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牛津译林英语八年级上册 Unit 8 Natural disaster单元测试(二)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The Qingming Festival which is also called_Pure Brightness Festival, falls on April 5 every year, it is_time-honored tradition(悠久的传统) for the Chinese to honor their ancestors.A . The; aB . /; theC . The; theD . /; a2. (2分)What should we do to the sick boy?We can tell him some funny stories.A . put upB . build upC . cheer upD . give up3. (2分)-Every time the exam is over, I will the results.-Take it easy! Grades are not our whole life.A . be worried aboutB . be pleased withC . be good atD . be good for4. (2分)My MP5 doesnt work. There is _with it. A . wrong somethingB . something wrongC . anything wrongD . nothing wrong5. (2分)Again and again the doctor looked over the crying baby girl, but he couldnt what was wrong with her. A . find outB . look outC . look forD . look after6. (2分) The more _ you listen to the tape, the _ you will find it to understand.A . carefully; more easilyB . careful; more easilyC . carefully; easierD . careful; easier7. (2分)May I have a bath now?No, _ you can go to carry water by yourself.A . ifB . unlessC . becauseD . when8. (2分)His family are worried about him because they havent _ letters from him for a long time.A . acceptedB . receivedC . writtenD . collected9. (2分)In the world people like playing football. A . million ofB . millions ofC . two millions ofD . two millions10. (2分)Must I leave now?No, you_. You may still stay here if you like.A . mustntB . cantC . dont have toD . wont11. (2分)Miss Li is teaching _ the classroom and I am sitting _ my friend. A . in front of; in the front ofB . behind; in the front ofC . in the front of; behind12. (2分)(2015.江苏徐州) Someone swam across the Yunlong Lake this morning. I didnt see it. I _ along the lake.A . joggedB . will jog C . have joggedD . was jogging13. (2分)Dont forget _ the window when you leave the house. A . closeB . closingC . to closeD . to closing14. (2分)How many points did you score in the last game?A grand total of 23.A . getB . addC . spend15. (2分)_?At six oclock in the afternoon.A . When is it todayB . Whats the timeC . How long is the partyD . What time does the party begin二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) A saint (圣人) found a group of family members shouting angrily at each other on a river bank. He asked his disciples(信徒), 1do people shout when they are angry with each other? The disciples2 for a while and one of them said, Because they lose their calm.But why should they shout when the other persons are just3 them? They can tell them what they have to say in a 4 manner. Asked the saint.The disciples gave some other answers but 5made the saint pleased. Finally the saint 6, When two people are angry with each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout in order to 7each other. The angrier they are, the8they will have to shout to cover that great distance. What happens when two people fall in love? They dont shout at each other but talk softly, because their hearts are very close. The distance9them is very small or doesnt exist(存在).The saint looked at his disciples and continued, So when you argue with other people, do not say words that distance each other, or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the 10to return.(1)A . What B . When C . Where D . Why (2)A . thought B . laughed C . cried D . rested (3)A . far from B . next to C . across from D . in the front of (4)A . hard B . lively C . soft D . bad (5)A . everyone B . anyone C . someone D . none (6)A . explained B . answered C . replied D . asked (7)A . see B . watch C . hear D . listen to (8)A . softer B . louder C . larger D . higher (9)A . by B . near C . among D . between (10)A . way B . answer C . home D . person 三、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)阅读理解BMy name is Alice. I have four aunts. They are all great women. Now, lets learn about them.This is Emily Smith. She is my fathers sister. She is twenty-eight years old. She works at a big computer company.This is Rachel Smith. She is my fathers sister, too. She is thirty years old. She is a d
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