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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit5 Getting the message(备课资料).异域风情On AdvertisingAdvertising began in the signs that merchants once put over their doors to tell the public,with symbols or pictures,exactly what was for sale inside.Posters,pamphlets and handbills began appearing in England after the invention,in about 1450 of movable types in Germany.The first newspapers appeared in England in the 17th century and in the New World at the beginning of the 18th.Advertising soon became part of these newspapers as it became part of the magazines that followed in the early 19th century.Advertising agencies began to emerge in the United States in the 1840s.They were actually space brokers,selling space in newspapers and magazines.In fact,the generally accepted definition of advertising was “keeping your name before the public”.Modern advertising began in the Chicago agency Lord & Thoms(now Foote,Cone & Belding)in 1904.It was there that Albert Lasker,known as “the father of modern advertising”,and a copywriter named John E.Kennedy coined the definition “Salesmanship”in print.For the first time the idea of persuasion and the parision to the role of a personal salesperson was brought to advertising.This led to further concepts such as the consumer benefit,putting forth not simply a feature of the product but the benefit it would bring to the prospect when used.This redefinition of advertising,along with the introduction of radio in the United States in the 1920s,gave the industry a wave that carried it through the Great Depression and the United States began broadcasting in major cities.This was the start of the big advertising development in which advertising expenditures increased tenfold between 1950 and 1980.知识归纳1.advertising广告advertising是广告的总称,指广告设计或广告行为,无复数形式。advertisement指具体广告,可数或不可数。ad是advertisement的缩写形式,用于口语,是可数名词。广告公词an advertising firm广告节目advertising programme做广告produce/make/put an advertisementThe pany is going to produce/make/put an advertisement for its latest product.这家公司打算为他们的最新产品做广告。advertise(vt. &vi.)意思是“为做广告,登广告”。A pany may advertise its products by means of newspapers,magazines,radios and televisions.公司可以通过报纸、杂志、电台、电视等为他的产品做广告。advertise for意思是“登广告征求,找寻”。登广告找房子、工作advertise for a house/a job登广告出售货物advertise goods for sales2.商标中的英语(Some Brands from Abroad)(1)乐百氏(饮料)Robust(强健的)(2)雪碧(饮料)Sprite(调皮可爱的精灵)(3)和路雪(雪糕)Walls(墙)(4)美登高(雪糕)Meadow gold(牧场的金子)(5)口宝(奶糖)Cow boy(牛仔)(6)安琪儿(自行车)Angel(天使)(7)英克莱(自行车)Incline(倾向)(8)西铁城(手表)Citizen(公民)(9)夏浦(电器)Sharp(锋利的,敏锐的)(10)快克(药物)Quick(快速的)(11)四通(打字机)Stone(石头)(12)昂立(保健药)Only(惟一的)(13)纳爱斯(香皂)Nice(美好的)(14)舒肤佳(香皂)Safeguard(保护)(15)雷达(电蚊香)Raid(袭击)(16)汰渍(洗衣粉)Tide(潮流)(17)乐凯(胶卷)Lucky(幸运的)(18)金利来(领带)Goldlion(金狮子)(19)司麦脱(衬衫)Smart(时髦的)(20)胃康(牙膏)Wele(受欢迎的)3.广告用语(1)keep you healthy all the time(包君健康)(2)quality and quantity assured(保证质量)(3)have a long history in production and marketing(产销历史悠久)(4)fashionable and attractive packages(包装新颖美观)(5)a wide selection of colors and designs(花色繁多)(6)popular at home and abroad(驰名中外)(7)reasonable price(价格合理)(8)fine craftsmanship(技艺精湛)(9)economy and durability(经济耐用)(10)various styles(款式多样)(11)plete range of articles(品种齐全)(12)rank first among similar products(居同类产品之首)(13)with a long standing reputation(久负盛名)(14)catch up with and surpass advanced world level(赶超世界先进水平)(15)a plete range of specifications(规格齐全)(16)fortable and easy to wear(穿着舒适轻便)4.find+宾语+宾补find之后常跟复合结构,这种现象可以归纳如下:(1)find+宾语+名词/代词They find Tom a good student.他们发现汤姆是个好学生。常用于这种结构的动词还有:call,name,make,elect,think,consider,leave等。(2)find+宾语+形容词I hope youll find the book interesting.我希望你会发现这本书很有趣。常用于这一结构的动词有:make,set,get,keep,see,like,leave,dye,cut,paint,drive,beat,prove,wish等。(3)find+宾语+现在分词We found a number of men already working.我们发现很多人已经开始劳动了。常用于这一结构的动词有:see,watch,notice,observe,hear,listen to,look at,keep,have,feel等。(4)find+宾语+过去分词He finds the door closed.他发现门关了。常用于这一结构的动词还有:get,make,have,see,hear等。另外,find+宾语+宾补结构,补语还可为副词、介词短语和带不定式to be的复合结构。I was glad I found you in.我发现你在家,我很高兴。She found her uncle on the point of leaving the museum.她发现她叔叔马上就要离开博物馆了。He found the patient to be a small boy of nine years of age.他发现患者是个九岁的小孩子。以上结构,大多可和从句或别的结构互相转换。They find Jack a clever boy.They find Jack to be a clever boy.They find that Jack is a clever boy.但从句完成时态或从句的谓语含情态动词时则不宜转换。.词语辨析1.in charge of,in the charge of(1)in charge of意思是“(主语)负责”或“管理”,其主语多是表示人的词语,表示主动意义。She is in charge of publishing the book.她负责出版该书。The nurse is in charge of the patients.这位护士负责照顾这些病人。(2)in the charge of意思是“主语由负责/管理”或“在的掌管下”,其主语多是被管理的对象,表示被动意义。相当于in ones charge。All the patients are in the charge of this nurse.所有这些病人全是由这位护士负责照顾。The department is in the charge of Mr Li.这个部门由李先生负责。2.blame,scold(1)blame
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