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1 鄂州市鄂州市2012017 7年初中毕业生学业考试年初中毕业生学业考试 英英 语语 试试 题题 学校 考生姓名 准考证号 注意事项 1 本试题卷共8页 满分120分 考试时间120分钟 2 答题前 考生务必将自己的姓名 准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上 并将准考证号条形码 粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置 3 选择题每小题选出答案后 用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑 如需改动 用 橡皮擦干净后 再选涂其他答案标号 答在试题卷上无效 4 非选择题用 0 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内 答在试题卷上无 效 5 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁 考试结束后 请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交 第一部分 听力测试 听力测试 共三节 20小题 满分25分 第一节 听描述或对话 选图画 听下面2 段描述和 3 段对话 听完以后 从 A B C 三幅图画中 选出正确的一幅 每段描述和对话读一遍 共 5 小题 每题 1 分 计 5 分 1 2 3 2 4 5 第二节 听对话 选答案 听下面 4 段对话 根据所提的问题 从 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳答案 每段对话读两 遍 共 10 小题 每题 1 分 计 10 分 听第六段材料 完成第 6 7 小题 6 What are the speakers talking about A A match B A movie C A TV show 7 Why didn t Mary watch the match A It started too late at night B She had to do her homework C She doesn t like basketball matches 听第七段材料 完成第 8 至 10 小题 8 When did Ann go to her hometown A Yesterday B Last week C Last month 9 How was Ann s trip A Exciting B Wonderful C Unpleasant 10 What has happened to Ann s hometown A People have polluted the river there B The water there has become clean C People have planted many flowers and trees there 听第八段材料 完成第 11 12 小题 11 What is Mike going to do first A Clean the room B Do his homework C Take out the rubbish 3 12 What is Mom going to do A Go to a meeting B See a movie C Go to a party 听第九段材料 完成第 13 至 15 小题 13 What is Jerry s favorite music A American country music B Classic music C Rock music 14 What does the woman know about rock music A The woman knows the Beatles B The woman knows Elvis C The woman knows Michael Jackson 15 What does the woman decide to do finally A She decides to buy a CD of Elvis B She decides to buy a CD of the Beatles C She decides to find a good gift in CD shops 第三节 听短文 选答案 听下面一段短文 根据短文内容选出最佳答案 短文读两遍 共 5 小题 每题 2 分 计 10 分 16 Which of the following isn t mentioned in the passage A Gloves B Shorts C Sports suits 17 How many pairs of sports shoes does each child need A One B Two C Three 18 How long is the lunchtime A One hour B One and a half hours C Two hours 19 Where do they buy snacks A In a sports center B In a supermarket C In a shopping center 20 What s the passage mainly about A Outdoor sports B Indoor activities C Sports camp plan 第二部分 语言知识 IIII 单项选择 共 15 小题 每题 1 分 满分 15 分 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 21 The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive Don t worry You can enjoy yourself It s my A time B treat C task D taste 4 22 How old is your son We had a special party for his birthday yesterday A Nine nine B Ninth nine C Nine the ninth D Nine ninth 23 The town of Huarong a lot in the past five years That s true It s becoming more and more beautiful A changed B has changed C had changed D is changing 24 He didn t go to school late yesterday did he though it rained hard yesterday A No he didn t B Yes he didn t C Yes he did D No he did 25 I had a pleasant trip last week A Oh that s very kind of you B It s a pleasure C Congratulations D I m glad to hear that 26 If you do that you will with an egg on your face But I won t regret it A take up B end up C keep up D catch up 27 Jack hasn t taken his piano lessons for a long time He is considering his piano course and spending more time on his study A to drop B to throw C dropping D throwing 28 What would you like to drink tea or coffee is OK but I prefer coffee milk A Either to B Either with C Neither to D Neither with 29 The tall man with glasses over there looks like our math teacher It be him He has gone abroad A may not B mustn t C can t D needn t 30 What an interesting story she told us Yes and her voice sounded A sweet B small C clearly D sadly 31 I ll be away for a long time 5 Don t worry She can look after your pet A careful enough B enough careful C carefully enough D enough carefully 32 What do you often do classes to relax yourselves We often do some running or listen to music A in B through C between D among 33 Time will whether I made the right choice or not I believe you can succeed A see B say C know D tell 34 Do you know Yes she is very kind and outgoing A what s his mother like B what his mother likes C what his mother is like D how his mother is like 35 Please tell me something about Yang Liwei He is a great astronaut of all the Chinese are proud A that B whose C who D whom IIIIII 完形填空 共 10 小题 每题 1 分 满分 10 分 阅读下面短文 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 使短文完整 通顺 One evening I went out for a walk on the path 小路 near my house with my husband On my finger was a very special ring with a diamond 钻石 that my grandmother gave me for my 23rd birthday At the end of the path when I looked down at it again and found the diamond was 36 I started back along the path hurriedly 37 the tiny stone In my heart I knew it seemed impossible for me to find it The path was very long and 38 with leaves As I searched the ground crying and upset I met an old lady What s the matter love She asked kindly I 39 about the missing diamond and showed her my ring She said That s going to be hard to find Tell me what love I walk along this path every day I ll keep my eyes 40 for it I thanked her 41 nothing but still told her that we som
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