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2019-2020年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHigh测试题2外研版必修一、单项选择( ) 1. They look forward _ a chance to receive further education. A. of getting B. in getting C. to get D. to getting( ) 2. -Would you mind _a try? A. having; Yes, please B. have; No, please C. me have; Yes, please D. my having; No, of course not( ) 3. _it is to throw snowballs at each other on the playground after snow! A. How fun B. What fun C. What a fun D. How funny( ) 4. At about the age of twelve, some girls start feeling _about speaking in front of other people. A. worried B. worrying C. embarrassing D. embarrassed ) 5. I was less than _about the idea of Bobs ing to visit. A. surprised B. enthusiastic C. pleasant D. eager( ) 6. Do you have any _experience of this kind of work? A. following B. previous C. later D. before( ) 7. I opened the letter and it contained _. A. an important information B. important information C. the important informations D. important informations( ) 8. -What does Miss Jones think about it? -She thinks _us. A. different from B. difference from C. differently from D. different between( ) 9. After that, we never saw her again, nor _from her. A. did we hear B. we heard C. had we hear D. we have heard( ) 10. We enjoy _very much, because it is good for our health. A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. to be swimming( ) 11. The book on the table is similar _mine. A. with B. for C. from D. to( ) 12. Would you please _a description _what you have seen? A. give; for B. make; for C. give; of D. make; of( ) 13. The year _four seasons. A. is divided by B. have divided in C. divides into D. is divided into( ) 14. They were very _when they heard the _news that he would e back in two days. A. surprising; surprised B. surprising; surprising C. surprised; surprising D. surprised; surprised( ) 15. People here have a more relaxed _to their work. A. idea B. attitude C. thought D. thinking二、选词/词组填空amazed amazing attitude behaviour prehensiondivided into embarrassed eventually explanation fluentlyin other words looking forward to regularly similar to took part in1. The old man told us _stories about an adventurer.2. We all hoped that an agreement can be reached _.3. She looked _when we asked her about her boyfriend.4. The girl was in America for five years with her parents, so she can speak English very _.5. How she passed the exam after doing so little work is beyond my _.6. Im _invited to give talks about my time in England.7. The headmaster will not stand bad _in class.8. As soon as they found out I was a doctor, they changed their whole _.9. Hed better give a good _for his behaviour.10. We were _at his rapid recovery.11. The two houses are remarkably _each other.12. _, the aim is to avoid losing.13. At college I actively _student activities.14. Im _receiving his letter.15. The problem is _four parts.三、补全对话A从方框中选择句子,完成对话。A. We can see some other things around the United States.B. Ive had such fun here with you. C. I appreciate your help very much.D. Thanks again. E. Im sorry that youve got to leave.F. I hope youll have a safe trio back.W: Its time to go home. I really dont want to leave. (1) _M: Id be glad.W: Thank you so much for taking me to Disneyland. That is wonderful.M: (2) _W: So am I.M: Im really glad that you enjoyed your stay here. Why dont you think about ing back again next year? (3) _W: Id love to do that. Thanks for the invitation.M: Youre wele. (4) _Give a phone call when you get home so that I know youve got there safely.W: I will. (5) _Bye-bye,M: Bye!1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _B填写句子,补全对话。W: This is Pan-American Club. (1) _M: Yes, I hear youll have a lunch meeting on this ing Wednesday. Could you give me some information about that?W: (2) _The guest speaker is Professor Migud Lopez from Guadalajara University, and hell be lecturing on the effect of the oil crisis in Latin America.M: Mmm, that sounds interesting. (3) _W: Lunch will be served at 12:00, and Professor
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