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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit5 The British Isles(备课资料) I. 异域风情 1. Newspapers in Britain If you get on a bus or catch a train in Britain, especially during the morning and evening “rush hour” ,when most people travel to and from work, you will see a lot of people with their heads in a newspaper. More daily newspapers, national and regional, are sold in Britain than in most other developed countries. On an average day two out of three people over the age of 15 read a national morning paper; about three out of four read a Sunday paper. There are about 135 daily papers and Sunday papers,2 000 weekly papers and nearly 100 papers produced by members of ethnic minorities (60 of which are Asian papers). A lot of people buy a morning paper, an evening paper and a couple of Sunday papers so it is not surprising to learn that national newspapers have a circulation of 15.8 million copies on weekdays and 17.9 million on Sundays. The press caters for a variety of political views, interests and levels of education. Papers are generally divided into “quality” papers which are serious with long, informative articles, and “popular” papers known as tabloids because of their smaller size. Tabloids are less serious and contain more human interest stories than news. In the 1980s a new quality paper, the independent, and a new tabloid, today, were introduced. Today had pictures and pages in colour and that started a fashion; now most tabloids are in colour. Newspapers are almost always financially independent of any political party. Nevertheless, during general election campaigns many papers remend their readers to vote for a particular political party. The papers editor usually writes an open letter called a leader to the readers. Ownership of the national, London and regional daily newspapers is concentrated in the hands of large press publishing groups. In the early 1990s the governments Broadcasting Bill aimed to pass laws to prevent too much media ownership being in the hands of one individual or organisation. 2. Broadcasting BBC radio and television and the independent panies broadcast a variety of drama, opera, ballet and music, as well as general arts magazine programmes and documentaries. These have won many international awards at international television festivals. In- dependent television panies also make grants for arts promotion in their regions. Broadcasting is a major medium for making the arts available to the public and is a crucial source of work for actors, musicians, writers, posers, technicians and others in the arts world. It has created its own forms-nothing like arts documentaries or drama series, for instance, exists in any other medium. Broadcasters mission and produce a vast quantity of new work. Television and radio provide critical debate, information and education about the arts. The BBC has five orchestras, which employ many of Britains full-time professional musicians. Each week it broadcasts about 150 hours of classical and other music (both live and recorded)on its Radio 3 (FM)channel. BBC Radio 1 (FM)broadcasts rock and pop music, along with a range of other program- ming,24 hours a day, and a large part of the output of BBC Radio 2 (FM)is popular and light music. There are at present two national mercial radio stations which broadcast music: Classic FM, which broadcasts mainly classical music;and Virgin 1215,which plays broad-based rock music. Much of the output of Britains local radio stations consists of popular and light music, The BBC regularly missions new music, particularly by British posers, and sponsors concerts, petitions and festivals. Each summer it presents and broadcasts the BBC Promenade Concerts(the Proms), the worlds largest music festival, at the Royal Albert Hall. II知识归纳1“同意与不同意”常用句式归纳(1)常用句式表示同意的常用句式: Certainly/Sure/Of course. Yes, please. Yes, I think so. Thats true. All right/OK. No problem. Thats a good idea. Its a good idea to/that I/We agree(with you). I agree to/that clause 表示不同意的常用句式: No, I dont think so. Im afraid not. Im afraid I(really)cant agree with you. (2)日常交际用语询问是否同意 Do you agree(with me)/think so? Dont you agree/think/feel? You agree with me, wouldnt you? Can I ask if you agree with/to? I wonder if you agree(that) Yes, I agree with you. I agree pletely/entirely/totally. (I think) You are right/exactly right. Thats what I think/was thinking. Surely it must be Thats just how I feel. Thats my opinion, too. So do(am, have, can) I.表示部分同意 Yesyou are right,but Im afraid youre rightits true Im afraid I have to agree Maybe/Perhaps youre right Thats a possibility I see your opinion I hadnt thought of that 表示完全不同意 H dontcant agree(with you) I rea
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