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2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习教案SeniorBookIUnit15-Unit16人教版I Words 1.sure - surely adv. 2.explain- explanation n. 3.advantage- disadvantage反义词 4. shock- shocked adj.5.necessary- unnecessary 反义词 6.cruel- cruelty n. 7.conclude-conclusion. 8.economy-economic adj. 9.apply- application n. 10.mystery- mysterious adj. 11fort- fortable adj.- fortably adv. II. Words and phrases1.explain v .解释;说明(原因)n. explanation(1)表示“向某人解释某事”时,sb.前必须使用介词to,即explain to sb. sth./ explain sth. to sb我被要求向他解释那个句子的意思。I was asked to explain to him the meaning of the sentence.(2)作及物动词时,后面可跟名词、复合宾语、动词不定式和宾语从句作宾语; 你如何为自己的粗鲁行为辩解?How do you explain your rude behavior?你能不能向我说一下蛋糕的做法呢?Can you explain to me how to bake a cake?他解释为什么迟到。He explained why he was late.她解释说因为生病所以她不能来了。She explained that she couldnt e because she was ill.2. recognize v. (1)认出;分辨出虽然她变化很大,我还是一眼就认出了她。Though she changed much, I recognized her at first sight.你能认出他的笔迹吗? Do you recognize(=make out)his handwriting?(2)承认; 他们承认他是一位伟大领袖。They recognized him to be a great leader.他不承认自己犯下了大错。He didnt recognize(=admit)that he had made a big mistake.3. charge v. 要价;向某人收费;记账;谴责;命令;充电;管理;照顾;收费。(1)一间带浴室的房间多少钱? How much do you charge for a room with a bath?一杯咖啡他们向我要5美圆。They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee.(2)请将这些钱记在我的账上。Please charge the money to my account.(3)母亲训诫我要诚实,不可偷窃。Mother charged me to tell the truth and not to steal.(4)我多长时间充一次电? How often shall I charge the battery?n.(1) 那大厅的使用费是多少? What is the charge for using the hall?你可得到免费服务 You can get service free of charge.(2) 付现金还是记账? Will that be cash or charge?(3) 下周董事离开,我将负责整个工厂。Ill be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director is away.这位病人由那位医生负责。The patient is in the charge of that doctor.4. worth; worthy; worthwhile 值得的(1) worth,有.价值, 只作表语be (well) worth + n./ v.ing(2) worthy 值得的,配得上的,作表语和定语,用法如下:be worthy of +n.be worthy of being donebe worthy to be done(3) worthwhile值得做的,有花费时间(精力)的价值,作表语和定语It is worthwhile to do / doingSth. be worthwhile. 这个问题值得讨论。The problem is worth discussing =The problem is worthy of discussion.=The problem is worthy to be discussed.=The problem is worthy of being discussed.=It is worthwhile to discuss the problem.=It is worthwhile discussing the problem.=To discuss/ Discussing the problem is worthwhile.5. matter; mind; care 都有” 介意,关心”的意思(1)matter vi. 主语是sth.或 it(2)mind n. 主语是人,后接n.或doing(3) care vi.主语是人,后接about带名词做宾语; 接句子时不用介词.It doesnt matter whether it will rain or not .I dont mind being left alone.=I dont care about being left aloneWhat does it matter ?Now please mind what I say!He failed in the examination but I dont think he cares very much.6. sense v. / n. 感官,感觉;意义,意味等(1)他说的话很有道理。 What he said makes sense.(2)你能理解我说的话吗? Can you make sense of what I said?(3)就某种意义而言,你说的是实话。What you say is true in a sense.(4)五种感官是视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉。The five senses are sight, hearing , smell, taste and touch.她的方向感很差。She has a poor sense of direction.他没有经商意识。He has no sense of business.(5)她听到这个消息就昏了过去。She lost her senses when she heard the news.(6) He sensed that something had happened to his family.他感觉到他家出事了。7. pay back, pay for , pay off,(1)pay back偿还 你能不能借给我一些钱?我明天就还你。Can you lend me some money? Ill pay you back tomorrow.(2)pay for付款;受到报应pay sth. / pay sb. for sth.pay sb money for sth.= pay money to sb. for sth.你付给他100美圆买他那辆旧自行车了吗?Did you pay him 100 dollars for that old bicycle?那本书你付过钱了吗?Did you pay for the book?你将为你的罪行受到惩罚。Youll have to pay for your crime.(3) pay off 全部还清; 使人收益我现在已经全部付清债务了。Ive now paid off all my debts.你的计划成功了吗?Did your plan pay off ?8 bring 的有关短语.出版;生产;使显出 bring out 抚养;提出;呕吐 bring up使价格降低;使倒下 bring down 引起;导致 bring about引进;赚取 bring in 提出;提议 bring forward带回;使忆起 bring back 使发展(或前进) bring onII .Key points1. What is to be done when something gets into your eyes?to do作表语的句型结构: be to do结构可以用来表示安排、命令、职责、用途、命中注定要发生的动作等。我们约定在校门口碰头。 We are to meet at the school gate.你得在10点钟前回来。 You are to be back by 10 oclock.我谨通知你会议在杭州举行。I am to inform you that the meeting will be held in Hangzhou.刀是用来切割的。 A knife is to cut with. 他们注定永远不会再见面了。 They were never to meet again.2. There is no doubt that 100 years ago animals testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken care of. Sb. have doubt about sb./sth.There is no doubt thatSb. have no doubt that.There is some doubt whetherSb. doubt whether.There is some doubt whether he is the best man for the job.(他是这项工作的最合适人选)I have no doubt that he will pass the exam.(他会通过这次考试)I doubt whether/if he will keep his words.(他会守诺言)3. The kite flew high in the raining sky, but nothing happened. (1
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