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一、 单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)1China is planning to build_new station in _ South Pole for scientific research in 51 5 years timeAthe;theBa;theCthe;不填Da;不填2Generally speakingthe air pollution in cities is more serious than_in the countryAonesBoneCthatDthose3ItS surprising that this innocentlooking person should have_such a crimeAperformedBmadeCactedDcommitted4一Which Of the two ties would you like to wear?_You know Im not particular about tiesAAnyBEitherCBothDNeither5一Johnwhy did you make no reply to me when I called you in the street?一Sorry,Jim_to my friend on the phoneAwas talkingBtalkedCam talkingDhad talked6With an examination_,the students felt relaxed and enjoyed themselves the whole nightAto takeBbeing takenCtakingDtaken7In China as well as many other countries around the world,great_have been made to reduce the amount of carbon emissionAaffectsBeffortsCaffordsDeffects8一he managed to get the information?一Oh,a friend of his helped himAWhere waB it thatBWhat wa8 it thatC Hnw was it thatDWho was it that91 wonder what has happened to AnnieShe_have been here by nowAshallBcanCshouldDneed10William Wordsworth is an English_ApoetBnovelistCplaywrightDcritic11Which of the following sounds does“lateral”refer to?AlBwChDj12Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?Ai:BuCeDi13Which of the following activities is NOT suitable for consolidating vocabulary?ALabelingBUsing minimal pairsCOdd man outDWord association14Which of the following statements does NOT belong to learning strategy?AEnrich study by using audiovisual and networkBDesign inquiry1earning activities and adapt learning objectives as neededCConduct self-assessment in learning and adapt learning objectives as neededDWork out stage learning objectives and ways to reach them15In the communicative classroomthese activities,such as role play,problem solving,belong to _.Aprecommunicative activitiesBactivities after communicationCfunctional activitiesDsocial communicative activities16Which of the following activities can help students prepare for spontaneous speech?AReading aloudBGiving a prepared talkCDoing a drillDInterviewing someone,or being interviewed17Which of the following methods(toes not emphasis that teachers should correct studentsmis-takes at any time?AAudio1ingual methodBCognitive methodCCommunicative methodDAudio-visual method18What aspects should be emphasized in classroom teaching in the view of the scholars who advo-cate situational method?ASpoken language is the first;it is the base of written languageBWritten language is the first;it is the base of spoken languageCWritten language and spoken language ale of the 8anle importanceDWritten language and spoken language are not of the same importance19The teachers should use_materials as much as possible in teaching,which is one of the characteristics in communicative methodArightBtrueCforeignDnative20When a teacher hopes students to do exercise of a sentence pattern-Is it+adj(colour)?HeShe would say,“I think of a colour ball,do you want to know its colour?”The students would ask:“Is it whiteyellowblackgreen?”and so onThis way possesses some characteristics of communicative activities,which are superior to sentence exercises of audio-lingual method,this is because_Athere is information-gap between dialoguesBthe responder has freedom of choiceCthe questioner gets others feedbackDthe responder knows what the questioner saying二、 请阅读Passage One,完成第2125小题。Passage OneSeveral decades ago,the US sociologists went so far as to develop a series of universal facial images supposed to represent the seven basic human emotions:happiness,sadness,surprise,fear,dis-gust,anger and neutralityBut now,a new study by rcsear(hers at the University of Glasgow indicatesthat these standardized facial images arent so universal after allFor the study,the Scottish researchers found 1 3 Western Caucasians(mainly Europeans)and 1 3 East Asians(mostly Chinese students)The volunteers wel e shown the standardized facial images and asked to identify the emotions being expressedAt the same time,the researchers electronically monitored the eye movements of the volunteersAccording to the results,published in the journal Current Biology,the Asian participants had a harder time than the Caucasians telling the difference between a face meant to look fearful compared with one showing surprise,and a face supposedly expressing disgust compared with one displaying anger“This strongly suggests
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