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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Travelling abroad第4课时同步检测 新人教版选修7.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1The railway line runs parallel_the highway.Ato BinCagainst Dfor答案:A本题题意:铁路线和那条公路平行。run parallel to/with表示“与平行”。2With so much work unfinished, he realized that a picnic out this weekend was pletely_.Aout of question Bout of the questionCout of order Dout of date答案:B本题题意:他还有很多工作没有做完,意识到周末想出去野餐是完全不可能的了。out of the question“不可能的”,符合题意。out of question“没问题”;out of order“无秩序的;混乱的”;out of date“过时的”。3They used to travel a lot. But after they got married, they settled_this beautiful city.Aup BdownCfor Din答案:D本题题意:他们过去经常旅行,但结婚后他们在这座美丽的城市安顿了下来。settle in“安顿下来”,后跟表地点或工作的名词,符合题意。settle up“付清;结清”;settle down“定居下来”,其后不能直接跟名词;settle for“勉强认可”。4Although there are still_natural resources in some areas, we should protect them from now on.Aapparent BabstractCabundant Dabnormal答案:C本题题意:虽然许多地区仍然有丰富的自然资源,我们也应从现在开始保护它们。abundant“丰富的;充裕的”,符合题意。apparent“显然的;明显的”;abstract“抽象的”;abnormal“不正常的;反常的”。5(xx全国)The puter was used in teaching. As a result, not only_, but students became more interested in the lessons.Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachers energy答案:B本题题意:计算机应用于教学活动中。结果,不仅教师节省了精力,学生对课程也更感兴趣了。在not only.but also.句型中要使用部分倒装,而且只倒装not only后的分句。6(xx陕西)Elizabeth has already achieved success_her wildest dreams.Aat BbeyondCwithin Dupon答案:B本题题意:伊丽莎白做梦也没有想到会成功。beyond ones wildest dreams为固定搭配,意为“做梦都没想到,远远出乎意料;大大超出希望”。7(xx辽宁)I like Mr. Miners speech; it was clear and_the point.Aat BonCto Dof答案:C本题题意:我喜欢Miner先生的演讲,比较清楚、中肯。at the point在某一时刻或地点;on the point of就要之时,正要之际;to the point中肯,切中要害。8(xx北京)Ill give you my friends home address,_I can be reached most evenings.Awhich BwhenCwhom Dwhere答案:D本题题意:我把我朋友家的地址给你,大多数晚上你都可以在那里找到我。本句中my friends home address为先行词,将先行词放到从句中可以确定其充当从句的地点状语,故须用关系副词where。9(xx福建)By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,_appeared a rare rainbow soon.Aof which Bon whichCfrom which Dabove which答案:D本题题意:到九点为止,所有的奥运火炬手都到达了珠穆朗玛峰峰顶,很快一道奇特的彩虹显现在山的上方。从题意可知,rainbow应显现在山顶上方,故用介词above。B项的on不对,on表示“在上面”,往往和所指物体表面接触,above指在某物的上方。10(xx福建)Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting._.AI practice every dayBThank you very muchCNo, I dont think soDWell, its not good enough答案:B本题题意:“我非常欣赏你的书法。”“非常感谢。”回答对方的赞扬,采用Thank you(very much)或Thanks。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中(120)所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Growing up for me was a challenge. I_1_at primary school and was always asked by my teacher to sit at the_2_of the class because I was a dullard(笨蛋)I kept_3_things; I forgot nursery rhymes and spellings. I was the_4_of class jokes and I was all alone and_5_. I hated school, but my dad would hear_6_of it. He kept telling me I was a_7_, if I believed it.A_8_around came one day when I remembered the_9_of the word“Cognoscenti”; a word all the other“bright students”had forgotten how to spell_10_they spent their free time making fun of me. I wasnt asked to spell,_11_I raised up my hands. So I stood up and went to the front of class,_12_23 pairs of eyes piercing me like darts(标枪). My teacher grabbed her cane, ready to hit me if Id_13_. I wrote the letters, spelt the word and became an instant champion. Afterwards, I_14_and won, for my school, five Spelling Bee championships.Secondary school had its own_15_of challenges. I was a tall kid and wasnt good at any_16_, except looking. I loved basketball and lawn tennis. The first day I held a bat, I was disgraced by my opponent(对手). He_17_six straight sets without sweat and there I was, sweating like Id run a marathon, whereas I hadnt even_18_a single point. My dads words kept_19_in my ears“Stanley, youre a champion if you believe it.”Believe it! I did, because I wasnt only good at lawn tennis and basketball. I was an allround athlete and_20_won both athletic and academic scholarships to college.文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。作者天生愚笨,在学校中受到歧视和嘲笑,但父亲鼓励他:只要你相信自己,你就会成为冠军。作者相信了父亲的话,在学习上和体育比赛中都获得了冠军。1A.turned out Bworked outCdropped out Dstarted out答案:D根据语境,此处作者介绍自己刚开始上学时的情况,因此用start out。C项意思是“辍学”,与后文不符。2A.front BbackCside Dcorner答案:B由“because I was a dullard(笨蛋)”和下文的作者经常受到同学们的嘲笑可知,此处应是坐在教室的后排。后文“So I stood up and went to the front of class”也有提示。3A.forgetting BleavingCrepeating Dabusing答案:A根据下文提示,作者忘记了儿歌和拼写,因此此处是说作者记忆力不好,老忘事。其他动词不符合逻辑。4A.cause BinventorCobject Dstick答案:C从下文作者不愿意上学可知,此处是说他是同学们嘲笑的对象(object)。5A.rootless BhomelessCcareless Dfriendless答案:D从上文作者叙述自己孤独可判定答案为D,作者没有朋友。其他选项都不符合逻辑。6A.everything BnoneCall Dnonsense
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