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湖源中小教学设计表 第 一 单元第 一 节_五_年级_英语_备课教学设计 备课人 教学设计个性化补充教学内容Part A Lets learn lets play 教学目标1. Enable the students to master the new words and phrases: Eat breakfast, have English class, eat dinner, go shopping, go swimming, climb mountains, play the piano, visit grandparents, watch videos2. Help the students to tell their timetable of their daily life: I usually get up atI eat breakfast at3. Get the students to say the chant frequently.教学重难点1. New words and new phrases.2. The expression of their daily life.教、学具准备The recorder together with its tape教学过程设计一、 Warm-up and revision1. Free talk: T: What day is it today? S: Its T: What do you do on? S: I often T: What do you do on weekend? I often2. Do a chant.设计说明:通过free-talk和Lets do进行热身活动,活跃英语课堂气氛,又能使学生回忆起五上学过的一些句型和词组,为本堂课的学习做好铺垫。二、 Presentation1. Words Game: (让学生进行类似于扩词的单词练习,既可以复习旧单词,又可以进行单词的头脑风暴练习,让学生有大量的词汇训练,为语言交际打下基础。)2. Look at the form, talk about the form.(课件出示一张表格,让学生根据已有的知识谈论一日三餐的时间,这其中 dinner 和lunch 在以前学生已经接触过,发音也比较简单。重点要强调breakfast 的拼读和发音, 并板书 breakfast, lunch, dinner.)When do you eat breakfast? 然后根据学生已经学过的时间的表达,进一步跟进句型的表达。3. Present the new phrases:Let the Ss look at the picture of Zhang Peng. Talk about Zhang Pengs day.(本着词不离句的原则,通过Zhang Peng 来引出其他几个新词汇的教学。这里重点强调do morning exercises 的发音。)4. Listen and repeat the new phrases.让学生认真跟读录音,模仿录音的发音和语调。然后根据课本的插图,进行句型练习。What do they do every? 在这其中,可以适当知道学生运用第三人称单数进行描述。如: He eats lunch at 12:00. 5. Pair work. Let the Ss ask and answer in pairs.教学过程设计个性化补充When do you ? I usually_at_.让学生从谈论书本到谈论自己的实际生活是语言运用的重要阶段,在这里,老师可以放手让学生自由谈论。学生可以根据自己的知识谈论别的活动,也可以借助板书和书本来帮助巩固。三、 Practice1. Remember the phrases. 2. Listen and fill in the blanks. 让学生根据录音的描述,来完成Lets start 的填空。这里不仅是一个填写时间的训练,更是一个语篇的训练。让学生初步感知如何描述自己的一天。3. Do a chain drill: Eat breakfast 6:30 Have English class 9:10 2:20 3:00 I eat breakfast at I have English at 通过以上的训练,接下来让学生根据实际情况在教师事先准备好的表格中填写,四、 Talk about itGet the students to say something about their weekends. 让学生借助填写好的的表格,来说说自己的一天。通过这样一个相对完整的表述,使学生能灵活运用所学到的语言,提高口头表达能力和语言运用能力.课后反思 湖源中小教学设计表 第 一 单元第 二 节_五_年级_备课教学设计 备课人 教学设计个性化补充教学内容Part A Lets try lets talk lets find out教学目标1. Master the phrases and sentence pattern: When do you?2. The usage of adverbs: often, usually.教学重难点Ask and answer the question about time教、学具准备1. A timetable.2. The recorder together with its tape.教学过程设计一、 Warm-up and revision1. Do a chant.教师播放本单元的chant.让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中开始新课。2. Free talk. What do you do on the weekends? When do you eat breakfast? Do you usually play sports? When do you play sports?教师通过自由谈话拉近了与学生的距离,并有效的复习了上节课的新词组。还通过一系列的对话,让学生巩固了本单元的重点句型。3. Spelling-game. 背单词对高年级学生来说是十分重要的。所以在课堂上可以适当进行这样的训练。简单的单词可以让学生直接拼出,老师或学生板书下来。对于比较难的单词则可以让学生和老师一起拼,老师先说出前面的字母,让学生接下去拼。二、Presentation1.Lets play. (这个游戏有点类似于双簧,一个做动作,一个说。只是说的同学可以增加难度,不光要说出词组,而且还要说一句话:I usually play sports at 3:00.)2.Chain game : 一列同学为一组进行游戏。WhenWhen do you -When do you get up?I usually- I usually get up-I usually get up at 6:30.通过这个练习,可以让学生对句子的结构有更深刻的了解,便于学生掌握,而且可以培养学生的合作意识。 教学过程设计个性化补充3.Pair works.学生可以根据图片的提示,来进行问答。当然对于程度好的同学,可以脱离图片的提示,自由问答。 4.Lets try: Listen and find out. Lets try 不仅是一个听力练习,更是一个巩固单词和感知句型的过程。5.Lets talk.(1)Listen and answer the questions. When does Zhang Peng get up? What about Amy?(让学生初步感知对话,回答问题。)(2)Listen and fill in the blanks. (课件出示一张表格,让学生再次听对话,并完成表格。) AmysWhat to do?When to do?get upeat breakfast 7:00Zhang PengsWhat to do?When to do?get upeat breakfast 7:00( 教师课根据学生的实际情况决定听的遍数,然后一起完成表格。)(3)Listen and read the dialogue. 让学生跟读录音,模仿语音和语调。然后可以让学生进行分角色朗读,对人物的对话内容进一步巩固和记忆。最后可以让学生合起书本,根据课件表格的提示,进行背诵对话。(4)Say something about Amy and Zhang Peng . I am Amy. I usually get up at. I _at _. I am Zhang Peng . I usually get up at. I _at _.( 让学生根据对话内容进行转述,也是高年级学生必须要掌握的一项技能。这里学生可以根据表格来进行第一人称的转述。)6. Get the students to make their own timetables and talk about it. I usually get up atI eat breakfast at I go to school at学生通过谈论AMY 和ZHANG , 接着来谈论自己,可以降低难度。三、 Practice1. Play the tape and get the students to listen and repeat. Get the students to practice the dialogue in pairs. Then ask some students to act it out.2. Listen and find out: Which is Mikes time table?3. Ask and find out your partners timetable.四、ConsolidationGet the students to master the phrases and sentence patterns.课后反思
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