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Module 2 Me,my family and friendsUnit: 3 FriendsPeriod: 3Date:Aims:Purpose: Recognize familiar words in unfamiliar contexts.制定依据;内容分析:重点:用形容词表达动物,如:This is a lion. He is big. He is strong. 用名词词组表达动物和物体。难点:用自己的话表达故事。Teaching ProcessStageContentMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Listen to the story:The lion and the mouse1. Listen ,then ask and answer:T:A lion.Is it big? Has it got a tail? What colour is it?S:Yes,it is.To practise their listening taskWhile-task procedureReview: teethsharphappyafraidListen again and check the answerDo photocopiable P24Feed backDraw a pic Ask and answerCheck first in pairs ,then in the whole classDo with teachers helpRead in the classEncourage the sts to answer and feed back.practise the listening skillto improve their writing skillsto check their workPost-task activityLearn the soundsWorkbook P16Listen and read2.Do the work1.To learn the sounds.2.ToPractise板书: M2U3 sharp afraid/braveThinking & Rebuilding
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