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What is it It is a What are they They are 你能找到它们吗 1 This is my bedroom F 2 My books are on the table F 3 My pens are on the fridge T 4 My bag is on the table F 5 My glasses are near the phone T Read and fill in the blanks with is or are This my living room My books on the sofa and my pens on the fridge My bag under the table and my glasses near the phone Where my keys Can you find them isare are is areare 单数名词用is 复数名词请用are 1 The sofa is in the 2 The fridge is in the 3 The table is in the 4 The desk is in the 5 The bed is in the 6 The chairs are in the 头脑风暴 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 供参考 感谢您的支持 我们努力做得更好
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