You are too tired , you should stop_.A. to have a rest B. having a rest C. to having a rest D. have a rest( )7. He hiccupped _ 69 years and 5 months. A. at B. in C. of D. forB. 中考链接 1.(2009 甘肃)This summer, it has much _, so its _ here.A. rain; rain B. rainy; rainy C. rain; rainy D. rainy; rain2. (2009 青海)Tony met a heavy rain on the way to school._, he took an umbrella with him.A. Badly B. Terribly C. Really D. Luckily3.(2009 郴州) I didnt take raincoats yesterday, when I got home, I was all _.A. tired B. happy C. angry D. wetHarvest定标预习Preview Section 3a-4b:Grasp the new words(掌握新的单词) Find out the phrases: tooto for example win a gold medal play for national team learn to do sth. Read 3a and P68,3a鸡西市第四中学2011-2012年度下学期初二英语导学案Unit 5 When was he born? Section A (3a-4b)编制人:蔡文静 复核人: 使用日期:2012 4 25 编号:20Learning Goals :1学会用who, when及how old 引起的特殊疑问句谈论人的经历。2能够应用所学写一篇关于人的经历的短文Learning Emphasis :The usages of too.to.Learning Difficulties : Use the words and the sentences to write a short passage about a persons experience.Learning Methods :自主学习 展示提升 Thinking Navigation :同学们,本节课中我们要学会运用一般过去时的特殊疑问句谈论人的经历,它的构成如下:疑问词(组)+did+主语+动词原形+其他。在应答时,一般是问什么答什么。但答语是肯定句,结构如下:主语+动词的过去式+其他。在本节课中还应该学会用你所学的词汇和句型来写一篇关于人的经历的短文,这也用到一般过去时态。Learning Activities : . Morning report Ability to cultivate . Warming-up .Self-study 1.课前检测Read the new words together.2.预习检测:英汉互译too.to _ 在四岁时 _ learn to do sth_ start golfing_ the great Brazilian soccer player_3.短文学习P27页3a及P68页3aTask1 Listen to the tape and repeat first. Then read quickly and answer the two questions:Did Tiger Woods start golfing when he was 10 years old ?Did Ronaldo play for his national team when he was 10 years old ? Task2.Read through 3a again and the passage on page 68. (1) Answer the following questions?When did Mozart Start writing music?When did Shirley Temple become a movie star?Who first performed Beijing Opera when he was ten 、When did Liu Xuan win a gold medal at the World Championships、(2)Find out the phrases and translate them:tooto. when he was seventeen ten months old start writing musicthe Chinese gymnast a gold medal
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