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1CD40LIg 基因修饰骨髓间充质干细胞对异种胰岛移植排斥反应的抑制作用张剑 张琪 张英才 朱焕兵 汪国营 杨扬【摘要 】 【目的 】 探讨白细胞分化抗原 40 配体免疫球蛋白(CD40LIg)基因修饰骨髓间充质干细胞(MSC)对异种胰岛移植排斥反应的抑制作用?【方法】 建立 Wistar-SD 大鼠异种胰岛移植模型,用携带分泌型 CD40LIg 基因的重组腺病毒感染的 MSC 进行干预治疗?取糖尿病大鼠 45 只,随机分为 3 组(每组 15 只):对照组植入胰岛细胞;单纯 MSC 组植入 MSC 和胰岛细胞;基因转染 MSC 组植入CD40LIg 基因转染的 MSC 和胰岛细胞?观察糖尿病大鼠胰岛移植后生存情况?血糖变化和移植物病理形态学改变, 检测移植物 CD40LIg和胰岛素的表达以及移植大鼠细胞因子水平变化?【结果】 糖尿病大鼠血糖平均在移植后 2 d 恢复正常,对照组血糖平均在移植后 7 d 升高,单纯 MSC 组和基因转染 MSC 组血糖分别在 20 d 和 47 d升高?对照组?单纯 MSC 组和基因转染 MSC 组, 移植物存活时间分别为(9.5 3.2)d?(25.2 5.3)d 和(53.6 7.5) d,各组间比较具有显著差异(F=5.362,P 0.05);移植糖尿病大鼠生存时间分别为(24.1 6.8)d?(51.7 7.9)d?(95.2 12.7)d,各组间比较差异具有显著性(F=6.821,P 0.05)?对照组在胰岛移植后 7 d 内,IL-2和 TNF-的水平均急剧上升,IL-4 和 IL-10 的水平较移植前显著下2降(P 0.01)?两个治疗组移植物内均可见成片的胰岛细胞团 ,未见淋巴细胞浸润,转染 MSC 组移植物内可见 CD40LIg 和胰岛素的表达?【结论】 CD40LIg 基因修饰骨髓间充质干细胞可以延长胰岛移植物的存活时间,抑制大鼠异种胰岛移植的排斥反应? 【关键词】 骨髓间充质干细胞; CD40LIg; 胰岛移植; 糖尿病Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the effects of cluster of differentiation 40 ligand immunoglobulin (CD40LIg) modified bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) on the rejection of rat islet xenografts. 【Methods】 The islet xenografts model was established with islet cells of Wistar rat transplant under the left kidney capsule of diabetic SD rat. MSC were infected with the recombinant adenoviruses containing CD40LIg gene as intervention treatment. Forty-five modeled diabetic rats were randomly divided into three groups with 15 in each: only islet cells were transplanted to rats in control group (A), islet cells and MSC were transplanted to rats in MSC group (B) and islet cells and MSC infected with CD40LIg gene were transplanted to rats in transfected MSC group (C). The blood sugar and the survival of transplantation rats and grafts were observed after 3transplantation. The morphological changes of grafts were observed. Expression of CD40LIg and insulin were detected by immunohistochemical staining and cytokines were quantified by ELISA. 【Results】 (1) The blood sugar of transplantation rats decreased to normal level on day 2 after transplantation. The average level blood glucose of control group (A), MSC group (B), transfected MSC group(C) increased on day 7,20,47, after transplantation respectively. (2) The grafts of group A, B, and C survived for (9.5 3.2), (25.2 5.3), and(53.6 7.5) days, respectively. There are significant deviation of the grafts survival among group A, B and C(F=6.821,P 0.05). The survival of transplantation rats were (24.1 6.8),(51.7 7.9),and(95.2 12.7) days in group A, B, and C, respectively. The survival of transplantation rats compared each other were same as the survival of grafts (F=6.821,P 0.05).