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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 5 Cloning巩固 外研版选修6.单词拼写1As a whole, the medicine seems to have been_(有效的).2She has a great f_ of a snake.3We must c_ the invader from our land.4_(对照) American English with Britain English, you can find some differences.5It t_ me to think of the consequence of your action.6For such a tiny woman she had an _(难以置信的) appetite.7The chairman was quite familiar with the p_ for conducting a meeting.8We need a foreign policy that is more _(灵活的).9The singer was a_ at the piano by his pupil.10Water and salts are _(吸收) into our bloodstream.答案:1.beneficial2.fear3.chase4.Contrasting5.terrified6.incredible7.procedure8.flexible9.acpanied10.absorbed.完成句子1整个城市都在敌人的控制之中。All the city was _the enemy.2当他走在大街上的时候,被一个醉酒司机驾车撞倒了。When he was walking along the street,_ by a car driven by a drunk driver.3你放心好了,他会来接见你的。You may _ that he will e to meet you.4据报道两国的和谈破裂了,没有达成任何协议。News reports say peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached.5父母常常把我当小孩来看,这是我难以忍受的。My parents often _, which I cant bear.6汤姆一定是错拿了你的字典。Tom must have taken your dictionary _.7几天辛苦的工作之后,她累倒在床上。She _after several days hard work.8在消防员到达之前,大火就燃尽了。The fire _before the firefighters arrived.答案:1.under the control of 2.he was knocked down3.rely on it4.have broken down5.treat me as a baby6.by mistake7threw herself on the bed 8.had burned out.句型训练1用所给词的适当形式填空(1)I wish I _(see) you when I was badly in need of your help.(2)I wish I _(know) what is going to happen.(3)I wish I _(fly) like a bird.(4)They _ (leave) for the station when they heard a warning on the radio that all trains were delayed by the fog.2句型转换(1)We returned home before dark and we felt tired and hungry.We returned home before dark, _ _ _.(2)We all agree that the harder you work, the more progress you will make._ _ _ _ the harder you work, the more progress you will make.(3)If I am invited, I will go to his birthday party._ _ , I will go to his birthday party.答案:1.(1)had seen(2)knew(3)could fly(4)were leaving2.(1)tired and hungry(2)It is agreed that(3)If invited.话题写作先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一段小短文。1克隆是利用来自单一“父母”的DNA创造细胞或整个动物的过程。2在1997年,科学家成功地克隆了哺乳类动物。3一些科学家想用克隆动物的方法,来为人类制造人类使用的皮肤、器官与其他的身体构造。4克隆人类细胞有可能会找到治愈疾病的疗法并消灭疾病。5但是克隆技术仍然处在初级阶段,还有很多科学家不明白的地方。6许多人担心克隆会对社会带来的影响。在许多国家中,法律禁止克隆人类。_答案:Cloning is the process of the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA from a single “parent”. Scientists successfully cloned the first mammal in 1997. Some scientists want to apply the methods used in cloning animals to producing skin, organs and other body parts for humans. The cloning of human cells provides the potential to find cures and wipe out diseases. But the technology of cloning is still in its very early stages and there is much that scientists do not understand. Whats more, many people fear the effects cloning could have on our society. So in many countries, human cloning is banned by law.
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