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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship Reading Anne一、教学对象分析本堂课的教学对象是高一新生,他们正处于由初中向高中过渡的适应期,从一个熟悉的环境来到一个全新的校园,因此他们内心渴望被接受和认可,渴望被了解和认识,但同时又有羞涩和腼腆的一面,而本单元关于友谊的话题,贴近他们的实际生活需要,对他们有很强的吸引力和认同感。但是他们在交友的标准及尺度把握上意识比较模糊,所以需要老师和家长的指导和帮助。经过初中三年的英语学习,他们已经掌握了一定的语言知识和学习技能,但是因为新接触高中课文,在对如何加强外语语言文化的感知方面会有一定的困难,也需要老师的指导和点拨。二、教材内容分析 本单元是人教版模块一的第一单元,以friend和friendship为话题,使学生通过讨论什么是好朋友,什么是真正的友谊,如何交友等问题,树立正确的交友观。而本单元的reading部分节选自安妮日记,讲述的是在二战时期,犹太人Anne在孤独中只能以日记为友,伴其度过两年的逃亡生活。语言地道,文字优美,对事物和人物的描写生动,使学生在了解主人公内心世界的同时,深切体会到英语语言文字的优美。3、 教学目标At the end of the lesson, students will be able to(1) pay more attention to the beautiful words and sentences in the reading and read them aloud with their own feelings;(2) develop their critical thinking;(3) strengthen their judgment about good friends and bad friends.四、教学过程Step1 Greetings (1 minute)教师展示几张新校园的图片,并以主人的姿态欢迎新同学的加入。 T: At first, I would like to share several pictures with you. Could you tell me where it is?Ss: Our school.T: Right. All the pictures are about our school, your new school. So wele to our school. I know you are new in this school. Some of you may feel lonely because you are far away from your old friends. It doesnt matter. Today I prepare a game for you to make new friends.设计意图教师以图片和主人翁的姿态轻松自然的欢迎学生的到来,从而使学生能以更放松的心态融入到课堂中。Step 2 Warming-up and lead-in (10 minutes) 1. Warming-up(1)学生在老师的指导下以“击鼓传花”的游戏方式进行自我介绍。T: Can you guess the games name according to the picture? Yes, “击鼓传花”in Chinese; that is, one is drumming while the others pass round the blossom. When the drum stops, whoever has the flower must do something. The procedures are as follows: Students who get the flower should stand up; Make a brief introduction in English; After that, stand still and close your eyes to say “stop” for the next round.(2) 教师对自己进行一个自我介绍,以此作为模版给学生参照。T: Ss who get the flower should introduce yourselves like this: Hello, boys and girls. Im Linda. I like reading, traveling and music. Im an easy-going girl. I hope everyone would like me.设计意图用学生很熟悉的击鼓传花进行自我介绍的游戏方式作为热身不仅可以很快的引起学生注意,而且在游戏的同时不知不觉的已经进入了本节课的话题。此外这种形式也很好的打消了他们因为彼此互不相识而造成交流上的心理隔阂,为后面的小组活动奠定基础。2. Lead-in教师通过做游戏交朋友的环节自然过渡到让学生谈论为什么人类需要朋友的问题上来,让多个学生分享自己的观点,激发其他学生从不同角度对该问题的思考,并最终对该问题做出总结。T: During the play time, I found some of you were nervous and excited. We played the game to make new friends; that is to say, all of us need friends. So, why do we need friends?T: Just now, different people express their different opinions. From what you said, I made a conclusion about the question:We need friends to tell sad things in our hearts.We need friends to share happiness and secret.We need friends to share our joys and tears. We need friends to support and help us. We need friends to municate with others.We need friends to learn from each other.We need friends to exchange our points of view.We need friends to talk to and listen to us.We need friends to understand us.设计意图以学生自由回答的形式展现问题的答案是促进学生思想碰撞的很好方式,不同学生表述的观点可以激发其余学生多角度的看待该问题。3. Brainstorming(1) 教师在学生讨论完为什么需要朋友的问题后,继续引导学生集体回答什么可以是我们的朋友,对话题进一步深入的探讨。T: Generally speaking, when we talk about friends, it often means a person. But do you think it must be a person? Then what can be our friends? Give us some examples.学生回答完问题后,教师在课件上展现图片,让学生更直观的感受到朋友种类的多样性。(animals, puters, tree holes,)(2) 通过上面的思想碰撞,学生对于朋友的种类有了更广的认识,下面通过更深入的问题,了解个体学生对选择朋友的初步想法。T: If you have got a chance to make a non-human friend, what do you choose? Why?设计意图这个环节中一共设置了两个问题,从全班共同作答到个体回答从形式和内容上采用逐层深入的形式让学生进行回答,符合认知规律中从浅到深,由易到难的规律。Step 3 Reading (13 minutes)1. 教师给学生提供历史背景,让学生充分了解主人公当时所处的环境,理解主人公选择日记作为好朋友的原因和心态。同时课件展示不同版本的“安妮日记”的封面,给学生更直观的视觉冲击。T: Anne was a German-Jewish teenager. During the World War,Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews. So they had to hide, but unluckily Anne was found and killed. Because of the historical background, there were no children around Anne. So she had to make her diary her best friend. Although she has passed away, her best friend still exists.2. 教师设计了几个与课文相关的问题,检验学生通过预习对文章的了解程度。Q1 How many paragraphs are there in the diary? Three paragraphs.Q2 Who is Annes best friend? Her diary, Kitty.Q3 What did Anne talk about with her diary? Her deepest thoughts and feelings about nature.Q4 Why did Anne make her diary her best friend? She thought her diary could keep her secrets.设计意图历史背景知识的丰富有助于学生对主人公在日记中所表达的情感的理解,而通过回答问题教师也可以检查学生的预习工作是否到位,这两者都对后面的文学鉴赏有较好的铺垫和促进作用。3. 教师引导学生找出给自己留下深刻印象的好词好句,并以自己的情感朗诵出来,这是本节课的创新环节。通过带有情感的朗读,学会欣赏,激发兴趣。培养学生从赏析的角度提高阅读技能,并让高一学生对文字鉴赏有一个初步的体验。T: While reading the diary, there are some words and sentences which move me deeply. Im sure you have the same feeling as me. Please try to find the words or sentences that can touch your hearts, then tell us the reason, and at last read them out with your own feelings. Here are the words that can help you describe your feelings:relaxed, nervous, glad, angry, sad, worried, upset, wonderful, scared
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