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2019-2020年高中英语Unit23ConflictLesson1Warmup教案北师大版选修8Teaching aims1.learn news words and phrases2.warm-up:listen to the TV news stories and discuss the newspaper headlines about conflict3.text:War Memories. get the general idea of the text4.language points and to practise using vocabulary belonging to the same semantic family.Teaching time Two periodsTeaching processStep 1 RevisionStep 2 new words learningStep 3 Warm-up1.Read unit objectives, and ask the students to tell us the meanings.2.Exercise 1 a) let the students look at the photos and see if they can guess who the people are and what the contexts are. b)play the cassette once and see if they can match the stories and photos.3.Exercise 2 a)let students read out the Key Words first and make sure they know the meaning of the words b)play the tape twice for students to plete the gaps with the key words. c)check their answers and pronunciation by having individuals read out the expressions.4.Exercise 3 a)read out the headlines to the class and check that students understand words like “copycat”. b)read out the two questions and then have two students read out the example conversation c)students work in pairs ,ask them to read the newspaper headlines and discuss answers to the questions.step 4 Reading(lesson 1 War Memories)1.Before you start(exercise 1) a)have students look at the pictures on the page and say what they know about World War I , World War II and the Vietnam War. b)students work in pairs , doing the quiz on Students Book page 102. c)checking their answers, have them give reasons for their choice if they disagree about any of the answers.2.Read to learna) Read out the strategies to the class. Ask students which of these strategies they use, if they have to read a text and answer questions in an exam or within a certain time limit.b) Exercise 2.students then use the strategies to answer the questions in exercises 3,4,5 within a realistic time limit.c) Check their answers3.Language points1. a forty-eight-year-old Vietnamese peasant一个48岁的越南农民。2.Together with other villagers they were marched a few hundred meters into the plaza,.together with adv.和, 加之3Stick up v.竖起, 突起4.throw off v.(从.)扔开, 去掉(伪装), 摆脱掉, 散发出5.stagger out of stagger v.摇晃, 蹒跚, 交错, 摇摇摆摆6.shake hands握手7.strol overstroll n.漫步, 闲逛, 四处流浪 v.闲逛, 漫步, 跋涉于8.trudge through9.by the look of10. fed up with受够了.11.a couple of两个, 几个12.make sure v.确定;确信,证实13.clean up v.打扫干净, 整理, 赚钱, 获利14.happen to be15.blow off v.吹掉, 放出16.wake up v.醒来17e through18. as a token of adv.作为.的标志19.more or less adv.或多或少20.sort of adv.有几分地21.on fire adv.起火, 非常激动22.get through v.到达, 做完, 通过, 度过, 打通step 5 vocabulary: word families(exercise 6)1.read out the example answers to the class.2.let students read the words3.ask students to do the exercise in pairs, then check their answers.Step 6 speaking(exercise 7)1.read out the questions to the class. ask students to think of different war contexts.2.students then form groups of four or five to discuss their own replies to the questions.Step 7 Summary and exercisenew words
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