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人教版2019-2020年英语中考英语模拟试卷(十八)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)1. (10分) Mr. Jackson is a teacher of science in a middle school. His students like his classes because his classes are very interesting. They can learn a lot in his class. The students can make(制作)many things. His little son Val also likes making things. He makes lots of machines(机器), such as a machine like a man. It can do the job that is dangerous(危险的)for people to do. He says, “I want to be a scientist.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1)What does Mr. Jackson teach?A . EnglishB . ScienceC . MathD . History(2)Why do the students like his classes?A . Because he is kind to his studentsB . Because he teaches them carefully.C . Because his classes are very interestingD . Because students like him.(3)Mr. Jacksons son can make _.A . a machine like a manB . a dangerous machineC . a manD . a scientist(4)Does little Val like making things?A . No, he doesnt.B . No, she doesnt.C . Yes, he does.D . Yes, he doesnt.(5)What can students do in Mr. Jacksons classes?A . They can learn EnglishB . They can do dangerous jobC . They can do nothingD . They can make many things.2. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Some people believe that schools will no longer be necessary in the near future. They said that because of the Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any need for school buildings, classes or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but if the world has no schools, I cant imagine(想像) how our society will be, In fact, we should learn how to use new technology to make schools better. We should invent a new knid of school that is linked to libraries, museums, science centers, labs and even companies. Technological companies should create(创造) learning programs for schools. Scientists or professors could give talks through the Internet. TV networks and local stations could develop programs about things students are actually studying in school. Labs could set up websites to show new technology so students could see it on the Internet.Is this a dream? No. There are already many cities where this is beginning to happen. Here the whole city is linked to the Internet, and learning can take place at home, at school, and in the office. Businesses provide programs for the schools and the society. The schools provide computer labs for people without their own computers at home. Because everyone can be on the Internet, older people use it as much as younger ones. And everyone can visit distant(远处的) libraries and museums as easily as nearby ones. How will this new kind of school change the usual way of learning? It is too early to be sure, but it is very exciting to think about it. Technology will change the way we learn; schools will change as well; and we will all learn something from the Internet.(1)In the writers opinion, .A . more schools should be builtB . schools are necessaryC . schools are not necessaryD . there should be fewer schools(2)What does “a new kind of school” mean?A . A newly built school.B . There are many new students in the school.C . There are many new teachers in the school.D . A school, which is linked to Internet.(3)On the Internet, you .A . can view the new technologyB . can see everything except new technologyC . Can learn everythingD . can do whatever you like(4)Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A . The schools provide computer labs for those who have no personal computers.B . If you are not a student, you cannot view the new technology on the Internet.C . On the Internet, you can visit another citys library as easily as the local people.D . Technology will change our way of learning.(5)What is the best title for this passage?A . InternetB . SchoolC . New TechnologyD . will Technology Take the Place of Schools?3. (6分) Farmer Ed Rawlings smiles as he looks at his orange trees. The young oranges are growing well in Floridas weather. Warm sunshine and gentle rains, along with Ed Rawlings expert care, will produce a good crop(收成)of oranges this year.However, Ed has to guard against Floridas changeable winter weather. In January and February, temperatures can destroy Eds entire orange crop. Having farmed in Florida for the past 35 years, Ed is prepared for the frost(霜). When temperatures drop below freezing, Ed tries to save his crop by watering his orange trees. The water freezes and forms a thin layer(层) of ice around the trees. Strange as it may sound, this thin layer of ice actually keeps the fruit warm.What happens is simple. When the trees are watered, the water loses heat and becomes ice. The warmth of the heat it loses is taken in by the fruit and keeps its temperature at a safe level. Ed has effectively used this metho
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