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Activity Directions Discuss with your group members Each group researches on the topic the best thing to do if someone is choking or drowning Get ready to present them in class role play or a short play is admired Text Three in jest 开玩笑地 Para2 L 1 clergymen n 教士 牧师 Para3 L 2 revolution rev lu n n 革命 Para3 L 2 liberty lib ti n 自由 自主 Para3 L4 drastically adv 大大地 彻底地 Para24 L1 condemn k n dem vt 谴责 判罪 Para5 L2 terrorist ter r st n 恐怖主义者 恐怖分子 Para5 L3 Text Three Activity 1 Directions Discuss with your deskmate on the topic Who is your idol now or who is your former idol The reasons why you like him her such as Lei Feng Zhou En lai Jobs Bill Gates Jay Choo Jolin SHE Jackie Chen Defining a concept means is refer s to My definition of is To me heroes are those who Heroes come all shapes and sizes A hero is someone like A hero can be a lot of things some one who some one who Giving reasons and offering explanationsGiving reasons and offering explanations To start with The reason why That s why For this reason That s the reason why Many people think Considering Allowing for the fact that When you consider that Adjectives used to describe peopleAdjectives used to describe people selfish outgoing courageous adventurous idealistic aggressive creative passionate cheerful playful sincere honest talented gifted gusty close to nature spiteful optimistic ambitious biased self concerned jealous pessimistic committed firm Unit 2 Love and Romance Unit 2 Love and Romance Love is blind Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder Marry in haste repent at leisure Love me love my dog Platonic love is love from the neck up Absence makes the heart grow fonder Love alone begets love Unit 2 Love and Romance In the eyes of love pock marks are dimples Love is neither bought nor sold No herb will cure love Go down the ladder when you marry a wife go up when you choose a friend Text One Activity 1 Directions Role play Form a group of four Play the roles of Feng Song Xue and Yue Imagine that they meet months later Feng and Yue are still together Make up a conversation Text One Activity 2 Directions Have a interview on the topic Who is your idol type of boyfriend girlfriend What specific qualities are you looking for such as beautiful handsome honest lively diligent considerate Text Two Text Two Activity 1 Directions Storytelling Here are some Characters their relationships Make up a love story Text Two Activity 2 Directions A short play A impressive love stories Each group prepares a short play about love stories 5 6 characters will be perfect such as Romeo and Juliet Titanic Liang and Zhu Cinderella about 5 8 minutes Text Two Activity 3 Directions Debate Topic Should age difference be a barrier Text Two Activity 2 Directions Debate Topic Should age difference be a barrier group 1 2 are affirmative side while group 3 4 are negative side discussing about the ground of arguments and counter arguments choosing three debaters setting first second and third debater Group5 is the chairmen hosts choosing the chairman and host 1 2 person the others are presidium 主席团 determining the winning sides and choosing two best debaters Text Two 1 First of all one identified by a square opening arguments limit 3 minutes then one identified by the anti side opening arguments limit 3 minutes 首先 由正方一辨开篇立论 限时3 分钟 然后由反方一辨开篇立论 限时3分钟 2 2 After the opening remarks identified both positive and negative sides of the two identified respectively to the free debate stage starting from the square of free debate the two sides take turns to speak every time a person can not speak straight from the same side were a time 4 minutes each side 开辨陈词后 正反方的二辨分别进入自由盘问 辩论 阶段 由正 方开始自由辩论 双方每次一人轮流发言 不可由同一方连续发言 每方分别计时4分钟 Text Two Activity 2 3 Three Arguments from both sides of the debate concluded 由双方的三辨作辩论总结 Text Three Activity 1 Discussion Discuss with your deskmate on the following questions Love has various forms Look at the pictures on P18 How would you describe the types of love portrayed Which do you think are the deepest forms of love Homework Imitation Gone with the Wind Forrest Gump 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 供参考 感谢您的支持 我们努力做得更好
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