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2019-2020年中考7-9年级知识点复习词汇拓展1.please (高兴的) pleased (乐事) pleasure2.one (第一) first (一次) once3.friend (友好的) friendly unfriendly(反) friendship(n)4.that (复数) those5.no(反义词) yes6.too (近义词) also/either7.who (宾格) whom (所有格) whose8.teacher (教) teach9.help (有帮助的) helpful10.player (玩;玩耍;演奏) play11.family(n.)families(复数)家庭12.nine(num.)ninth(序数词)nineteen(十九)ninety(九十)11.good (更好的) better (最好的) best well(adv.)12.China (语文;汉语;汉语的;中国的;中国人) Chinese13.always (反义词) never14.two (第二) second (两次) twice15.have (第三人称单数) has16.photo (复数) photos17.color (颜色鲜艳的;丰富多彩的) colorful18.where (处处;到处;各个地方) everywhere19.some (近义词) any20.I (宾格) me (形容词性物主代词) my (名词性物主代词) mine重点短语1.名字:first name 5 .录音机:tape player 2 .铅笔盒;文具盒:pencil box 6.飞机模型:model plane3. 为而感谢你:thank you for4. 学生卡;身份证:ID card7.怎么样?好吗?What about?14.call sb. at号码 拨打电话给某人8.Lost and Found失物招领9 watch TV看电视10 .a photo of my family一张我的全家照11.play puter games打电脑游戏12. in the first photo在第一张照片中13. in the bookcase 在书橱里重点句型1._ _your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗?Yes,it is./ No,it isnt.是的,它是。/ 不,它不是。2. _ _their keys?他们的钥匙在哪儿?They are the table.它们在桌子上面。3. _ _ you?你好吗?_fine. Thanks.我很好。谢谢。4._this _English?这个用英语怎么说?Whats the English for this? 5. _ _ they?他们是谁?10.Here is a photo of my family .这有一张我的全家照。_my grandparents.他们是我的祖父母。6._ _ . _ _ your books?打扰一下,这些是你的书吗?No, they_ .不,不是。7.Please _ _ _6856034.请打电话6856034找我。8._ _ _your help, Anna.安娜,谢谢你帮忙。 _ _.不用谢。9. Have a good day!祝你们过得愉快!11这本词典怎么样? How about this dictionary?第二课时 七年级(上) Unit 5 Unit 9词汇拓展1.take (反义词) bring2.much (更多的) more (最多的) most3.interesting (使感兴趣) interest (感兴趣的) interested4.difficult (名词) difficulty (同义词) hard5.healthy (名词) health (反义词) unhealthy6.relaxing (放松) relax (感到轻松的) relaxed7.have(第三人称单数形式) has8.with (反义词) without9.easy (副词) easily10.tomato (复数) tomatoes22.fat(adj.)thin (adj.反义词) 瘦的24.favorite(adj.)like.best(同义短语)25.art(n.)artist (n.)艺术家11.big (反义词) small12.short (反义词) long/tall13.sell (名词) sale (反义词) buy14.busy (生意;商业) business (反义词) free15.music (音乐家) musician (音乐的) musical16.useful (使用) use (反义词) useless17.science (科学家) scientist18.happy-(幸福地) happily -(幸福)happiness-unhappy/sad(反19.old (反义词) young/new20.woman (复数) women21.really(adv.)real(adj.)真的true (adj.同义词)真的22.buy(v.)buying(现在分词)bought (过去式)购买23.sell(v.)sale (n.)特价销售;出售重点短语1.足球:soccer ball 2.让我们:lets=let us3.校外活动:school trip 4.多大年纪;几岁了:how old5. Have a good time/day!过得愉快!6.玩电脑游戏:play puter games7.课后:after class 8.下周:next week9.艺术节:art festival 10.上美术课:have an art lesson11.在学校:at school 12.水果沙拉:fruit salad13.促销中:on sale 14.乒乓球拍:ping-pong bat15. School trip 学校郊游 16. English test 英语测试17. On weekends 在周末18. Favorite subject最喜爱的学科重点句型1._you_ a basketball?你有篮球吗?Yes, I_ ./ No, I_ .是的,我有。/不,我没有。2.He_ _vegetables.他不喜欢蔬菜。3._ _ you_ _breakfast?你早餐喜欢吃什么?4.I _ _ _ _ fat.我不想变胖。5. _ _ _ this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?_ seven dollars.7美元。6. _ _ _the food.让我们来想想(吃什么)食物吧.11. I dont want to be fat.我不想变胖。7. _ _ your birthday?你的生日是什么时候? _ _ January 5th.1月5日。8. _ _ are you?你几岁了?_eleven.我十一岁。9._your _ _ ?你最喜欢的科目是什么?_ math.数学。10._ _ the girl like history?这个女孩为什么喜欢历史? _she thinks_ interesting.因为她认为它有趣。12. Here you are.给你。第三课时 七年级(下) Unit 1 Unit 6词汇拓展1.sing (歌手;歌唱家) singer (歌曲) song2.speak (演讲) speech spoke(过去式)spoken(过去分词)3.write (作者作家) writerwrote(过式)written(过去分词)4.violin (小提琴家) violinist teach(v.)teacher(n.)教师taught(过去式)5. up(adv.)down(反义词)向下6.tooth (复数) teeth7.usually (通常的;寻常的) usual8.run (现在分词) running (跑步者) runnerran(过去式)9.far (比较级) farther/further (最高级) farthest/furthest (反义词) near 10.village (村民) villager 11.drive (司机) driver12.true (真正;精确地;诚实地) truly (事实;真相) truth leave(v.)left(过去式)13.quiet (安静地) quietly14.dirty (尘埃;灰尘) dirt (反义词:干净的;清洁的) clean15.noisy (噪音) noise (反义词:安静的) quiet16.remember (反义词:忘记) forget17.luck (幸运的) lucky (幸运地) luckily unluckily(反)18.beautiful (名词) beauty(n.)漂亮ugly(反义词)19.south (南方的;南部的;向南的) southern20.danger (危险的) dangerous (反义词:安全的) safe21.sleep (反义词:醒) wake (困倦的) sleepy (困倦的) asleep(adj.)睡着的 .child (复数) children22early(adj.)earlier(比较)earliest(最高)late(反义词.)晚的23new(adj.)old(adj.反义词)旧的young(adj.)年幼的;24many(adj.)more(比较级)most(最高级)25 cross(v.)across(prep.)过;穿过crossing(n.)十字路口重点短语1. be good with.善于应付的2. speak English说英语 tell stories讲故事3.骑自行车:by bike=ride ones bike 4.弹钢琴(吉他):play the piano/guitar5.实现:e tr
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