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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module5Cloning讲义外研版选修 一积词汇见多识广 课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1controversial adj.有争议的 2pulsory adj. 强制的,强迫的3fundamental adj. 基本的,重要的 4.flexible adj. 易适应的5optional adj. 可选择的 6.suspect n. 嫌疑人7incredible adj. 难以置信的 8.imaginary adj. 假想的;虚构的(二)表达词汇写其形1chase v 追逐,追赶,追踪 2.murder v 谋杀3refuse v. 拒绝 4.contrast v. 对照5rush v. 冲,猛冲 6.cure v. 治愈7spit v. 吐出(唾液) 8.emotion n. 感情;情绪(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.breathe v呼吸breath n呼吸*2.beneficial adj.有益的,有用的benefit n好处,益处v.得益于*3.terrify v使惊恐,使受惊吓terrified adj.恐惧的terrifying adj. 令人恐惧的terror n恐惧,恐怖terrorist n恐怖分子*4.resist v抵抗,忍耐;抵制resistant adj.有抵抗力的,抵抗的resistance n抵抗*5.analyse v分析analysis n分析6absorb v吸收absorbing adj.吸引人的;引人入胜的7violence n暴力violent adj.猛烈的,暴力的*8.acpany v陪伴,陪同pany n陪伴panion n同伴,伴侣用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空1The traffic accident that happened yesterday terrified Mary. It was really a terrifying experience to her, and now she is still terrified at the thought of getting on a bus.(terrify)2Everyone knows the benefit of learning English and if you work hard, it will be beneficial to your future career. It is reported that many graduates have benefited from having a good mand of English.(benefit)3The dog is a good panion and it keeps the little girl pany all the time, and even acpanies her to school.(acpany)4The resistance (resist) to vaccine has continued for decades, and it is driven by a real but very small risk.(xx北京高考)5He took a deep breath to breathe the fresh air.(breathe)6Analyse the maths problem carefully and your careful analysis will help you find the solution to it.(analyse)话题单词积累1biotechnology/bai()teknldI/n. 生物科技2transplant/trnsplant/n.& vt. 移植3robot/rubt/ n. 机器人4hardware/hdwe/ n. 硬件5software/sf(t)we/ n. 软件6system/sIstm/ n. 系统;体系7data/deIt/ n. 数据,资料8database /deItbeIs/n. 数据库9Internet/intnet/ n. 互联网10network/netwk/ n. 网络11website/websait/ n. 网址12cyberspace/saIbspeIs/ n. 网络空间13connect/knekt/ vt. 连接,把联系起来14convenient /knvinint/ adj. 便利的,方便的15download/daunlud/ n& vt. 下载16calculate/klkjuleIt/ vt. 计算,核算,推测17digital/dIdIt()l/ adj. 数字的18powerful/pauful/ adj. 强大的19wonder/wnd/ n. 奇迹20universe/junIvs/ n. 宇宙21secret/sikrIt/ n. 秘密22explore/Ikspl/ v. 探索23empower/Impau/ vt. 授权;使能够24reveal/rIvil/ v. 揭示25plex/kmpleks/ adj. 复杂的二积短语顿挫抑扬 课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语*1.burn_out (火)燃尽,烧完自灭,烧毁 2.contrast_with 与形成对照3treat_.as_. 把当成对待 *4.(be)_identical_to 和一样,与一致5throw_oneself_on_. 扑倒在上*6.by_mistake 错误地*7.as_far_as_we_know 据我们所知*8.break_down 分解,发生故障*9.rely_on 依靠,依赖 10.get_out_of_control 摆脱控制11a_sequence_of 一系列的12as_follows 如下13knock_out 摧毁,击倒14bring_.back_to_life 使复活(二)用上面标注*的短语完成下列句子1The speech you gave this year was_identical_to the one you gave at the conference last year.2I need to call my friend David in whose coat I walked off by_mistake yesterday.3A health care project can provide treatment at half the cost or less, relying_on the needs of the patient.4It was already one in the morning, and my candle was nearly burnt_out,_when I saw the dull yellow eyes of the creature open.5As_far_as_we_know,_traveling in space has been made possible with the development of science and technology.6He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the airconditioning system broke_down.话题短语积累1technological innovation 科技创新2new frontier 新领域33D technology 3D技术4digital technology 数字技术5artificial intelligence 人工智能6new and high technology industry高新技术产业7testtube baby 试管婴儿8GMF Genetically Modified Food 转基因食品9space technology 太空技术10intelligent terminal 智能终端11tablet personal puter 平板电脑12portable puter 便携式电脑13virtual net 虚拟网14text message 手机短信15surf the Internet 上网冲浪16have access to/be accessible to 能使用17ITinformation technology 信息技术18search engine 搜索引擎19distract ones attention 分散某人的注意力20have a negative effect 有负面影响21electronic books 电子读物三积句式写作扮靓 课内句式仿写1while引导的时间状语从句的省略句式例句 While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to create life.仿写 当查找一些信息时,我们可以通过触摸屏来操作。While_searching_for_some_information,_we can operate by touching the screen.2“It is/was被强调部分that/who .”强调句型例句 It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time.仿写 拥有真诚和信任我们才能创建一个和谐的气氛。It_was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere.3wish后面的宾语从句中常用虚拟语气例句 I wish I had not created this creature, I wish I was on the other side of the world, I wish I could disappear!仿写 小男孩希望他现在是一个超人,能飞往月球。The little boy wishes he were_a_superman now and could_fly to the moon.话题佳句背诵1With the rapid development of science and t
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