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河北传媒学院周次时 间年 月 日 月 日 第 节章节名称Unit 1授课方式课堂讲授:( ) 实践课( )教学目的Get to know the content of the whole unitInsisting on ones goal of life Socializing during the freshman orientation week Master the key language points Memorize the new words and improve the comprehensive skills 教学手段Lecture; Presentation; Questions and Answer; Exercises重点Discussion: Our dreams of life and the ways to realize them.Exchanging expectations about the new semester with classmates.Review the simple sentence structure难点Master the main idea of the text and analyze the text Key language points and complicated sentence patterns Listening comprehension 作业Preview and review the text , The exercises after the text Listening Comprehension 教学内容与教学过程Section I. Teaching Procedures: (第1-2 节)Step 1. Lead-in Discussion: Do you have a dream? What is it?Step 2. Listening Comprehension Listen to a short passage entitled “My Dream” and answer the questions.1. Learn the new words.kindle vt. 1) catch fire The dried grass of the prairie kindled, spreading the flames for miles flame n. 火焰;热情;光辉 v. 焚烧;泛红illuminate vt. 1)make lighter or brighter照亮;使灿烂2)make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear 3)add embellishments and paintings to starvation n. 饿死;绝食;挨饿 v. starve教学设计1. 导入:以问题的形式引入本课主题 (讨论)(15mins) 2. 听力理解听有关本课主题的小短文并回答问题(35mins)重点词汇讲解授课教案教学内容与教学过程2. Ask the students to take a look at the three questions first.3. Tell the students to listen to the passage with the questions in mind. (2-3 times) 4. After listening to the passage, ask the students to answer the questions.Questions and answers:1. What was Martin Luther Kings dream?Martin Luther Kings dream was to have justice for all people.2. What was Lincolns dream?Lincolns dream was to set the slaves free.3. What is the speakers dream? The speakers dream is to help those people who need help.Step 3. Enjoy a Song: I Have a Dream 1. Read the lyrics of a song. 2. Listen to the tape or the CD and sing in chorus. 3. Ask the students to listen to the song and understand the general meaning of it.Step 4: Read the new words and expressions of the text.1. Ask the students to pronounce one by one.2. Follow the tape and practice.3. Read in groups.Step 5. Assignment1. Preview the new words and expressions of the text.2. Preview the text. Section II. Teaching Procedures: (第3-4 节)Step 1: Review Ask the students to read the new words togetherStep 2: New words and Expressions ranch: 牧场e.g. He is dreaming of owning a ranch in North America. 以提问方式鼓励学生讨论3. 歌曲听读理解(15mins)4. 朗读预习词汇(20mins)5. 作业(5mins)1. 复习词汇(5mins)教学内容与教学过程fund-raising: 筹募基金活动e.g. A charity walk is a fund-raising event. The fund-raising campaign was kicked off by a millionaire. raise money: 集资;筹款e.g. The film star lent his name to the efforts to raise money to help the flood victims. We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless. at risk: 有危险,有风险e.g.If we go to war, innocent lives will be put at risk. go back to: 追溯到,回到上来e.g. Whenever Grandma talks, she always likes to go back to her younger days. itinerant: 巡回的,流动的e.g. Im contemplating to make an itinerant speech all over China. There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers. track: n. 1) 跑道2) 踪迹,足迹,痕迹e.g. We followed his tracks in the snow to a hut. 3) 路,小径vt. 跟在足迹后;跟踪e.g. The hunters tracked game through the forest. The police tracked the criminal to his hiding place. continually: 不停地,频繁地e.g. The telephone has been ringing continually in the office all morning. Pay attention to the difference between continual and continuous. Continual connotes an act that is repeated again and again (意味着可能存在间断) while continuous implies lack of interruption in time, substance, or extent (含有在时间、物质或广度上没有间断的意思). Compare the following examples: 1. He lived in continual fear. 2. We were bothered by the continual banging of the shutter in the wind. 2. 词汇、词组讲解(45mins) 教学内容与教学过程3. She suffered a continuous bout of illness lasting six months. 4. The horizon is a continuous line. in detail: 详细地e.g. He described the robbery in detail to us. diagram: 图解,图表e.g. He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point. location:. 地点,位置,定位e.g. He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map. The town is a good location for a weekend getaway. detailed: 详细的,极注意细节的,详尽的e.g. Please send a detailed resum to our company. She has a detailed knowledge of American culture. Note that the verb sit in this sentence is used in the sense of “to be situated or located (坐落,处于或位于)”.e.g. The house sits on a
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