(3)In group A, Serum IL-2 and TNF- concentration were elevated to a high level within seven days post-transplantation and significantly increased compared with that pre-transplantation(P0.01). Serum IL-4 and IL-10 concentration were significantly decreased compared with that pre-transplantation(P0.01).(4) Hematoxylin-eosin staining of grafts showed islets bolus under the kidney 4capsule of transplantation rats, no inflammatory cell infiltrate and expression of insulin protein at islets in group B and C. The grafts positively stained for CD40LIg in group C. 【Conclusion】 CD40LIg gene modified bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells could prolong the survival time of islet xenografts and inhibit the rejection of islet xenografts.Key words: islet xenografts; diabetes mellitus; bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells; CD40LIg动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)是一种慢性心血管疾病,严重威胁人类健康?尽管动脉粥样硬化是一个多因素参与的复杂病理过程, 但血液中的单核细胞迁移至内皮下分化为巨噬细胞后吞噬脂质,特别是氧化型低密度脂蛋白(oxidized low density lipoprotein, ox-LDL),进而形成泡沫细胞仍然是关键环节?巨噬细胞吞噬脂质主要通过细胞膜上的清道受体(scavenger receptors, SRs)完成? 其中,A 类清道夫受体(scavenger receptor A,SR-A)和 B 型清道夫受体CD36(cluster of differentiation36,CD36)在巨噬细胞摄取各种修饰型低密度脂蛋白(low density lipoprotein,LDL)过程中发挥了重要作用1?近年来研究表明 ,微小 RNA(microRNA) 参与调控了心血管系统的多种功能, 其表达异常与多种心血管疾病的发生和发展密切相关2?MicroRNA-155(miR-155)是一个典型的多功能5microRNA,已有资料表明,miR-155 在免疫反应?炎症? 肿瘤发生等过程中发挥了重要的作用3?最近的研究显示 miR-155 在巨噬细胞泡沫化过程中表达上调4,但其对巨噬细胞泡沫化和动脉粥样硬化形成的作用尚不清楚?本研究探讨了 miR-155 对 THP-1 巨噬细胞泡沫化过程的影响及其可能机制,以评估 miR-155 是否可作为防治动脉粥样硬化的新靶点?1 材料与方法1.1 试剂与仪器人类单核细胞株 THP-1 细胞(中国科学院上海细胞生物学研究所);RPMI1640 细胞培养基 ?胎牛血清? 青/链双抗(GIBCOBRL 公司);佛波酯(PMA)?油红 O?Hoechst33258?蛋白酶抑制剂cocktail(Sigma 公司);SR-A 和 CD36 抗体(R&D 公司);HRP 标记的驴抗山羊 IgG(Santa Cruz 公司);l,l-dioctadecyl-3,3,3,3-tetramethyl-indocarbocyanine perchlorate(DiI)荧光探针(Probe 公司);其余试剂均为进口或国产分析纯产品?CO2 培养箱( 美国 Precision 公司);SW-CJ-IF 超净工作台(江苏苏净集团苏州安泰空气技术有限公司);pH 计(瑞士 Mettler Toledo 公司); 倒置显微镜(重庆光学仪器厂);激光扫描共聚焦显微镜6(日本 Olympus 公司);超速离心机(美国 Beckman 公司); 酶联免疫仪(美国 MJ RESEARCH 公司);小型垂直电泳和电转装置?荧光定量PCR 仪(美国 Bio-Rad 公司)?1.2 Ad-miR-155 和 Ad-anti-miR-155 腺病毒载体构建腺病毒载体的构建参照文献报道的方法5?Ad-miR-155(5-TCGAGCCCCTATCACGATTAGCA TTAATTCAAGAGATTAATGCTAATCGTGATAGGGGA-3)和 Ad-anti-miR-155(5-CTAGTCCCCTATC ACGATTAGCATTAATCTCTTGAATTAATGCTAATCGTGATAGGGGC-3)的制备按照 AdMax(Microbix)和 pSilencerTM adeno 1.0-CMV (Ambion) systems 说明书进行?病毒经 HEK293A 细胞进行包装?扩增后,CsCl 纯化
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