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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 Pride and Prejudice-Section自我小测 外研版选修10.单项选择1Maria is a _ person and never makes any unreasonable demands.Asensitive BsensibleCobedient Djealous2The police refused to _ the clues they were working on.Aexhibit Bdisclose Cexpose Ddiscover3The life here is really very difficult,to tell you the truth,I havent pletely _to it yet.Aagreed Bfitted Cadjusted Dadopted4We_ that you would fix the TV set this week.Im sorry.I_ to fix it this week,but Ive been too busy.Ahad expected;had intended Bare expecting;had intended Cexpect;intend Dexpected;intend5The author of the report is well _ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.Aacquainted Binformed Cenlightened Dadvised6Few children are as bright as he is,and also,he works very hard.Its no_ that he always gets the first place in any examination.Aquestion Bdoubt Cproblem Dwonder.根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词1As you so r_ pointed out,things are getting worse.2He had _(超过)all our expectations.3Check and _(调整)the brakes regularly.4When darkness fell,he would _(冒险)out.5Did he feel any c_ for the victim of his crime?6Many of these ideas have been _(忽视)by modern historians.7We saw lights _(闪烁)in the little town below us.8Offered the position of chairman,Mr.Smith d_,preferring to keep his current job.9He refused to _(透露)the identity of the politician.10You eat this kind of pill to forbid to _(超过)two balls every time.完成句子(每空一词)1他教导我们对穷人应有怜悯心。He teaches us to _ _ _the poor.2这个地区的人口在减少。The population in this area is _ _ _.3我要以谦逊和献身的精神从事工作。I shall _ _ the work with humility and dedication.4我要去看望我的一位老同学。Im going to _ _ one of my former classmates.5他的儿子是一个三岁就能弹奏钢琴的早慧儿童。His son is a precocious child who could _ _ _at the age of three.6万物生长靠太阳。All living things_ _the sun for their growth.7学生犯像这样的错误是司空见惯。_ _ _ students make the mistake like this.8我烦透了像这样在一旁等着。I_ _ _ waiting around like this.9我们等候了三个小时,一直希望能有人来接我们。We waited for three hours,_ _ _hoping that someone would e and fetch us. 翻译句子1那个推销员说服了我们买他的产品。_2难怪有人说电子计算机正渐渐接管世界。_3她把那封信撕成了碎片。_4他弟弟在一次洪水中淹死了。_5你应该早告诉我那件事。_6我不是有意无礼的。_.书面表达 请从下列人物中选择你最喜欢的一位,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文。要求根据所给信息作适当发挥,且需包括以下三部分内容:1对该人物的简单介绍; 2喜欢该人物的理由; 3从该人物身上得到的启示。Thomas EdisonHelen KellerWilliam Shakespeareinventor;creative;diligent;full of wisdomordinary but great woman;disabled;optimistic;eager to learnwriter;talented;imaginative;man of all ages“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninetynine percent perspiration.”“.if I had the power of sight for three days.”“Life is a stage.”【写作指导】本文选取了xx年高考湖南卷的写作题。要求考生根据所给信息,介绍美国科学家Thomas Edison、美国残疾妇女Helen Keller或者英国文学家William Shakespeare。本文作为高考试题难度较大,因为所给信息较少。主要内容有三部分:人物介绍,喜欢该人物的理由和从该人物身上得到的启示。本文时态应以一般现在时和一般过去时为主。段落安排可根据内容分为三段。参考答案.1解析:sensible 明智的,通情达理的;sensitive敏感的;obedient顺从的;jealous 妒忌的,猜疑的,警惕的。句意:Maria是个通情达理的人,她从不提出什么不合理的要求。答案:B2解析:disclose 透露,使显露;exhibit 展览,展出,显示;expose 暴露;discover发现。句意:警方拒绝透露他们正在调查的线索。答案:B3解析:adopt 是“收养,采纳”的意思,adjust to 表示“适应”。答案:C4解析:expect,intend,want,wish,hope,plan 等动词的过去完成式可表示过去未曾实现的想法、愿望、打算等。答案:A5解析:be acquainted with熟悉;be well informed of/about 对消息灵通。答案:A6解析:Its no wonder that意为“毫无疑问,难怪”,相当于There is no doubt that。答案:D.1答案:rightly2答案:surpassed3答案:adjust4答案:venture5答案:passion6答案:neglected7答案:twinkling8答案:declined9答案:disclose10答案:surpass.1答案:have passion on2答案:on the decline3答案:take on 4答案:call on5答案:play the piano6答案:depend on7答案:All too often8答案:am sick of9答案:all the while.1答案:The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.2答案:No wonder people say that puters are taking over the world.3答案:She tore the letter to/into pieces.4答案:His younger brother drowned in a flood.5答案:You should have told me the matter earlier.6答案:I didnt mean to be rude.参考范文:Sample 1: Thomas EdisonBorn in America,Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating.In fact,he was a man full of imagination.I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world.He h
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