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.Unit 1 Encyclopaedias一、词汇课文复现二、词汇句型语法知识拓展三、高频词汇inventorincludemusicianwinfind out四、语法专题复合不定代词some any somebody anybody nobody(some和any)被动语态初步认识五、课文重点句型及短语归纳1.encyclopaedian.百科全书2.humanadj.人的3.dinosaurn.恐龙4.Italiann.意大利人,Italyn意大利All roads lead to Rome.(谚)条条大路通罗马;殊途.Rome was not built in a day.(谚)罗马城不是一天建成的;伟业非一日可成When in Rome do as the Romans do.5.inventorn. 发明家6.musiciann. 音乐家7.scientistn.科学家8.bornv. (be born)出生9.countrysiden.乡村; 农村The Italian musician was born in France, and when he was at the age of five, he together with his parents moved to Italy.He liked drawing , playing music and inventing things at school. Hehad many inventions, so he was a famous inventor in the world.10.intelligencen.才智;智慧11.artisticadj. 有艺术天赋的12.abilityn. 才能;能力13.perhapsadv.可能;大概14.inventionn. 发明15.notebookn. 笔记本16.includev. 包括;包含17.evenadv. (强调出乎意料) 甚至18.howeveradv. 然而19.suddenlyadv.突然;忽然20.nobodypron. 没有人21.fossiln. 化石22.winv. (won, won) (在比赛中)获胜,赢23.dollarn.元(美国、加拿大等国货币单位)24.in the countryside在乡村;在农村25.human being人26.die out灭绝;消失27.find out了解(到);弄清28.go for a walk去散步一、词汇课文复现一、课文再现Look it up!Here are two articles from an encyclopaedia.Da Vinci, LeonardoLeonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)was an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist.Da Vinci was born in the countryside. From an early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability.As he grew older, he learnt to do many different things. His paintings are very famous,and one, the Mona Lisa,is perhaps the most famous painting in the world. He also had many inventions. For example, his notebooksincludesome interesting drawings of flying machines. (See Art)DinosaursDinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million years before human begins. They lived everywhere on Earth. Some dinosaurs wereas small aschickens.Others were as big as ten elephants.Some could even fly.Many dinosaurs ate plants. However, some dinosaurs liked to eat meat.Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 million years. Then, suddenly, they all died out. Nobody knows why. However, we can learn about them from their fossils. (See Earth history)查找它这里有来自百科全书的两篇文章。列奥纳多达芬奇列奥纳多达芬奇(1452 - 1519)是意大利画家,发明家,音乐家,工程师和科学家。达芬奇出生在农村。从很小的时候,他表现出极大的智慧和艺术才能。当他长大时,他学会了做很多不同的事情。他的画是非常出名的,其中一个,蒙娜丽莎,也许是世界上最著名的画。他也有很多发明。例如,他的笔记本包括一些有趣的飞行机器的图画。(见艺术) 恐龙恐龙生活在地球上人类6000万多年前。他们生活在地球各个地方。一些恐龙和鸡一样小。其他的有十头大象一样大。一些甚至可以飞。许多恐龙吃植物。然而,一些恐龙喜欢吃肉。恐龙在地球上生活了1.5亿多年。然后,突然,他们都灭绝了。没有人知道为什么。不过,我们可以从化石中了解他们。(见地球历史)P.13 More practiceAustralias big attractionsAustralia is a very big country. It also has many big attractions.The Big BananaThe Big Banana is in Coffs Harbour. It was made in 1964 by John Landy. Landy wanted something to make people come to his fruit shop, so he built the Big Banana. The idea worked. Many people visited his fruit shop and took pictures of the Big Banana. Soon people all over Australia began making big things.The Big MerinoThe Big Merino is in the city of Goulburn. Merinos are a type of sheep. They can live in dry weather. Some places in Australia are very dry, so these sheep are very important to the farmers there. Inside the Big Merino, there is a small museum about the history of wool in Australia.Visitors can also climb up to the Big Merions head and look at the view through its eyes.二、词汇句型语法知识拓展1.painterpaint动词改为名词加上后缀-erteach- teachersing-singerread-readervisit- visitorinvent-inventor有些动词加上-er或者加上-or变为名词多指男性,若指女性加后缀-ressactor- actresswaiter-waitresstailor-tailoressauthor-authoress2.cookn./v.3.I have some questions about dinosaurs.About指代内容比较普遍 ,on 暗指内容是专门的,是学术性的4. There isnt anybody in the room.1)不定代词为单数2)There be这里有5.复合不定代词Is there anything on the blackboard?(P9)Is there anything on the noticeboard? (P9)Is there anybody above the teacher? (P9)Is there anybodyby the window? (P9)Is there anything above the teacher? (P9)Is there anythingunder the teachers desk? (P9)Is there anyonebehind the teacher? (P9)Is there anythingon the bookcase? (P9)Is there anyone next to the piano? (P9)Grammar复合不定代词1、some 和anysome 和any都可以修饰可数名词复数或者不可数名词,表示“一些.”,但是二者在用法上还是有一定的区别的。2、some一般用于肯定句或者表示请、建议并希望得到肯定答复的疑问句中。David has some friends in shanghai.May I have some chicken?Would you like some noodles?3、any一般用于否定句和疑问句中Mary hasnt got any pens.玛丽没有钢笔。(1) Its polite to takeflowers as a gift when you go to visit a friend.A. littleB. any
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