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2019-2020年高中英语Module3Literature单元加餐练一-二外研版.完形填空Human beings are often asking the question about their future. Many experts have predicted what will happen in the century _1_. George Friedman, founder and chief executive officer of Stratfor, has _2_ some startling predictions. In his new book, The Next 100 Years, Friedman provides a look at _3_ he believes the world will change over the course of this century.One of the major issues _4_ around the world these days is the challenge of feeding a growing population. But George Friedman believes this concern will be swept aside by the _5_ of declining birth rates coupled with the aging of the largest segment (部分) of the current _6_.And when it _7_ climate change, a very real problem, in his opinion, he sees a clean energy future provided by giant solar arrays in nearend orbit.“In space you have plenty of room to put solar collectors and your only problem is beaming it back to _8_ and there are two ways to do that, one is by cable and _9_ is by microwave radiation,” Friedman said.Friedmans book also contains a number of surprising political _10_. He says Poland and Turkey will emerge as major powers and that by the end of this century _11_ will challenge the United States for dominance in North America.He says US irritation over illegal immigration and drug smuggling and Mexican resentment (愤恨) of US dominance will _12_ grow stronger, _13_ the two countries have strong trade relations.By midcentury, Friedman says _14_ is likely to be a world war involving weapons based in _15_ and that Japan may launch a surprise attack on orbiting US battle platforms from bases on the moon, in a sort of “Star Wars” version of the Japanese _16_ on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor in 1941.George Friedman is the first to admit he has no crystal ball and _17_ he could be wrong on how _18_ will unfold, but he says final judgment _19_ his forecasts can only e from those who will be _20_ 100 years from now.语篇解读:未来一百年世界将会是什么样子,世界局势有哪些变化呢?乔治弗莱德曼在他的未来百年中做了预测。不过他的预言是否正确,只能等到一百年之后来判定了。1A.beforeBaheadCago Ding解析:选B通览全文可知,本文与未来百年的预言有关,ahead可以表示将来时间,而before, ago均表示过去,ing修饰名词时应置于其前。故选B项。2A.made BproducedCcreated Dcontributed解析:选Amake predictions“做出预言”。produce“生产(产品)”;create“创造(前所未有的东西)”;contribute“贡献,捐献”。根据题意可知,B、C、D三项均不符。3A.what BhowCwhich Dthat解析:选B在该书中,弗莱德曼向世人展示了在未来一个世纪世界将如何变化。下文就世界变化的趋势做了分析,因此how符合题意。4A.changed BdoneCdiscussed Dfinished解析:选C现在世人讨论的主要问题是如何养活不断增长的人口。5A.concern BfactCproblem Dchallenge解析:选D弗莱德曼认为这种关注将被人口出生率下降的挑战所取代。concern与about搭配,fact与problem不足以描述问题的严重性。6A.situation BworldCprediction Dpopulation解析:选D由上文的a growing population可知,本段在讨论人口问题,这里说的是很大一部分人口的老龄化同样是未来百年人类面临的挑战。7A.turns to Bkeeps toCes to Dlinks to解析:选C有关气候变化问题。e to“涉及,论及”;turn to“转向”;keep to“遵守”;link to“联系”均与题意无关,予以排除。8A.sun BearthCmoon Dspace解析:选B本段介绍了如何利用太阳能的情况。唯一的问题是将阳光反射到地球上。也就是说在地面上接收太阳能,因此A、C、D三项错误。9A.other BanotherCthe other Dthe second解析:选C前文称有两种方法,一种是用光缆,另一种是通过微波辐射。the other“两者中的另一个”。10A.predictions BproblemsCsituations Dchallenges解析:选A本文与百年预言有关,前面讲了有关人口、气候的预言,这里讲关于政治的预言。11A.Poland BMexicoCTurkey Dthe United States解析:选B由常识可知,墨西哥和美国属于北美国家。再根据下一段美国和墨西哥的争端可知,弗莱德曼预测了墨西哥将称雄北美洲的可能。12A.generally BnormallyCproperly Deventually解析:选D墨西哥对美国的霸权的憎恨最终会变得更强烈。13A.in case Beven thoughCas though Das if解析:选B从逻辑关系来看,墨西哥对美国霸权的憎恨与两国间牢固的贸易关系形成了对比,因此用表示转折关系的连词even though“尽管”。in case“以防”,as though和as if都是“好像”的意思,这三项与题意无关。14A.it BthereCthat Done解析:选B弗莱德曼称未来有可能发生世界大战。这是一个there be句型,因此B项正确。A、C、D项都不表示存在。15A.time BspaceCthe space Dthe harbor解析:选B这场战争将动用空间武器。根据后面的“platforms from bases on the moon”可以判断,这将是一场空间大战。16A.war BfightCbattle Dattack解析:选D在某种意义上很像星球大战版的1941年日本偷袭美国珍珠港军舰。根据前一句的attack暗示,应选D项。17A./ BthatCwhether Dif解析:选B这里是admit的两个宾语从句。第二个宾语从句的连词不可省略。admit后接的句子没有疑问或否定意义,因此不用whether或if。18A.business BaffairsCmatters Devents解析:选D本文是对未来世纪大事件的预测。而business“商务”,affairs“政务”,matters“琐事”均不符合题意。故选D项。19A.about BonCto Dfor解析:选Bfinal judgment on“对做出最终判决”。但他说对他的预言能够做出最终评判的只能是那些一百年之后还活着的人了。20A.live BaliveCavailable Ddead解析:选B只有活着的人才可以对弗莱德曼的预言做出评判,因此B项正确。.阅读理解Robert Munsch is an American born Canadian author of childrens books. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1945. After graduation, Munsch at first wanted to bee a priest (牧师) but then he changed his career path towards writing stories for children. He started off with working at day care centers. In 1975 he decided to move back to Canada. There he worked in the preschool at the University of Guelph in Ontario. He also lectured and then became an assistant professor there in the Department of Family Studies.Robert Munsch is all about storytelling and that is something he loves most. His illustrative (解说的) style of telling his story attracted the attention of hi
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