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Unit2 Looking for a Hospital课标要求:P10,P14,P18,P20, P22, P24。教学目标:1、知识与技能:(1)学会句型Excuse me. Where is the? 并能用该句型结合情景做对话。(2)学习如何用英语问路。(3)掌握以下单词的读音和意义:turn left,turn right, go straight, across from, park , bank, supermarket.2、过程与方法:通过网上查找资料,听课文录音和请教高年级学生等方式,初步掌握掌握课文背景和句型。通过小组合作学习进一步提高单词的拼读能力。通过全班展示和教师点拨熟练掌握课文知识并能在实际中运用。3、情感、态度与价值观:培养学生敢于用英语谈论问路,加深学习英语的兴趣。教学重难点:学习句型Excuse me. Where is the? 并能用该句型进行交际。掌握以下单词的读音和意义:turn left,turn right, go straight, across from, park , bank, supermarket.教学难点:熟练运用句式Excuse me. Where is the? 进行交际。课时安排:2课时教学过程 一、预习导学写出下面单词含义。turn left,turn right, go straight, across from, park , bank, supermarket.二、学习研讨1、导入新课。同学们:同学们,大家问过路吗?知道如何有礼貌的问路吗?请大家来说说。小组展示:各小组合作完成前置作业。小组合作:1、读一读你会读的单词,并教会小组中的其它人。各小组展示成果。师生评价。2、读一读对话Excuse me. Where is the hospital?Go straight. Its across from the park.Excuse me. Where is the bank?Turn left at the corner. Its next to the supermarket.并说说他的意思。教师点拨:针对学生不理解的句型和不会读的单词进行深入的教读和讲解。三、拓展延伸用所学的句型进行交际,呈现本课单词卡片。1、Pair work.2、检查效果,鼓励学生勇敢表演对话。四、作业 基础题:抄写vocabulary。五、板书设计Unit2 Looking for a HospitalExcuse me. Where is the hospital?Go straight. Its across from the park.Excuse me. Where is the bank?Turn left at the corner. Its next to the supermarket.教学后记:
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