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沪教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语四科联赛卷(I)卷一、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共51分)1. (10分)阅读理解 Gina comes from England. She is fourteen years old. Her mother is Mrs Johnson. She is a nurse at a hospital. She likes fruit and vegetables. She doesnt eat too much sweet food or meat, so she stays healthy. Gina likes chocolate and candy. But her mother tells her that too much sweet food isnt good for her teeth. Gina likes cola. But her mother tells her that it isnt a kind of healthy drink. Gina thinks her mothers words (话) are right. So she eats well and stays healthy. Ginas father is a bus driver. He likes having meat. He likes sweet food-chocolate and candy too. He eats too much food for dinner so he is fat. Gina and her mother often say to him, Healthy food and drinks are important to everyone.(1)What is Ginas family name? A . Jason.B . Johnson.C . Robinson.D . Thomson.(2)What is Ginas mothers job? A . A nurse.B . A doctor.C . A teacher.D . A driver.(3)Who eats too much sweet food? A . Gina.B . Ginas mother.C . Ginas father.D . Ginas friend.(4)The underlined word it refers to (指代) _. A . Cola.B . Candy.C . Chocolate.D . Meat.(5)Why is Ginas father fat? A . Because he likes fruit and vegetables.B . Because he doesnt like meat.C . Because he is a bus driver now.D . Because he eats too much meat and sweet food for dinner.2. (6分)阅读理解English has become a world language. So which country, except English-speaking countries, speaks English best? And where does China rank(排名)?The Netherlands(荷兰) ranked first, followed by Denmark and Sweden. The rankings are based on English reading and listening test results of 950, 000 people from 72 countries and areas.The English level in China is still low, ranking 39th. In China, people in Shanghai are the best English speakers. They speak better English than Italians and French. Hong Kong and Beijing follow Shanghai as Chinas next best English-speaking cities.Shanghai and Beijing rank high because they are international cities. However, across China, English level is different from east to west. China has 400 million English learners, reported China Daily. However, the teaching of English in some areas is not very good. According to the Peoples Daily Online, there are seventy primary schools in Shetianqiao town in Hunan, but only one English teacher. Many students still learn English by rote memorizaton(死记硬背).Sebastian Magnusson, an officer at the Swedish embassy(瑞典大使馆) in Beijing, gave some advice. Swedish people speak English well and Magnusson himself is also fluent in Chinese. He said TV programs, movies and even computer games could be learning tools. “Do not limit(限制) it to textbooks. What matters most is to use what youve learned,” Magnusson said.According to this passage, which country can speak English best not including(1)Which country speaks English best, except English-speaking countries? A . China.B . Sweden.C . Denmark.D . Netherlands.(2)What does the word “fluent” mean in the last paragraph? A . 糟糕的B . 不熟练的.C . 流利的.D . 担心的.(3)Which is not a good way to improve English in the passage? A . By only learning textbooks well.B . By watching English movies.C . By watching English TV programs.D . By using what you have learned.3. (10分)A smart diet, a healthy lifeNo matter how old your kids are, you can take steps to improve a healthy diet and to encourage good eating habits.Tip One: Family MealsFamily meals are nice for both parents and kids. Children like to guess what they are going to have and parents get the chance to introduce new foods to children. Parents can also use the mealtime as a chance to talk with their kids about their life.Tip Two: Healthy Snacks(零食)Kids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what can get at home. Thats why its important to have enough healthy snacks, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt and whole-grain biscuits.Tip Three: Being a Good ExampleThe best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well yourself. Kids will follow thelead of the adults they see every day. By eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding fast food and sweet drinks, you are sending the right message.Tip Four: No Shouts about FoodParents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have healthy foods in front of them. This in fact can make children dislike what they are asked to eat. You need to work a bit on different cooking methods(方式,方法).Tip Five: Get Kids Included(参与)Most kids will enjoy making the decision about food. Talk to them about making choices and planning a healthy meal. It can help them to make good decisions on their own about the foods they want to eat.(1)What is the authors attitude(态度) toward snacks?A . Snacks shouldnt be eaten.B . Healthy snacks can be accepted.
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