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2019-2020年高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit14Zoology单元要点Word study1. bee 2.transparent 3.dot4.surrounding 5.troop 6.assumption 7.beyond 8.semicicle 9.apparent 10.sideways11.astonishing12.maximum13.precise 14.adequate 15.clarify16.upward 17.disgusting 18.psychology19.changeable 20.adaptation 21.stripe22.zebra 23.camel 24.primitive25.missile 26.walnut 27.session1. 蜜蜂2.透明的3.小圆点4.周围附近的 5.群,(pl)部队6.假设7.远于,超出8.半圆形9.明显的10.斜着11.惊人的12.最大13.精确14.足够的15.澄清16.向上的17.讨厌的18.心理学19.易变20.适应21.条纹22.斑马23.骆驼24.原始的25.导弹26.胡桃27.一段时间,学年Usefulexpressions1.get hold of2.tellapart3.over and over again4e to light 5.as a matter of1.抓住2.分辨,区别3.一再,反复4.显露,为人所知5.事实上,说真的SentencePatterns &municativeEnglishDebating (辩论)1. Opening statement l Background information l Topicl Opinion: We think thatbecauseand2. First argumentl Explain and support the first reason3. Sencond argumentl Explain and support the second reason4. Questionsl Ask the other team questions5. Closing statementl Summarize your argumentl Restate your opinionGrammer复习情态动词表推测的用法:(must can could may might)1. When you are very sure of something, you use must in positive sentences and cannot or couldnt in negative sentences.2. When you are quite sure about something, you use can.3. When you think that something is possible, but you are not very sure, you use could, may or might.Topics &Writing1. Talk about prepare for tests: .Plan ahead .Keep track.Be smart .Use your brain power2.Writing a short essay in which you state and support your opinion. 背景知识Do Animals municate? When we think of munication, we normally think of using words-talking face-to-face, writing messages and so on. But in fact we municate far more in other ways. Our eyes and facial expressions usually tell the truth even when our words do not. Then there are gestures, often unconscious: raising the eyebrows, rubbing the nose, shrugging the shoulders, tapping the fingers, nodding and shaking the head.There is also the even more subtle body-language language “of posture: are you sitting-or standing-with arms or legs crossed? Is that person standing with hands in pockets, held in front of the body or hidden behind? Even the way we dress and the colures we wear municate things to others. So, do animals municate? Not in words, although a parrot might be trained to repeat words and phrases which it doesnt understand. But, as we have learnt, there is more to munication than words.Take dogs for example. They bare their teeth to warn, wag their tails to wele and stand firm, with hair erect, to challenge. These signals are surely the equivalent of the human body language of facial expression, gesture and posture. Colour can be an important means of munication for animals. Many birds and fish change colour, for example, to attract partners during the mating season. And mating itself is monly preceded by a special dance in which both partners participate.细说教材Warming up A small animal that helps the police get hold of thieves. 一种能帮助警察捉贼的动物。 【点拨】get hold of = take/catch hold of 意思是“抓住”;“获得”e.g. He took hold of the rope and pulled. 他抓住绳子用力拉。 I got hold of the sack and lifted it. 我抓住包,把它举了起来。 I need to get hold of some money quickly.hold 还用作动词,意为“握住”“拥有”“容纳”“使保持”“持观点”等e.g. She was holding a book. 她手里拿着一本书。They held their heads up.他们头抬得高高的。She holds that the governments policy is mistaken. 她认为政府的政策错了。其常见短语搭配有: hold a conversation/meeting 进行交谈/开会 hold the line = hold on 别挂电话 hold back 阻止 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸holdoff 使与保持距离 hold over 使延期 An animal that isnt telling the truth. 一种会撒谎的动物。【点拨】tell the truth“说实话”的意思,tell的相关类似短语有: tell a/the lie = tell lies 撒谎 tell a story 讲故事ListeningYou are going to hear an interview with a woman who works in a zoo. 你将听到对一位在动物园工作的妇女的采访报道。【点拨】interview 在这里是名词“采访”的意思,还有“面试”之意。e.g. The film star agreed to give an interview after the wedding. 这位影星同意在婚礼后接受采访。 Shes got an interview for a new job. 她参加了新工作的面试。interview 还有动词用法,是“采访”的意思,要区别与cover的用法。interview 可以用interview sb. 或interview sth.但cover不能用cover sb.只能说cover sth. e.g. A reporter interviewed the prime minister. 一位记者采访了首相。 Shes being interviewed for the job.她正在接受求职面试。 They sent a great many reporters to cover the conference.【点拨】cover除了“采访”的意思外还有“用遮盖;覆盖”“占有(面积);掩饰”“涉及(内容)”等含义。请学习下面例句中cover 一词的各种用法e.g. Since water covers most of the earth, Corsteau knew we should keep the seas clean. 由于水覆盖了地球的大部分,库斯托知道我们应该保持海洋清洁。He tried to cover (up)his mistake. 他想掩盖他的错误。He said he could cover the distance on foot in two hours. 他说这段路程两个小时能走完How many pages hav
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